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三方物流联盟已成为现代物流发展的必由之路,通过研究重庆邮政和重庆港务集团所建立的三方物流联盟的运行和管理模式,提出了三方物流联盟的流程重组、信息衔接和组织管理模式等,研究了利用信息化集成手段对物流资源进行重组、形成具有多个核心竞争能力和更广泛用户的三方物流联盟方法.对于构筑和优化三方物流联盟、促进现代物流业深入发展具有一定借鉴作用.  相似文献   
The article examines the findings of the Commission of Inquiry established by the Norwegian government in 2014 to evaluate all aspects of Norway’s civilian and military contribution to the international operation in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Concerned with the wider implications of the Commission’s findings, it focuses on two issues in particular: (1) Norway’s relations with the US, a close and long-standing strategic ally whose resources, capabilities and dominance of decision-making dwarfed that of all other coalition partners in Afghanistan; and (2) Norway’s record in the province of Faryab, where, from 2005 to 2012, a Norwegian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team was charged with bringing security, good governance and development to the province. How Norway prioritised and managed relations with the US highlights and helps to problematise the challenges – political, practical and moral – facing small and medium-sized powers operating in a coalition alongside the US. Norwegian efforts in Faryab are revealing of the dilemmas and contradictions that plagued and, ultimately, fatally undermined the international intervention as a whole. As such, Norway’s experience provides a microcosm through which the inherent limitations of the attempt to transfer the structures of modern statehood and Western democracy to Afghanistan can be better understood.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the nature of two military alliances under Chinese threat. The findings are as follows: First, South Korea does not consider China a significant threat while Japan and the United States have recognized China as a serious threat since the 1990s and the 2000s, respectively. Second, the relationship between South Korea and the United States is a true military alliance for all time periods, but the nature of the alliance has changed since the 1970s. Third, although Japan began to form an alliance relationship with the United States in the 1990s, Japan is considered a more significant ally by the United States. This paper implies that, should China provoke a military confrontation, it might be difficult to deduce a common solution among the three countries because of the different response to military threats from China.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of alliance membership on the defense burdens of major powers in the 19th and 20th centuries. We hypothesize that the reactions of states to alliance membership will be different in the pre‐nuclear and nuclear eras. Possession of nuclear weapons by allies makes the security provided by the alliance more akin to a collective good than is the case in the pre‐nuclear era. States join alliances for two reasons: security and autonomy. The effects of each of these concerns are identified. We include in our model such alliance‐level factors as the power equivalence of the allies and the number of states in the alliance. We also look at state‐level variables such as power position within the alliance. We conclude that the nuclear period generally operates as the free‐rider principle would posit, while models based on “complementarity of effort” are more applicable in the earlier period.  相似文献   
Standard economic concepts of production and cost minimization subject to a production constraint are used to derive the conditions of optimal deployment of home and forward military forces for the production of home security. United States' participation in the NATO alliance is then analyzed in the context of a two‐ally (U.S. and Western Europe) optimal force deployment model of NATO. Next, U.S. force‐basing policy is adduced as an enforcement mechanism for the “transatlantic contract.” Lastly, statistical evidence on burden sharing within Western Europe, and the effectiveness of the U.S. contract enforcement policy, is presented.  相似文献   
信息系统体系结构设计中系统内聚度分析方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
系统的组成及其结构是体系结构中的一个核心元素,系统内聚度是评价信息系统体系结构的一个重要指标。以体系结构框架为基础,给出系统接口和系统功能的规范化描述。从功能和数据关系的角度,分别定义了系统功能内聚度和数据内聚度的计算方法,提出一种体系结构中系统内聚度的分析方法,并通过一个实例说明了方法的应用。该方法有助于规划系统和分配功能,提高体系结构设计质量。  相似文献   
通过借鉴自由联盟组织提出的Liberty框架,并针对该框架的结构以及身份提供者之间信任关系的建立模式进行改造,提出一种面向大型机构的新型身份管理联盟。新型的身份管理联盟比Liberty框架更加适用于具有分布性、自治性、全局性和协同性的大型机构。新型的身份管理联盟在物理结构上可看作由多个身份提供者节点组成的一棵树,其中每个身份提供者节点必须并且只能与其父节点和子节点建立信任关系,这与现实中各个大型机构的树状层级结构是完全相符的。在系统实现过程中,依托新型身份管理联盟的树状结构,并采用LDAP实现了用户认证数据的分级存储。此外还通过安全认证网关在网络层对用户的接入进行控制,从而能够同时支持B/S和C/S两类应用系统的单点登录。  相似文献   
2012年1月5日,美国国防部发表了《保持美国的全球领导地位:21世纪的防务重点计划报告》,在"重返亚太"战略的战略背景下,重点针对美国未来的军事力量结构、全球部署态势、军事战略目标等进行了重新规划。新军事战略调整对整个国际格局和地区性大国产生深远影响。随着美国重返亚太的战略调整,军事上的相互依赖程度体现在美日同盟之间尤为突出。本文仅从军事战略角度,运用《权力与相互依赖》中部分理论对其调整下的美日军事同盟机制进行分析。  相似文献   
介绍了对推动VXI技术发展具有重要意义的VXIPlug&Play系统联盟成立的背景以及VXIPlug&Play规范的主要内容,制定规范所遵循的原则和要求,对VXIPlug&Play发展前景做了展望,说明了虚拟仪器软件结构的框架,并初步探讨了组建一个自动测试系统的方法和步骤以及如何利用VXIPlug&Play设计仪器驱动程序。  相似文献   
Despite the prevalence of violent uprisings against the states, existing literature has produced a generalized explanation of the causes and onset of such uprisings ignoring crucial aspects of (non-state) armed group cohesion, such as their capabilities to manage intra-group tensions and rivalries. In this paper, I examine recent research in the field of civil conflict to understand the importance of investigating underlying constraints which can cause serious impediments to the capabilities of a state during the course of a war. The paper then focuses on the importance of internal strategic resources, such as pre-war and wartime sociopolitical networks in which insurgents mobilize, recruit new cadres and maintain intra-group cooperation, to suggest how it can contain the consequences of counterinsurgency operations and other state strategies on the internal cohesion of an insurgent group. A detailed case study of the Mizo National Front (MNF) in India demonstrates the argument’s plausibility.  相似文献   
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