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“从马克思主义关于国家学说的观点来看,军队是国家政权的主要成份。谁要夺取国家政权,并想保持它,谁就应该有强大的军队”,所以军队的发展变化反映阶级斗争的形势。军队的“武装、编制、组织、战术及战略,首先依靠于当时生产和交通工具所达到的程度”。“作战方法、作战形式随着生产的发展而变化,军队编制的形式、兵种和军种的变化,通常适应于作战形式和方法  相似文献   

日本自卫队的学生兵制度创立于一九五四年,是随着自卫队的创立而产生的,迄今已有四十年的历史。所谓学生兵制度,就是日本自卫队为满足陆海空三军的专业技术骨干需求而设立的从初中生中招收军士的制度。在日本自卫队各种任用制度中,该制度具有招收年龄小、军衔低等特点。目前,已招收三十五届,毕业一万六千八百人。  相似文献   

世兵制是我国古代实行的一种基本的兵役制度。它的产生和发展与封建制度紧密相连,有着深刻的社会根源。从春秋时代到清朝,在两千多年的历史长河中,世兵制几起几落,反复出现,延续了相当长的时间。一、关于世兵制的几种类型世兵制产生于春秋时代,魏晋时发展到鼎盛,直到清代随着八旗兵的解体而最后消亡。纵观世兵制的产生、发展和变化,在各朝各代又各具有特色,表现出不同的形式。归纳起来,笔者认为主要有贵族世兵制、军户世兵制和部族世兵制三种类型。贵族世兵制产生于春秋时期,是世兵制的雏形。当时国家常备军的骨干──武士,属于…  相似文献   

夏凌 《军事历史》2004,(5):11-13
黥兵制,即在兵士脸手刺字以区别于平民并明确其指挥建制的一种兵役制度,始于唐末五代,盛于北宋,终于南宋被元灭亡之际,前后延续300余年,成为中国古代兵役史上的一种奇特景象。遗憾的是,五代史、宋史对这一制度记载甚略,后代史家出于为统治者讳等原因,也对此研究甚少。本文结合大量史料,对黥兵制产生的时间、原因及推行情况作一较为详尽的探析,  相似文献   

云南位于我国西南地区南部边境,是一个多民族的省份,除汉族外,还有彝、白、哈尼、壮、傣、苗、傈僳、回、拉祜、佤、纳西、景颇、瑶、藏、布朗、阿昌、怒、普米、崩龙、独龙、蒙古等民族。由于历史上我国各民族社会经济发展不平衡,少数民族又大多地处边远,风俗各异等原因,历代中央封建王朝又不能把内地的一套统治机构和办法照搬到少数民族地区,因而在长期的历史发展过程中,便逐渐形成了一套有别于内地的,带有封建性质的土司制度和土司兵制。  相似文献   

明代的兵制,前期以卫所兵制为主,后期以募兵制为主。卫所兵制时期,利用军士屯田,军费开支由军屯收入提供。募兵制时期,屯田弛败,军费开支由国家财政供给。对明前期军屯收入、国家养兵量、养兵费用及军屯收入占军费开支的多少,卫所兵制向募兵制嬗变的原因,明中后期国家募兵数量、募兵费用及军费开支占国家财政收入的多少等进行探讨,可以了解明代兵制的嬗变及其对国家财政支出的影响。  相似文献   

隋王朝因其政治统治的严酷腐败,“劳役不息”①,“天下死于役”②,使经济崩溃,加上自然灾害的侵袭等原因,引起农民起义的大爆发,最终埋葬了隋王朝,这已是尽人皆知,毋须再论。但关于隋代兵制与隋亡之关系问题则鲜有论及。军队是封建国家机器的重要组成部分,是封建政权的重要支柱,军队的强弱、军事制度的完善与否,直接关系到封建国家的强弱、盛衰,乃至王朝的兴亡。隋作为我国历史上一度十分富强的封建王朝,其存在仅三十七年便告覆亡。除上述原因外,隋代军事制度弊病丛生和日趋涣散,也是极其重要的原因。本文仅想就此问题作一粗…  相似文献   

古代兵制对传统政治文化形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兵制也就是军事制度,即军制。它是针对军事力量的组织、管理、训练、储备、征募等制定的法规,以及由这些法规规定下来的军事制度。其主要内容包括:军事领导体制、武装力量体制、军事指挥系统、军队编制、动员体制、兵役制度、军官培养制度、武器装备、后勤供应、管理制度,以及人事任免、奖惩制度等。古代兵制与传统政治文化之间的关系,牵涉到上层建筑内部要素之间的辩证关系,涉及到兵制与国家政治制度、国家政治生活、公民政治心理等诸多方面的关系,本文拟就几个主要方面的关系做一尝试性的探讨。一、古代兵制对国家政治制度的作用毛…  相似文献   

《中国近现代国防经济史》姜鲁鸣王文华/著中国财政经济出版社2012年3月出版由姜鲁鸣、王文华合著的《中国近现代国防经济史》(以下简称《近现代史》),2012年3月由中国财政经济出版社出版。《近现代史》是国家社科基金项目"中国近现代国防经济史研究"的最终成果,是作者二十多年来潜心研究我国国防经济理论和实践发展变化、并花数年时间精心  相似文献   

