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Post-uprisings Middle East politics is frequently described as a ‘regional cold war’ involving proxy warfare that emphasises the role of shared identities linking external and local actors. But does the ‘content’ of identities impact proxy war dynamics? This article considers the present ‘battle for Syria’, a local conflict that became a theatre for multiple proxy wars involving actors emphasising identities on various levels, most notably national, religious/ sect and ethnic. It suggests that identity content does matter, with global powers more reluctant than regional players to back groups identifying at sub-national level, while foreign non-state actors are enthusiastic backers of sub-national identity.  相似文献   
汪丰麟 《国防科技》2017,38(4):018-022
美国长期以来大量对外国进行武器出口,一方面获取巨额利润,另一方面借此影响相关地区的形势.2017年上半年,伴随着美国政府对外政策的调整,美国对外军事贸易也出现了一些变化,在对亚太地区、中东地区、欧洲地区和其他潜在热点地区的武器出口方面有着不同的表现.  相似文献   
"中国近现代史纲要"这门课目前面临着从教材体系向教学体系转变的关键时期。本文结合作者自身的教学实践,从内容和方法两个维度,提出了三个在教学过程中存在的突出问题。作者希望通过对这三个问题的阐释和解决,达到帮助大学生深入了解国情、国史,深刻领会历史和人民的"四个选择"的目的。  相似文献   
中学历史教材之中汉代西北丝绸之路插图,图中中段路线南北道分途地当起自鄯善,并非敦煌玉门、阳关,南道支线分歧地当起于皮山,并非于阗。除插图所示自大宛可直抵安息路线之外,自皮山西南行,越过葱岭抵印度河流域,经今克什米尔、巴基斯坦东北部、阿富汗西南、伊朗高原亦可抵达安息。  相似文献   
学习型组织具有五个要素,即自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、团队学习、系统思考,学习型教师团队同样要符合这些特征。为此,华山中学开展了积极探索,提出创建学习型教师团队的关键是:建立共同愿景,提升生命力;改变学习方式,增强学习力;变革管理模式,培养创造力。初步营造出了凝心聚力实现又好又快发展的良好教育氛围,促进了学校教育实践的全面开展。  相似文献   
校园环境是校园文化建设的主要载体、主要内容和主要表现形式。从校园文化建设的高度出发,校园环境将不再是传统观念中所理解的那种简单的空间概念,进行环境建设必须从文化建设的思路去认识和思考,而进行文化建设也必须依靠环境建设的内容来表达和实现,二者不可分割,这反映了物质与意识的辩证关系。校园环境建设中精神环境的概念需要单独提出来,它是校园文化建设的重要内容,更是校园文化建设的难点。华山中学在校园环境建设方面有着自身的理解和认识,做出了一些有益的尝试,今后还将在这方面进行更深入地探寻,努力打造富有生命力和自身特色的校园文化。  相似文献   
"先王"观念与"法先王"思想基本为同一范畴。"先王"观念与古代中国宗法社会紧密相连,还与中国古人对"政治制度和社会文化的延续性"的深刻认识有关。《尚书》中尚未出现"法先王"一词,但是"先王"观念非常浓厚,是中国"法先王"思想的文献源头。"先王"观念也是历史观念的重要体现,它与"殷鉴"思想、"忧患"意识一起构成了《尚书》历史功用思想的整体,并对后世产生了很大影响。  相似文献   
突出"中国近现代史纲要"思想政治理论教育的主题和优势,增强思想政治教育的针对性、实效性,要求教师在教育教学中始终坚持以学生为本的教育理念,不断改进教学方法、增强教育亲和力;不断改革传统的课堂教学单一模式,加强实践教学,建立注重学习过程和环节考核的模块化教学模式。  相似文献   
As worries have grown about global warming and the sustainability and price of fossil fuels, the demand for nuclear energy has increased, and nuclear power is increasingly viewed as a reliable and clean resource. However, the so-called nuclear renaissance coincides with an international security environment in which the norms of nuclear nonproliferation seem to be eroding. Turkey, a non-nuclear weapon state, plans to generate nuclear power to meet future energy demands, but it is aware of and concerned with regional proliferation trends. Questions have also been raised regarding Ankara's rationale for using nuclear energy, as well as its potential motivations and capabilities regarding future proliferation. This article will provide an overview of Turkey's nuclear energy history and plans, as well as the proliferation-related questions that could arise; it will also look at the domestic debate on nuclear energy and Turkey's status as a non-nuclear weapon state.  相似文献   
The Middle East is a crucial region for the global nonproliferation regime. In 2010, the state parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons proposed a conference on a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction-Free Zone. The nuclear weapon-free zone model, on which this idea builds, has achieved important results in other regions, but faces especially stark challenges in the Middle East. However, the attempt to apply the boldly imaginative zone approach to the Middle East holds promise for building a more inclusive dialogue on nonproliferation and regional security.  相似文献   
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