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采用FLAC3D对预应力锚索框架梁支护的岩土边坡施工过程进行数值模拟,围绕施工中坡体位移场与应力场的变化以及下级边坡施工对上部已完成的支挡结构受力影响进行研究.结果表明坡体开挖引起的松弛区呈圆弧状,且位移由临空面向坡体内逐渐减小,坡体弹性模量与其变形呈非线性递减关系;预应力锚索框架梁能有效抑制坡体变形,从坡顶到坡脚锚索轴力依次增大,故工程设计中宜对其分别设计,做到“强腰固脚”;下级边坡与上级边坡的支挡结构相互约束,共同承担滑坡推力,形成一种“联合支挡结构”.  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于模糊集合和神经网络的水雷状态识别方法 .该方法根据实际情况 ,将模糊集合和径向基函数神经网络结合起来 ,用于水雷状态的识别 .仿真结果表明 ,这种识别方法性能稳定 ,且有很高的识别精度 .  相似文献   
标准化是通过制定和实施标准,使重复事务达到统一以获得最佳秩序和社会效益的技术。国防科技工业是国家战略性产业,是产品研制生产的物质和技术基础,是国家创新体系的一支重要力量。标准化是国防工业现代化建设与管理的技术基础。高质量高水平的标准是建设现代化国防的重要技术基础。胡锦涛总书记对“十一五”时期国防科技工业提出明确要求“坚持强化基础,自主创新,努力提高科研和制造水平”。  相似文献   
王孝柏同志创作的系列肖像油画--<开国将帅>,是一项艰巨、浩大的油画创作工程.它是以为共和国诞生立下显赫战功的十大元帅和十大将为创作对象,每位将帅的形象按构思要求,均须设计为胸像式的"标准像"构图,每位将帅的服装、佩饰基本一致,形式统一.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine subject to random breakdowns. We focus on the preemptive‐repeat model, which addresses the situation where, if a machine breaks down during the processing of a job, the work done on the job prior to the breakdown is lost and the job will have to be started from the beginning again when the machine resumes its work. We allow that (i) the uptimes and downtimes of the machine follow general probability distributions, (ii) the breakdown process of the machine depends upon the job being processed, (iii) the processing times of the jobs are random variables following arbitrary distributions, and (iv) after a breakdown, the processing time of a job may either remain a same but unknown amount, or be resampled according to its probability distribution. We first derive the optimal policy for a class of problems under the criterion to maximize the expected discounted reward earned from completing all jobs. The result is then applied to further obtain the optimal policies for other due date‐related criteria. We also discuss a method to compute the moments and probability distributions of job completion times by using their Laplace transforms, which can convert a general stochastic scheduling problem to its deterministic equivalent. The weighted squared flowtime problem and the maintenance checkup and repair problem are analyzed as applications. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
胡锦涛主席关于军队思想政治建设方面的重要论述,为全军官兵认真履行新的历史使命,切实加强军队思想政治建设并推动其他各项建设,提供了方向性和方法论上的科学指南。胡主席重要论述的精神内涵主要是:思想政治建设是军队最根本的建设,必须将其实实在在地摆在全军各项建设的首位;紧密联系新的形势任务和官兵的思想实际,积极应对我军政治工作面临的挑战;坚持用科学发展观指导思想政治建设,不断推进军队思想政治工作的创新发展。  相似文献   
作为产品研制开发过程中非常重要的关键环节——金属材料的科学合理选取确定,是确保产品零件具备最佳安全可靠性,最高工作寿命,良好经济性和批生产稳定性的重要基础之一。本文探讨了产品研制开发中金属材料的选取确定应遵循的原则,以求共识。  相似文献   
扭矩拧紧方法在现代螺纹副装配作业中占有主要地位,也是目前螺栓紧固所采用的一种主要的方法。但如何在这种工艺条件下对螺纹副的联结质量进行评定、控制,则是一个需要解决的实际问题,本文就此进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   
公元前489年的帕罗斯远征是雅典海军发展史上一个重要的转折点,同时也对雅典民主的进一步深入发展起到了积极作用。米太亚德是第一个认识到海军重要性的雅典领导人,是雅典发展海上政策的先驱,泰米斯托克利只是其追随者。通过对帕罗斯远征的研究,对于我们深入认识海军的发展与雅典民主之间的关系将有所裨益。  相似文献   
The responses of AI/PTFE reactive materials (RMs) under shock compression were investigated by a single-stage gas gun.A 3D mesoscale-model was established based on micro-computed tomography(micro-CT) slice images and confirmed with experimental results.In the high-pressure stage,the com-posites reacted partially,whereas there were no deviations between the partially reacted Hugoniot and the inert simulation results.The simulation reveals that the Teflon matrix melting on the high shock pressure.Melts and decomposition of the PTFE accelerated the diffusion of the atoms.Thus,the reactions of the Al/PrFE composites are more like a combustion rather than a detonation.  相似文献   
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