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超级计算是解决国家安全、经济建设、科学进步、社会发展和国防建设等领域重大挑战性问题的重要手段,是各国科技发展中必争的战略制高点.通过调查和实证,重点分析了中国超算技术追赶中政府的引导作用和企业作为市场主体的作用.面向领域的战略需求,在财政能力非常有限的情况下,政府通过长期资助,形成厚实的知识和人才队伍积累;面向科技创新...  相似文献   
抗战初期,晋察冀边区为解决财政困难、支持持久抗战,决定发行救国公债。边区政府制订了正确的政策,广大民众踊跃认购,是救国公债成功发行的主要原因。公债的成功发行,解决了边区财政困难,支持了持久抗战,为以后发行公债(国债)提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
以公安边防部队廉政文化建设的机制创新为研究对象,旨在推动公安边防部队廉政文化建设的深入开展,促进公安边防部队向心力、凝聚力和战斗力的不断提高。从公安边防部队廉政文化建设教育、约束、工作和保障机制四个方面进行了深入剖析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
近年来,政府对消防投入水平较低。通过建立数学模型,从消防部门与政府的相互关系进行理论论证,抛砖引玉,提出消防工作的建议。  相似文献   
当前,为适应我国的经济发展形势和军队现代化改革的步伐,在部队中推行政府采购制度是提高后勤工作管理水平的必然选择。针对军队政府采购制度的规范化建设问题,主要从完善采购法制建设、改革财务管理体制、加强人才培养和信息化建设方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
在我国的反腐败斗争中,有一种保护主义现象。它来自社会各个方面,存在于人们的思想感情、政治倾向及权力运作等各个领域,是影响反腐败斗争深入开展的严重障碍。文章从我国当前反腐败斗争的社会现实出发,着重列举了“保护主义”在党员、干部思想行为上的主要表现及其原因,提出了治理办法:要教育广大党员、干部进一步加强建设有中国特色的社会主义理论和社会主义市场经济理论的学习,确立社会主义的改革开放观;要把清除“保护主义”影响的工作纳入源头治理的范畴,实行综合治理;要切实落实党风廉政建设责任制,增强各级领导干部反腐败的责任意识,加大党内和群众监督的力度;要建章立制,加强对党风廉政建设工作的检查和考核。  相似文献   
Although Africa is host to the vast majority (and the most deadly) of conflicts in the world, it would appear that there is a distinct lack of genuine interest in African affairs shown by the UN Security Council and its key members. This paper proposes a 10-level scale of response system to measure the seriousness of the Council in dealing with conflicts. By comparing the Council response with the size and severity of each individual conflict, the scale attempts to assess the Council performance in the fulfilment of its duty to restore international peace and security. The results show that Africa has been (and remains) marginalized in the Council work.  相似文献   
反腐倡廉建设与思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设并列为党的五大建设,是党的十七大以改革创新精神推进党的建设伟大工程的重要举措。加强军队党的反腐倡廉建设,必须以胡主席关于"三个更加"的重要思想为指导,建立健全反腐倡廉建设的长效机制,保证军队党的反腐倡廉建设健康、深入、持续发展。  相似文献   
Commitment by the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the country is reflected in a number of international commitments and national strategies. This article traces the (slow) progress in addressing some of the most important issues relating to SGBV to which the government has committed itself. It argues that unless the underlying gender norms and unequal power relations that form the basis of gender violence, discrimination and inequality in Congolese society are addressed, SGBV will persist.  相似文献   
Frustrated by decades of authoritarian rule, political repression, economic mismanagement, poverty, soaring unemployment and other related injustices, the youth in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya rose up against the state, while Algeria and Morocco narrowly escaped the events of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. This quest for political reform is an indication of a great collective shift that has the potential to reverberate throughout the African continent. However, to what extent can the youth succeed in bringing about the much-desired transition to democracy? This article focuses on the North African youth uprising and the quest for political reform in Africa. It examines the core issues of the youth uprising and the challenges to the attainment of political reform. A youth uprising can lead to genuine political reform if the major challenges in building new democratic forms of governance which can address economic disparity, protection of human rights, justice and security, can be overcome.  相似文献   
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