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应用层次分析法,根据桂西北古村寨的实际情况,建立了桂西北古村寨的火灾风险评估体系。采用专家打分法获取数据,并应用统计学中的众值原理,对获得的数据进行了统计,得到了指标的权重,建立了适用于实际情况的消防安全检查表。并应用实例证明了这种评估方法行之有效。  相似文献   
毛泽东军事思想植根于中国古代兵学文化的土壤,它的战争观、军事伦理价值观、战争谋略法等思想,与中国古代社会"仁战"、"义战"、"以民为本"、"以奇制胜"、"以礼治军"等战略方法、战略思想一脉相承,同时也是对古代兵学文化的创造性发展,是中国革命战争实践、马列主义军事思想和古代兵学文化相结合的产物。  相似文献   
This article explores the question of why so few insurgencies from the ancient world have ever made it onto the big screen. Many of these stories have been made into documentaries, but have been ignored by Hollywood. Even those events that have been made into Hollywood films, like the uprising of Spartacus, do not show any of the successful uprisings, only the defeats. Among the possible reasons may be Hollywood's fascination with big wars and big battles rather than small wars because they are more cinematic. Another reason is that American movies are reluctant to show successful slave uprisings or insurgencies against great powers. In the end, all movies are about the present, not the past, and thus Western bias will side with the imperial power, not the terrorist.  相似文献   
为研究西藏高海拔条件对古建筑火灾的影响,分别在拉萨与廊坊进行了中等规模木垛燃烧实验。测得了木垛燃烧的质量损失速率、火焰高度和燃烧温度,并分析了空气中氧气含量和大气压力对木垛引燃和燃烧的影响。实验表明:在拉萨低气压条件下,木垛引燃难度加大、燃烧时间增加、质量损失速率降低、木垛中心温度降低。  相似文献   
随着中学语文教学新大纲对中学语文教学提出了新目标、新要求,高等师范专业课程也应随之进行调整改革。古代汉语课程一方面教育学生提高认识、克服困难、努力学习;另一方面要求教师转变观念、改革教法、指导学法,激发学生学习积极性,提高教学质量;为解决好古代汉语教学与中学文言文教学之间的衔接问题进行了初步的探索与实践。  相似文献   
经济全球化的趋势使民族文化传统遭遇到一种普遍的危机。目前,我国高等学校的古代文学研究与教学已经面临这种危机与挑战。本文认为转变古代文学研究中“纯学术”立场,关注精神价值,强化生命意识,多一些人间情怀,注重古典文学中的情感、心态等精神价值方面的研究,对传承文明,重塑华夏民族精神,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
《Arms and Armour》2013,10(1):67-89

The main throwing machines invented and used by the Greeks and adopted, more widely, by Roman armies are examined. The kinematics and dynamics of both light and heavy Greek–Roman artillery are used in order to accurately assess its performance. Thus, a better understanding is obtained of the tactics and strategies of the legions of the Roman Empire as well as the reasons for some brilliant campaigns. Reconstructions of a repeating catapult, considered to be the ancestor of the modern machine gun, are also presented. The development of the mechanical design of such machines is discussed and pictorial reconstructions proposed.  相似文献   
随着城镇化的快速发展,“城中村”火灾多发,形势严峻.对现阶段“城中村”的火灾特点进行了分析,结合工作实际,提出并分析了“城中村”存在的消防安全问题,就如何提升“城中村”抗御火灾能力提出了防火对策.  相似文献   
介绍一起文物古建筑火灾的调查过程,从环境勘验、初步勘验、细项勘验、专项勘验入手认定起火部位、起火点,分析确定起火原因为殿内监控摄像头电源线短路引燃电线绝缘层,进而引燃周围可燃物,并结合古建筑实际总结事故教训,提出消防工作的建议。  相似文献   
通过介绍"城中村"和"城乡结合部"基本情况,结合内蒙古呼和浩特市"城中村"和"城乡结合部"现状和火灾形势分析,并依据近年来全国此类区域较大以上亡人火灾实例,从中查找导致"城中村"和"城乡结合部"火灾多发的相关因素和原因,共同探讨切实预防火灾发生的有效途径和具体措施.  相似文献   
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