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Proactive release procedures for just‐in‐time job shop environments,subject to machine failures
Authors:Ramesh Bollapragada  Norman M. Sadeh
Abstract:In this paper, we consider just‐in‐time job shop environments (job shop problems with an objective of minimizing the sum of tardiness and inventory costs), subject to uncertainty due to machine failures. We present techniques for proactive uncertainty management that exploit prior knowledge of uncertainty to build competitive release dates, whose execution improves performance. These techniques determine the release dates of different jobs based on measures of shop load, statistical data of machine failures, and repairs with a tradeoff between inventory and tardiness costs. Empirical results show that our methodology is very promising in comparison with simulated annealing and the best of 39 combinations of dispatch rules & release policies, under different frequencies of breakdowns. We observe that the performance of the proactive technique compared to the other two approaches improves in schedule quality (maximizing delivery performance while minimizing costs) with increase in frequency of breakdowns. The proactive technique presented here is also computationally less expensive than the other two approaches. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004
Keywords:job shop scheduling  proactive release policies  machine breakdowns  reoptimizing heuristics
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