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What are relationships between epidemics, national security, and US immigration policy? This question is important because it sheds light on transnational or nontraditional security areas, American immigration policy, and a pressing issue for US leaders who have recently faced epidemics such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak that began in 2013. This article answers it and lays ground in the area by reviewing epidemics in world history, using International Relations and Security Studies works to specify dangers of contagions for states, and identifying three general immigration measures that American leaders have utilized from the seventeenth century to the present day to protect against contagions, which are (1) policies restricting entrance of foreigners thought to carry specified diseases, (2) the isolation or quarantining of immigrants with contagious disease, and (3) delegating the President with authority to stop immigration in the event of an epidemic abroad. This study has implications for research and contemporary US immigration policy.  相似文献   
In Chechnya a protracted conflict only seemingly quieted down, but it still smolders and as the conflict is suppressed by coercion, it is inevitable that it will flare up at some time in the near future. The root causes of the conflict can be understood by use of globalization theory, which dialectically brings together the clashing forces from above and below. Civil society in Chechnya deteriorated, is politically curtailed, and has no resilience left. It thus results in a frozen conflict and an excluded and victimized society. Russian-style reconstruction does alleviate living conditions, but does not remediate the frozen conflict character of the present situation. The dynamics of the globalizing forces from below and above, summarized in the glocalization concept, not only explains the resistance by the Chechen people, for whom revolt, rebellion, and terrorism remain attractive options, but also serves as a model for other insurgencies. Reflecting on the two recent Chechen–Russian wars results in a paradigmatic case study.  相似文献   
经济全球化深刻影响和改变了世界经济、政治、军事安全形势,促使我们探索新时期的国家军事安全战略。本文试图由经济视角透视新时期军事安全战略,简要分析了经济全球化背景下我国军事安全面临的挑战,强调经济安全是新时期军事安全战略的立足点和重要战略目标,并探讨了经济软实力作为非战争军事斗争方式的运用及经济全球化影响下的新时期军事安全战略的特征。  相似文献   
全球化对中国民族文化的发展将产生重大而深远的影响。本文重新探讨了全球化背景下,在西方强势文化的冲击下,中国民族文化整合的特点;以及在全球化背景下中国民族文化的发展、创新与重建的有关理论问题,提出了民族文化创新是主动回应文化全球化,实现中国民族文化走向世界的关键所在。  相似文献   
In both Afghanistan and Iraq, US landpower was able to gain control rapidly over terrain. However, that control ebbed as US presence weakened. Non-state actors, such as the Taliban, the Haqqani network, the Islamic State, and Al Qaeda, gained control of segments of the population. Transnational Criminal Organizations capitalized on this permissive environment to strengthen their networks, often eroding the legitimacy of the host nation government, fueling regional instability, and, ultimately, undermining US policy objectives. The proliferation of deviant globalization, or the connectedness of subversive elements, is a key indicator of future conflict. Strategic landpower is uniquely positioned to influence the physical, psychological, economic, and social interactions of various non-state actors and their association with deviant globalization. It is no longer enough to seize and hold terrain. Landpower must also have the capability to influence the actions and attitudes of populations on that terrain wherever and whenever these interactions occur.  相似文献   
当今的“全球化”现象并未超出马克思主义的理论视野。20世纪的全球化实践,给当代马克思主义的发展提供了肥沃的土壤与坚固的基石。但是,当今的“全球化”仍然是资本主义的全球化。因此,严格意义上的全球化对于当代马克思主义来说仍然是一个新的政治议题。  相似文献   
President Barack Obama and an array of other Western leaders continue to assert that the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to non-state actors is one of most pressing challenges to global security today. Yet, Western efforts to engage governments—particularly governments across the global South—in a practical nonproliferation dialogue have largely yielded disappointing results. This viewpoint examines the need for a new strategy to engage the developing world in nonproliferation programs. It argues that strategies focused strictly on WMD nonproliferation are unsustainable, and ultimately are destined for failure. An alternative “dual-benefit” nonproliferation engagement strategy utilizes the enlightened self-interest of partner governments needed to achieve broad-based buy-in among all partners. In a concluding section, we recommend that the “Group of 8” Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction standardize this model of nonproliferation engagement as it sets out to identify and fund WMD nonproliferation capacity-building initiatives beyond the states of the former Soviet Union.  相似文献   
中国式建筑的困境在于附加意识形态性的起源和前因后果的关系倒置.近现代建筑进入中国后,曾经保持着与世界的同步发展,直至20世纪50年代初.中国式建筑是伴随着中西古今之争而产生的命题,建筑被赋予了意识形态的内容.在全球化背景下,重新认识中国式建筑产生和发展的局限性,其实质在于混淆了现代化与西方化之区别,将现代化等同于西方化...  相似文献   
在经济全球化的进程中,资本主义在其自身矛盾的推动下,不断地进行自我扬弃,在生产、分配、经济运行等方面出现了一些新的变化,为资本主义生产关系的调整和发展开辟了新的空间,同时也为社会主义提供了完备的物质基础。透过现象看本质,这种新发展同时也证实了社会主义必将最终取代资本主义的历史必然性,虽然这一过程是漫长而又曲折的。  相似文献   
面对全球化对文化的巨大冲击与影响,中华民族要在与其他民族的交流中发展壮大自己,就必须以高度的文化自觉重新审视传统文化的价值。要善于吸收我国优秀的文化传统,进行再创造,从而把优秀的传统文化与时代的特点结合起来;要积极倡导中华文化与其他文化的平等交流与融合,使中华文化走向世界;要抓住全球化的文化发展机遇,繁荣中国特色社会主义文化,使我国文化走向未来。  相似文献   
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