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The effects of environmental stochasticity in a Lanchester-type model of combat are investigated. The methodology is based on a study of stochastic differential equations with random parameters characterized by dichotomous Markov processes. Exact expressions for the Laplace transforms of the time evolution of the first- and second-order moments of the system are obtained. A special case when the fluctuations in the parameters occur with great rapidity in comparison with the natural time scale of the system is also analyzed. The stochastic stability in the mean-square sense is discussed by using the Routh–Hurwitz criterion and it is found that the stochastic perturbations tend to destabilize the system.  相似文献   
Suppose X is a random variable having an absolutely continuous distribution function F(x). We assume that F(x) has the Wald distribution. A relation between the probability density function of X−1 with that of X is used to characterize the Wald distribution.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method of solving aircraft service life problems. The particular application concerns aircraft in the Naval Advanced Jet Training Command. The method of solution is comparative present value analysis of alternative replacement policies. The likely risks of estimation errors are reflected in the comparisons of present values. Differences are noted in the benefits associated with each policy, but external to Naval Aviation. Since the values of these benefits can be determined only at a higher level of decision-making, the result of the study is not a conclusive selection among policies, but a schedule of present values on the basis of which, together with values of the external benefits, a decision can be reached. This paper discusses replacement policies for aircraft used in the Naval Advanced Jet Pilot Training mission. Taking engineering technology and the training syllabus as given, four feasible plans for introducing replacement aircraft into service are evaluated in terms of the present values of differential costs associated with the plans and in terms of the likely errors in cost estimates used in calculation of the present values. The trade-off between present value of costs and planning flexibility is emphasized in choosing a recommended time pattern of aircraft replacement. The specific aircraft mixes considered are the TF–9J/TAF–9J and the TA–4F/A–4B. The first is the currently employed mix; the second is the proposed replacement. The problem is to select an optimal time-pattern of replacement of F–9's by A–4's, given technological differences favoring the A–4 and increasing costs of maintaining squadrons of F–9's. Replacements by aircraft types other than the A–4 are considered impractical. Four feasible plans for introducing A–4's through a 5-year period are evaluated in terms of current best estimates of the related costs of the plans and in terms of the flexibility of modifying each plan given future better information concerning the relevant costs. The method of analysis is comparative present value of expected costs.  相似文献   
An allocation problem is considered in lvhich different kinds of resources must be allocated to various activities, within a given time period. The opportunities for allo'cation appear randomly during this period. Certain assumptions about the values of possible allocations and the distribution of occurrences of opportunities lead to a dynamic programming formulation of the problem. This leads to a system of ordinary differential equations which are (in theory) solvable recursively, and can be solved numerically to any desired degree of precision. An example is given for the allocation of aircraft-carried weapons to targets of opportunity.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to resolve the existing confusion concerning missing operations. Scheduling problems are classified in two groups: (i) null-continuous (NC)—comprising the problems where an optimal schedule remains optimal on replacement of arbitrarily small processing times (existing operations) with zeros (missing operations); (ii) null-discontinuous (NDC)—comprising those problems which are not null-continuous.  相似文献   
A search is conducted for a target moving in discrete time among a finite number of cells according to a known Markov process. The searcher must choose one cell in which to search in each time period. The set of cells available for search depends upon the cell chosen in the last time period. The problem is to find a search path, i.e., a sequence of search cells, that either maximizes the probability of detection or minimizes the mean number of time periods required for detection. The search problem is modelled as a partially observable Markov decision process and several approximate solutions procedures are proposed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article details several procedures for using path control variates to improve the accuracy of simulation-based point and confidence-interval estimators of the mean completion time of a stochastic activity network (SAN). Because each path control variate is the duration of the corresponding directed path in the network from the source to the sink, the vector of selected path controls has both a known mean and a known covariance matrix. This information is incorporated into estimation procedures for both normal and nonnormal responses. To evaluate the performance of these procedures experimentally, we examine the bias, variance, and mean square error of the controlled point estimators as well as the average half-length and coverage probability of the corresponding confidence-interval estimators for a set of SANs in which the following characteristics are systematically varied: (a) the size of the network (number of nodes and arcs); (b) the topology of the network; (c) the percentage of activities with exponentially distributed durations; and (d) the relative dominance of the critical path. The experimental results show that although large improvements in accuracy can be achieved with some of these procedures, the confidence-interval estimators for normal responses may suffer serious loss of coverage probability in some applications.  相似文献   
Cumulative search-evasion games (CSEGs) are two-person zero-sum search-evasion games where play proceeds throughout some specified period without interim feedback to either of the two players. Each player moves according to a preselected plan. If (Xt, Yt,) are the positions of the two players at time t, then the game's payoff is the sum over t from 1 to T of A(Xt, Yt, t). Additionally, all paths must be “connected.” That is, the finite set of positions available for a player in any time period depends on the position selected by that player in the previous time period. One player attempts to select a mixed strategy over the feasible T-time period paths to maximize the expected payoff. The other minimizes. Two solution procedures are given. One uses the Brown-Robinson method of fictitious play and the other linear programming. An example problem is solved using both procedures.  相似文献   
Let p(⩾0.5) denote the probability that team A beats B in a single game. The series continues until either A or B wins n games. Assuming that these games are independent replications, we study some features of the distribution of Xn, the number of games played in the series. It is shown that Xn is unimodal, has an IFRA distribution, and is stochastically decreasing in p. Close approximations to its mode, mean, and variance are given. Finally, it is shown that the maximum-likelihood estimator of p based on Xn is unique.  相似文献   
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