兵制,即国家的军事制度,是整个政治制度中的一大部门。兵制的得失,常常关系到国家的盛衰。唐杜佑论兵时说:“若制得其直,则治安;失其宜,则乱危。”他注意到兵制之重要,但在唐以前,人们对兵制之研究,并没有引起重视,就在杜佑这部专载历代典章制度、卷帙浩繁的《通典》中,也没“兵制”这一门类。陈傅良的《历代兵制》,当是系统研究我国兵制的肇端。  相似文献   

讨论了光纤陀螺信号检测的基本原理,分析了锁相放大器参数选择对测试结果的影响。在干涉型去偏光纤陀螺系统中应用锁相放大器进行信号检测,可使系统阈值达到0.1deg/h,零漂达到0.4deg/h.  相似文献   

Unlike terrorism, HIV/AIDS deaths are seldom spectacular. The reason being, that those dying are dispersed and the impact not clearly visible. Yet it is one of the greatest threats to mankind as the disease slowly erodes the social fabric of society and weakens national economies, making it difficult for states to respond to the social challenges and political instability this disease poses. This is especially the case in countries with large inequalities in income, which experience rapid urbanisation and where there is high mobility and a Breakdown in social cohesion within society. Armed forces are a crucial part of any state's security, but are often worst affected by this disease as it impacts directly on their operational effectiveness. Where armed forces face high infection rates it renders them less capable of coping with the internal disruption this disease causes as well as with the ability to provide humanitarian and peace support to those in need. With Southern Africa being the region most affected, South Africa as the regional economic and military power is becoming less capable of serving as regional peacekeeper or stabilising force as the impact of the disease becomes more visible.  相似文献   

Fiji's total debt stands at 65% of GDP. Domestic debt constitutes 55% of GDP. The goal of this paper is to investigate whether military expenditure has contributed to Fiji's exploding debt levels over the period 1970 to 2005. Our empirical analysis, conducted within a cointegration and vector error‐correction framework, suggests that, in the long‐run, military expenditure has had a statistically significant positive impact on both external debt and domestic debt, while income has had a statistically significant positive impact on domestic debt and a statistically significant negative impact on external debt. We explain the reasons behind this finding and draw some policy implications.  相似文献   

September 11 2001 has put the spotlight on terrorism, and it has been at the apex of the international security agenda ever since. Politicians, lawmakers, scholars and others have been debating the meaning and definition of terrorism for many years. Numerous myths and misconceptions persist on this highly debated issue. With the aid of historical case studies, this article aims to demonstrate how broad a concept terrorism has become. It focuses on its subjective and value-laden interpretation and hence the difficulty of arriving at a universally acceptable definition. The author introduces the concept of ‘colonial terror’, which depicts a distinct form of state terrorism perpetrated during the colonial and post-colonial periods. Like many before her, the author concludes that the definition and meaning of terrorism lie in the eye of the beholder.

There are two ways to approach the study of terrorism. One may adopt a literal approach, taking the topic seriously, or a propagandistic approach, construing the concept of terrorism as a weapon to be exploited in the service of some system of power. In each case it is clear how to proceed. Pursuing the literal approach, we begin by determining what constitutes terrorism. We then seek instances of the phenomenon—concentrating on major examples, if we are serious—and try to determine causes and remedies. The propagandistic approach dictates a different course. We begin with the thesis that terrorism is the responsibility of some officially designated enemy. We then designate terrorist acts as ‘terrorist’ just in the cases where they can be attributed (whether plausibly or not) to the required source; otherwise they are to be ignored, suppressed or termed ‘retaliation’ or ‘self-defence’. (Noam Chomsky)  相似文献   

This article attempts to understand the manner in which the notion of good governance has been applied in the United Republic of Tanzania. In 1989, the World Bank issued a document which argued that Africa's development problems were in essence a crisis of governance. This became the basis for the imposition of conditionalities in order to establish liberal democratic governments. More than a decade later, good governance still dominates the donor agenda, which is reminiscent of the heyday of colonialism and the civilising mission that thrust Africa into the orbit of the European world, albeit as a ‘dark continent’. Although Tanzania has escaped the more overt political turmoil that plagued neighbouring countries, the country appears to be open to inter-ethnic rivalry due largely to Zanzibar, the site of the greatest opposition to the ruling party, in power since independence. The challenge is to deal with the dysfunctional economy and to meet the growing demands of its population for adequate social services. The ideal of self-reliance espoused by Nyerere is no longer a choice but a necessity.  相似文献   

This article explores the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons in the West African sub-region and efforts by the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to deal with the problem through the ECOWAS Declaration of a Moratorium on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa. The paper analyses the degree of compliance with the Moratorium by four ECOWAS member states, namely, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Mali.  相似文献   

美的本质、审美及美的创造是美学的要素,美学在众多学科交叉互融中极具活力,于是数学美就应运而生,其与美学相辅相成。本文对数学美的本质、特征作了探析。  相似文献   

论述了“病态信息”概念的形成过程及初步定义 ,讨论了病态信息的危害 ,阐述了病态信息研究的目的意义 ,阐明了国内外相关研究的基本情况、主要观点及其对病态信息的控制产生的影响 ,提出了病态信息控制的理论与方法的框架体系结构 ,最后综述病态信息研究的主要进展情况、主要应用情况及发展前景。  相似文献   

研究一类描述催化反应的flickering现象的动力系统,应用Melnikov方法对三种不同情形分别给出了系统存在次谐分枝的某些充分条件。  相似文献   

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