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We consider a firm which faces a Poisson customer demand and uses a base‐stock policy to replenish its inventories from an outside supplier with a fixed lead time. The firm can use a preorder strategy which allows the customers to place their orders before their actual need. The time from a customer's order until the date a product is actually needed is called commitment lead time. The firm pays a commitment cost which is strictly increasing and convex in the length of the commitment lead time. For such a system, we prove the optimality of bang‐bang and all‐or‐nothing policies for the commitment lead time and the base‐stock policy, respectively. We study the case where the commitment cost is linear in the length of the commitment lead time in detail. We show that there exists a unit commitment cost threshold which dictates the optimality of either a buy‐to‐order (BTO) or a buy‐to‐stock strategy. The unit commitment cost threshold is increasing in the unit holding and backordering costs and decreasing in the mean lead time demand. We determine the conditions on the unit commitment cost for profitability of the BTO strategy and study the case with a compound Poisson customer demand.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Die Faszination des Verrats: Eine Studie zur Dekadenz im Ost‐West Konflikt. By Thomas Noetzel. Hamburg, Junius (1989) DM48.

Les Nations Armées. By Maurice Faivre (Preface by Pierre Messmer), Paris FEDN/Economica (1988).

Insurgency and Terrorism: Inside Modern Revolutionary Warfare. By Bard E. O'Neill, Brassey's (US), Washington, DC (1990), $19.00.

LIC 2010: Special Operations and Unconventional Warfare in the Next Century. By Rod Paschall, Brassey's (US), Washington, DC, $24.00.

Air Power and Colonial Conflict: The Royal Air Force 1919–1939. By D. E. Omissi, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York (1990), ISBN 0–7190–2960–0. £35.00.

Key to the Sinai: The Battles for Abu Ageila in the 1956 and 1967 Arab‐Israeli Wars. By George W. Gawrych. Combat Studies Institute Research Survey No. 7, US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1990. $8.00.

Arms Export Regulations. Edited by Ian Anthony. SIPRI/Oxford University Press, Oxford (1991), ISBN 0–19–829158–2, £25.00.  相似文献   

Kharakter Operatsii Sovremennykh Armii (character of modern army operations). By Vladimir Kiriakovich Triandafillov. Moscow (1948)  相似文献   
This paper deals with a repair shop with multiple parallel servers, which has to carry out planned overhauls. Each overhaul consists of a large number of maintenance jobs. The overhaul process is interrupted by randomly arriving emergency jobs. To control the delivery performance of the overhauls, knowledge about the overhaul makespan distribution should be available. Using a 2‐dimensional Markov model, we derive the first and second moment of the overhaul makespan analytically for the case that the repair times of all overhaul jobs are identically and exponentially distributed. For the case of nonidentical repair time distributions, an approximation is presented. Simulation shows that the makespan distribution fitted on these moments gives an excellent approximation. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 281–282, 2001  相似文献   
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