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引用本文:石章松,张洪向,王树宗. 时差方位被动定位法在水下目标跟踪中的应用[J]. 火力与指挥控制, 2004, 29(1): 57-59
作者姓名:石章松  张洪向  王树宗
摘    要:
在水下目标跟踪中 ,无源被动定位技术是常用的技术。在对利用方位和声波脉冲到达时间差的被动测量来进行目标的定位和跟踪后 ,对系统进行了描述和分析 ,利用递推最小二乘 (RL S)估计算法估计出目标的运动偏量 ,然后结合线性卡尔曼滤波 (KF)算法给出目标的运动状态。仿真结果表明 ,利用方位和时差对水下目标进行定位跟踪 ,可以要求观测站是静止的 ,不必机动 ,并且具有快速收敛、精度较高、稳定等特点。

关 键 词:时差  方位  被动定位  目标跟踪

The Application of the Time-delay and Bearings Localization Algorithm in the Underwater Target Tracking
SHI Zhang-song,ZHANG Hong-xiang,WANG Shu-zong. The Application of the Time-delay and Bearings Localization Algorithm in the Underwater Target Tracking[J]. Fire Control & Command Control, 2004, 29(1): 57-59
Authors:SHI Zhang-song  ZHANG Hong-xiang  WANG Shu-zong
Passive localization algorithm is often used in the underwater target tracking.In this paper,the question of how to track underwater target using bearings and time-delay is presented and analyzed.The recursive least square(RLS)estimator is used to get target motion windage and used Kalman Filter(KF) to get target states by bearing and time-delay.The observer should be not making a maneuver during the course of tracking underwater target with bearing and time-delay.The simulation result confirms that the algorithm has a quick rate of convergence,lower localization error and stability.
Keywords:time-delay  bearing  passive localization  target tracking
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