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兵总“九五”发展思路浅析包华,王忠茂《兵器工业总公司“九五”计划和2010年规划》的制订,为我们勾划了一幅富有生机和希望的发展蓝图,然而要把蓝图变为现实还需要兵工战线全体职工的共同努力.笔者愿作这蓝图的一名普通建设者,并从规划研究的角度谈几点对兵总“...  相似文献   

据《解放军报》报道,美参联会 5月 30 日颁发新版联合构想《2020年联合构想》。新构想以1996年版《2010年联合构想》为基础,对2020年前后美国可能面对的各种安全挑战进行了预测,特别指出未来的最大危险可能是全球性对手使用非对称手段对美进行的打击,尤其是远程弹道导弹袭击。新构想是指导美军未来15-20年联合部队建设和联合作战实施的纲领性文件。 1.战争准备重点由打赢两场几乎同时发生的大规模地区性战争转变为与潜在的全球性对手进行国家级战争 新构想首先对未来20年的战略环境重新进行了判断,认为未…  相似文献   

美空军参谋长迈克尔·莫斯利2008年1月16日发布《空军武器系统路线图》,它将为美空军规划应对21世纪国家安全威胁所需的能力。作为美空军作战力量的组成部分,2007年12月初,来自空军现役部队、国民警卫队和空军后备役部队的高级领导人员对该计划进行了讨论和协调。《路线图》谋划了美空军未来的先进武器系统的  相似文献   

美军2010年联合作战构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细阐述了美军2010年联合作战构想的内容,应重视主宰机动、精确打击、全维保护、集中后勤等4个作战概念。  相似文献   

人口问题是20世纪困扰中国社会经济发展的最主要问题之一,下一世纪初中国面临的主要人口问题有:在12亿人的庞大基数上,人口将继续增长,到2010年达到约14亿人,到下一世纪中叶则达到15——16亿人;劳动力人口持续增加,劳动就业压力将不断增大,到2010年的高峰期,劳动适龄人口将占总人口的70%以上;随着年龄结构的迅速转变,中国人口将很快进入老龄化时代,老年人口的总数和比例都将急剧上升,到2010年60岁以上的人口将超过1.6亿人;由于大多数流动人口系从乡村流向城市,导致了一系列城市流动人口问题,…  相似文献   

在下世纪数字化了的占场上,合成军作战的胜负将越来越有赖于工程兵的战斗保障。本文以2010年为目标,对二十一世纪工程兵的作战思想,编制体制、装备设备及人员素质告示各方面提出了看法和设想,并介绍了美军为此而正在进行的部分研究与实验。  相似文献   

《现代舰船》2004年第4期“猜想210”一文,再次引发了广大读者对美、俄潜艇性能的关注。在以前关于美、俄潜艇对比的文章中,通常会从潜艇自身的噪声特征和武器系统等方面对双方的作战实力加以分析,但是决定潜艇作战能力还有一项更为重要的因素,那就是该型潜艇所配备的声呐系统性能的高低。冷战期间美、俄对潜艇声呐系统的研制都投入了大量的精力,其技术研发能力基本代表了世界最高水平。下面就对双方现役的综合声呐系统作一分析和对比。  相似文献   

《质量振兴纲要》(1996年-2010年)于1996年12月24日由国务院颁布实施。颁布 《纲要》的目的是为了深入贯彻落实国家“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要精神,指导当前和今后一个时期我国质量工作,促进两个根本转变。质量振兴的主要目标是:经过5年至15年的努力,从根本上提高我国主要产业的整体素质和企业的质量管理水平,使我国的产品质量、工程质量和服务质量跃上一个新台阶。《纲要》颁布后,各军工部门按照《纲要》的精神和要求,结合本行业的特点,进一步推动和落实质量工作。  相似文献   

石玲玲  张恒  吕博  周阳 《国防科技》2017,38(5):031-035
在新军事变革的局面下,装备体系化发展已成为必然趋势。本文在分析美军"技术地平线"规划研究及"技术地平线"发布后8年来美军重要装备发展情况的基础上,总结美空军技术顶层规划及装备体系研制成功经验,提出了我国未来装备体系建设的方向和建议,为新时期促进我国装备体系建设顶层科学规划,促进装备体系、技术体系、能力体系发展提供参考。  相似文献   

2012年1月5日,美国国防部发表了《保持美国的全球领导地位:21世纪的防务重点计划报告》,在"重返亚太"战略的战略背景下,重点针对美国未来的军事力量结构、全球部署态势、军事战略目标等进行了重新规划。新军事战略调整对整个国际格局和地区性大国产生深远影响。随着美国重返亚太的战略调整,军事上的相互依赖程度体现在美日同盟之间尤为突出。本文仅从军事战略角度,运用《权力与相互依赖》中部分理论对其调整下的美日军事同盟机制进行分析。  相似文献   

