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The purpose of this paper and the accompanying tables is to facilitate the calculation of constrained optimum order quantities and reorder points for an inventory control system where the criterion of optimality is the minimization of expected inventory holding, ordering, and time-weighted backorder costs. The tables provided in the paper allow the identification of the optimal solution when order quantities and/or reorder points are restricted to a set of values which do not include the unconstrained optimal solution.  相似文献   
Component grouping problems, a type of set-partitioning problem, arise in a number of different manufacturing and material logistics application areas. For example, in circuit board assembly, robotic work cells can be used to insert components onto a number of different types of circuit boards. Each type of circuit board requires particular components, with some components appearing on more than one type. The problem is to decide which components should be assigned to each work cell in order to minimize the number of visits by circuit boards to work cells. We describe two new heuristics for this problem, based on so-called greedy random adaptive search procedures (GRASP). With GRASP, a local search technique is replicated many times with different starting points. The starting points are determined by a greedy procedure with a probabilistic aspect. The best result is then kept as the solution. Computational experiments on problems based on data from actual manufacturing processes indicate that these GRASP methods outperform, both in speed and in solution quality, an earlier, network-flow-based heuristic. We also describe techniques for generating lower bounds for the component grouping problem, based on the combinatorial structure of a problem instance. The lower bounds for our real-world test problems averaged within 7%-8% of the heuristic solutions. Similar results are obtained for larger, randomly generated problems. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   
The damaging economic effects of the debt crises on Africa in the late 1980s encouraged considerable research on the determinants of external debt in developing economies. Although sub-Saharan Africa's (SSA) debt was cut by two-thirds by 2008, through two debt relief programmes, debt in the region has since been rising at an increasingly rapid pace. This study provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of external debt in SSA over the period 1960–2016, using dynamic panel methods. It also considers two potentially important factors that have received relatively little attention. One is military spending, rarely considered, despite a number of well-publicised scandals over the procurement of unnecessary and expensive high-tech weapons systems. A second, is the possibility that the countries studied have been involved in conflict. The empirical results point to a positive impact of military spending on external debt, but with some evidence of heterogeneity across the countries. Furthermore, findings indicate that the positive effect of military expenditure on debt becomes more marked in countries that have been affected by conflict. These results imply that policies to improve security and reduce military spending could be beneficial in reducing external debt and, potentially, improving economic performance in the region.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a sharp growth in political and sociological interest in the British military. Set against the backdrop of the armed forces’ increasing presence in everyday life, alongside the organizations’ ongoing restructuring, the current paper focuses on the MoD’s problematic attempts to recruit 30,000 reservists by 2020; what has become known as the Future Reserves 2020 programme (FR2020). We argue that these changes are driven in part by the need to cut costs in defence. However, we also suggest that they are a reflection of the changing nature of modern military organisation, and the manner in which armed forces engage with the societies of which they are a part, and with the citizens that make up that society. We locate FR2020 programme in the context of a wider narrative about the changing nature of military organisation in contemporary western democracies, identifying structural, circumstantial and normative reasons for change. We also examine the specific challenges of implementing FR2020 in practice, including issues of recruitment and retention, integration and support, and relations with families and employers, drawing on the experience of comparator countries to do so. We conclude by considering the implications of these changes, both for the future of UK armed forces, and for the evolving nature of military-society relations in Britain.  相似文献   
The optimization problem as formulated in the METRIC model takes the form of minimizing the expected number of total system backorders in a two-echelon inventory system subject to a budget constraint. The system contains recoverable items – items subject to repair when they fail. To solve this problem, one needs to find the optimal Lagrangian multiplier associated with the given budget constraint. For any large-scale inventory system, this task is computationally not trivial. Fox and Landi proposed one method that was a significant improvement over the original METRIC algorithm. In this report we first develop a method for estimating the value of the optimal Lagrangian multiplier used in the Fox-Landi algorithm, present alternative ways for determining stock levels, and compare these proposed approaches with the Fox-Landi algorithm, using two hypothetical inventory systems – one having 3 bases and 75 items, the other 5 bases and 125 items. The comparison shows that the computational time can be reduced by nearly 50 percent. Another factor that contributes to the higher requirement for computational time in obtaining the solution to two-echelon inventory systems is that it has to allocate stock optimally to the depot as well as to bases for a given total-system stock level. This essentially requires the evaluation of every possible combination of depot and base stock levels – a time-consuming process for many practical inventory problems with a sizable system stock level. This report also suggests a simple approximation method for estimating the optimal depot stock level. When this method was applied to the same two hypotetical inventory systems indicated above, it was found that the estimate of optimal depot stock is quite close to the optimal value in all cases. Furthermore, the increase in expected system backorders using the estimated depot stock levels rather than the optimal levels is generally small.  相似文献   
Inventory systems with returns are systems in which there are units returned in a repairable state, as well as demands for units in a serviceable state, where the return and demand processes are independent. We begin by examining the control of a single item at a single location in which the stationary return rate is less than the stationary demand rate. This necessitates an occasional procurement of units from an outside source. We present a cost model of this system, which we assume is managed under a continuous review procurement policy, and develop a solution method for finding the policy parameter values. The key to the analysis is the use of a normally distributed random variable to approximate the steady-state distribution of net inventory. Next, we study a single item, two echelon system in which a warehouse (the upper echelon) supports N(N ? 1) retailers (the lower echelon). In this case, customers return units in a repairable state as well as demand units in a serviceable state at the retailer level only. We assume the constant system return rate is less than the constant system demand rate so that a procurement is required at certain times from an outside supplier. We develop a cost model of this two echelon system assuming that each location follows a continuous review procurement policy. We also present an algorithm for finding the policy parameter values at each location that is based on the method used to solve the single location problem.  相似文献   
An allocation problem is considered in lvhich different kinds of resources must be allocated to various activities, within a given time period. The opportunities for allo'cation appear randomly during this period. Certain assumptions about the values of possible allocations and the distribution of occurrences of opportunities lead to a dynamic programming formulation of the problem. This leads to a system of ordinary differential equations which are (in theory) solvable recursively, and can be solved numerically to any desired degree of precision. An example is given for the allocation of aircraft-carried weapons to targets of opportunity.  相似文献   
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