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Due to advances in automated manufacturing systems and automatic inspection equipment, complete inspection (screening) has drawn increased attention recently and has become a widespread practice. Screening can be based on the performance variable of interest or on a variable which is correlated with the performance variable. Using a correlated variable as the screening variable is attractive when the inspection on the performance variable is destructive or costly. The purpose of this article is to illustrate both theoretically and empirically when a correlated variable rather than the performance variable should be used as the screening variable when inspection error is present.  相似文献   
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is currently a very important problem in large-scale complicate power devices. Both scheme and realistic technology for monitoring system hardware and software have been present to solve the problem in this paper. The fault diagnostic model based on artificial neural network and state identification method based on fuzzy analysis are studied.  相似文献   
针对当前武器系统作战模拟不易于使用的观状,探讨了建立武器系统作战模拟多媒体表现环境的概念、方法和必要性,从总体上研究了武器系统作战模拟多媒体表观环境的系统结构、功能要求和实现过程。  相似文献   
Today, many products are designed and manufactured to function for a long period of time before they fail. Determining product reliability is a great challenge to manufacturers of highly reliable products with only a relatively short period of time available for internal life testing. In particular, it may be difficult to determine optimal burn‐in parameters and characterize the residual life distribution. A promising alternative is to use data on a quality characteristic (QC) whose degradation over time can be related to product failure. Typically, product failure corresponds to the first passage time of the degradation path beyond a critical value. If degradation paths can be modeled properly, one can predict failure time and determine the life distribution without actually observing failures. In this paper, we first use a Wiener process to describe the continuous degradation path of the quality characteristic of the product. A Wiener process allows nonconstant variance and nonzero correlation among data collected at different time points. We propose a decision rule for classifying a unit as normal or weak, and give an economic model for determining the optimal termination time and other parameters of a burn‐in test. Next, we propose a method for assessing the product's lifetime distribution of the passed units. The proposed methodologies are all based only on the product's initial observed degradation data. Finally, an example of an electronic product, namely contact image scanner (CIS), is used to illustrate the proposed procedure. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
以实验室污泥和污水厂污泥为研究对象,建立了超声波辅助微波消解预处理测量污泥金属元素的方法与程序。首先通过超声波分散污泥絮体,然后对污泥进行加热预处理和微波消除,最后采用火焰原子吸收法测量污泥中的金属元素。结果表明,150 W超声波作用于25 mL污泥3 min为超声波分散污泥的较优条件,能保证后续操作过程取样均匀。微波消解前适宜的加热预处理条件为90℃,20 min。实验室污泥微波消解的较优酸体系为2 mL双氧水+4 mL反王水(或4 mL王水);污水厂污泥微波消解的较优酸体系为1 mL氢氟酸+2 mL双氧水+4 mL王水,同时,第3阶段消解条件为压强2.0 MPa下消解20 min。超声波辅助微波消解预处理具有用酸量少、简易快捷、准确度和精密度高等优点,测量K,Ca,Mg,Fe的相对标准偏差≤2.75%,加标回收率为97.5%~102%。  相似文献   
We consider the problem of finding the Kth shortest path for a time‐schedule network, where each node in the network has a list of prespecified departure times, and departure from the node can take place only at one of these departure times. We develop a polynomial time algorithm independent of K for finding the Kth shortest path. The proposed algorithm constructs a map structure at each node in the network, using which we can directly find the Kth shortest path without having to enumerate the first K − 1 paths. Since the same map structure is used for different K values, it is not necessary to reconstruct the table for additional paths. Consequently, the algorithm is suitable for directly finding multiple shortest paths in the same network. Furthermore, the algorithm is modified slightly for enumerating the first K shortest paths and is shown to have the lowest possible time complexity under a condition that holds for most practical networks. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
唐璐 《国防科技》2010,31(3):33-36
网络战是近年来全球军事界相当热的话题,其作为一种全新概念的组织机构,已经开始登上了军事舞台。美国、韩国等国家先后宣布组建网络司令部,引起了全球网络军备竞赛的热潮。文章探讨网络军备竞赛的发展现状和特点,分析以法律形式进行控制的必要性,能够全面系统的了解网络军备竞赛所带来的严重危害,为控制军备竞赛的对策和决策提供一些建议。  相似文献   
全国解放战争时期,东北战场最先揭开战略反攻序幕,民主联军从吉林以东、长春以西、郑家屯以北、梅河口以南及辽南、热西、冀东等七个重点方向上同时发动进攻,其势如潮涌,纵横关内外。大战结果,民主联军于战略上贯通南北满,一举扭转东北战局,开始掌握战场主动权,迫使东北国民党军转入战略防御,有力地支援了关内战场作战。  相似文献   
Instead of measuring a Wiener degradation or performance process at predetermined time points to track degradation or performance of a product for estimating its lifetime, we propose to obtain the first‐passage times of the process over certain nonfailure thresholds. Based on only these intermediate data, we obtain the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator and uniformly most accurate confidence interval for the mean lifetime. For estimating the lifetime distribution function, we propose a modified maximum likelihood estimator and a new estimator and prove that, by increasing the sample size of the intermediate data, these estimators and the above‐mentioned estimator of the mean lifetime can achieve the same levels of accuracy as the estimators assuming one has failure times. Thus, our method of using only intermediate data is useful for highly reliable products when their failure times are difficult to obtain. Furthermore, we show that the proposed new estimator of the lifetime distribution function is more accurate than the standard and modified maximum likelihood estimators. We also obtain approximate confidence intervals for the lifetime distribution function and its percentiles. Finally, we use light‐emitting diodes as an example to illustrate our method and demonstrate how to validate the Wiener assumption during the testing. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
HL-TVQ 图象编码系统,是在图象的高/低频图象模型基础上,对低频图象分量进行变换矢量量化编码,而对高频图象进行空域欠量量化编码。HL-TVQ 编码系统具有压缩比高(在模拟时达到10),恢复图象的视觉效果好,运算复杂度小的特点。本文详细介绍 HL-TVQ的编码过程和原理。  相似文献   
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