AirSea Battle (ASB) has generated significant publicity, controversy, and debate among scholars, analysts, commentators, and observers of US defense strategy. However, a research gap exists concerning formal analysis of the impact of the operational concept on the relationship between the US Air Force (USAF) and the US Navy (USN). The impact of the ASB operational concept on the USAF–USN relationship is examined across the issue areas of strategy, budgets, weapons procurement, and training. These four issue areas represent important areas of historical conflict and competition between the Air Force and Navy. The conclusion is that ASB is ushering in a new era of Air Force–Navy partnership that advances the inter-service dynamic from “jointness” toward integration. The emergent USAF–USN partnership therefore represents a significant development in US defense politics and defense strategy.  相似文献   

从X-47B看美国无人作战飞机发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无人作战飞机代表了航空装备无人化发展的方向.美国X-47B无人作战飞机已经完成了航母上自主弹射起飞和拦阻着舰,标志着美军海空作战模式将发生革命性的改变.这是人类的一小步,但对于无人系统来说却是技术发展的一大步.文章以X-47B为例,回顾了美军无人作战飞机的发展历程,分析了美军对无人作战飞机的概念和认识的变化,以及无人作战飞机对未来空中作战的影响,总结了值得借鉴的经验和教训.  相似文献   


The US Air Force is facing a record shortfall in pilots over the coming decade. Using personnel data on more than 10,000 Air Force pilots, this study examines the factors affecting the retention of pilots and assesses the effectiveness of the pilot bonus programme implemented by the Air Force to reduce attrition. Although surveys indicated sustained deployment rates were the leading cause of job dissatisfaction among Air Force pilots, the results of this study suggest economic factors had the largest impact on retention.  相似文献   

Traditionally, policy and planning have been institutionally weak in the Naval Staff (Office of the Chief of Naval Operations – OPNAV). In their place, the N8 (Programming) has dominated resource decision-making, and, by default, decisions relating to policy and planning. Recent uncertainty over defense authorization and appropriations has resulted in calls for a greater role to be played by the N3/5, Policy and Plans Directorate. The article argues that reform of the Department of the Navy’s planning process is urgently needed. OPNAV’s weak planning and overly dominant programming practices are compared with those of the Departments of the Army and Air Force and are shown to be out of conformance with them. The article concludes with specific and detailed recommendations for reform of both the current planning and programming processes.  相似文献   

多分辨率建模技术是近年来建模与仿真领域研究的热点之一。首先分析了空军作战仿真面临的新挑战,指出多分辨率建模技术是解决现代作战仿真的有效方法;再在解析多分辨率建模相关概念的基础上,分析了空军作战仿真多分辨率建模的必要性;最后,采用面向实体的分析方法给出了空军作战仿真模型体系,并对模型聚合解聚问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过分析美国空军核心价值观的内涵和培育,阐述其注重军人个人道德品质和品格培养,将核心价值观的理念渗透到日常工作和生活中,使之内化为个人习惯的特点。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical model for a particular type of three-echelon inventory system. The proposed model is being used by the Air Force to evaluate inventory investment requirements for alternative logistic structures. The system we will model consists of a group of locations, called bases, and a central depot. The items of concern in our analysis are called recoverable items, that is, items that can be repaired when they fail. Furthermore, each item has a modular or hierarchical design. Briefly, the model is used to determine the stock levels at each location for each item so as to achieve optimum inventory-system performance for a given level of investment. An algorithm for the computation of stock levels for each item and location is developed and illustrated. Some of the ways the model can be used are illustrated with Air Force data.  相似文献   

The historical and, to some extent, the current role of attribute inspection sampling in the United States Air Force is described. Some insight into consideration culminating in revisions made to the original MIL-STD-105 sampling plans is provided. These revisions were motivated from a practitioner's perspective rather than that of a statistical expert. Some significant administrative applications within the Air Force are described, and a practical method, based on the total amount of inspection, is given for distinguishing between sampling plans that have a fixed risk level (i.e., common value on the OC curves).  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on relatively new maintenance and operational scheduling challenges that are faced by the United States Air Force concerning low‐observable (LO) or stealth aircraft. The LO capabilities of an aircraft degrade stochastically as it flies, making it difficult to make maintenance scheduling decisions. Maintainers can address these damages, but must decide, which aircraft should be put into maintenance, and for how long. Using data obtained from an active duty Air Force F‐22 wing and interviews with Air Force maintainers and program specialists, we model this problem as a generalization of the well‐known restless multiarmed bandit superprocess. Specifically, we use an extension of the traditional model to allow for actions that require varying lengths of time, and generate two separate index policies from a single model; one for maintenance actions and one for the flying action. These index policies allow maintenance schedulers to intuitively, quickly, and effectively rank a fleet of aircraft based on each aircraft's LO status and decide, which aircraft should enter into LO maintenance and for how long, and which aircraft should be used to satisfy daily sortie requirements. Finally, we present extensive data‐driven, detailed simulation results, where we compare the performance of the index policies against policies currently used by the Air Force, as well as some other possible more naive heuristics. The results indicate that the index policies significantly outperform existing policies in terms of fully mission capable (FMC) rates. In particular, the experiments highlight the importance of coordinated maintenance and flying decisions. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 62:60–80, 2015  相似文献   

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