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摘    要:B allistic m issile——any m issile whichdoes notrely upon aerodynam ic surfaces to producelift and consequently follow s a ballistic trajectoryw hen thrustis term inated.弹道导弹不依靠空气动力表面产生升力,且在推力中断后沿一定惯性弹道飞行的导弹。B allistics——the science orartthatdeals with the m o-tion,behavior,appearance,orm odification ofm issiles orothervehicles acted upon by propellants,w ind,gravity,tem perature,orany otherm odifying substance,condition,orforce.弹道学研究处理基于推力、风…

关 键 词:军语  当代  弹道导弹  空气动力
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