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Models of sensor operations for border surveillance
Authors:Roberto Szechtman  Moshe Kress  Kyle Lin  Dolev Cfir
Affiliation:Operations Research Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
This article is motivated by the diverse array of border threats, ranging from terrorists to arms dealers and human traffickers. We consider a moving sensor that patrols a certain section of a border with the objective to detect infiltrators who attempt to penetrate that section. Infiltrators arrive according to a Poisson process along the border with a specified distribution of arrival location, and disappear a random amount of time after their arrival. The measures of effectiveness are the target (infiltrator) detection rate and the time elapsed from target arrival to target detection. We study two types of sensor trajectories that have constant endpoints, are periodic, and maintain constant speed: (1) a sensor that jumps instantaneously from the endpoint back to the starting‐point, and (2) a sensor that moves continuously back and forth. The controlled parameters (decision variables) are the starting and end points of the patrolled sector and the velocity of the sensor. General properties of these trajectories are investigated. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008
Keywords:homeland security  search theory  stochastic models
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