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针对指数寿命产品的定时、定数截尾试验方案,推广了Mazzuchi-Soyer模型的应用范围。首先引入模型假设,以狄氏分布作为先验分布,综合利用产品研制的历史信息和专家信息,结合产品研制各阶段试验数据,给出了各阶段可靠性的联合后验分布。然后利用Gibbs抽样算法解决后验推断计算问题,得到各阶段产品可靠性的Bayes点估计和区间估计。最后给出产品可靠性增长分析实例,表明了模型的优越性。  相似文献   

多阶段含延缓纠正的可靠性增长试验,其各个阶段内的试验数据分别服从参数不同的Weibull过程.针对现场样本少、传统的可靠性评估方法实施困难的问题,首先在获得各阶段形状参数的基础上,对各个阶段截尾时刻的失效强度建立顺序约束关系.然后,运用Bayes方法融合先验信息,获得最末阶段截尾时刻的失效强度的期望与置信上限.该结果融合了历史阶段的样本信息,优于仅利用单个阶段样本的分析结果,适用于多阶段可靠性增长试验的综合评估.  相似文献   

为了提高产品实际使用可靠度,减少老炼试验和保修费用,基于效用函数研究了具有早期失效的产品在可靠度和费用约束下的加速老炼试验时间优化方法。考虑产品寿命分布参数的不确定性,利用自助法估计参数的先验分布,然后通过仿真方法获得实际使用可靠度和费用的联合效用函数。以联合效用函数值最大为优化目标建立加速老炼试验时间优化模型,得到最优的加速老炼试验时间。结合对数正态分布产品在温度应力下的加速老炼试验数值示例,阐述上述方法的应用,并对参数进行敏感性分析,结果表明提出的加速老炼试验方法不但能缩短产品的试验时间,还可以最大程度同时满足费用和可靠性的要求。  相似文献   

针对火箭发动机分阶段试验,每阶段试验后对发动机出现的故障分析、归零的情况,提出等效试验数据的概念,结合Bayes方法对系统的可靠性增长试验进行评估,并在此基础上给出可靠度的增长分析,最后给出实例进行说明。  相似文献   

针对具有参数漂移特征的产品,首先采用随机扩散理论描述其参数漂移规律,并建立了参数漂移模型.在此基础上,提出了将参数漂移模型预测与产品寿命分布拟合相结合的可靠性评估方法,即利用参数漂移模型对产品不同时刻的可靠度进行预测,通过适当增加产品可靠性预测点,拟合产品的寿命分布,进而获得产品的可靠性评估结果.该方法充分利用产品参数漂移规律和产品寿命分布规律,可有效提高产品可靠性评估精度.最后,通过实例比较,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

为了解决武器装备日益复杂及维修工作日趋繁重的问题,运用贝叶斯模型预测装备修理后的剩余寿命,为合理安排其修理计划提供依据。替代传统的指数分布,用威布尔分布描述系统寿命特征,并运用极大似然方法和贝叶斯方法估计威布尔分布的两个未知参数,给出其置信区间。在此基础上,对先验样本和后验样本两种不同情况,分别运用贝叶斯模型预测装备修理后的剩余寿命,并给出实例。结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

成败型产品的Bayes鉴定试验方案研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用可靠性增长模型给出了成败型产品鉴定试验的一种Bayes方法.提出了Bayes鉴定试验的最大后验风险准则,利用这种准则制定的鉴定试验方案综合了产品研制过程中的先验信息.在确保产品质量的前提下,与传统的鉴定试验方案相比,将大大节省试验时间.  相似文献   

针对武器装备定型试验时如何把验前积累大量的先验信息科学合理利用,根据武器装备不同种类的验前信息,确定其分布类型并采用参数和非参数检验方法进行相容性检验,使经过预处理的验前信息能够为试验所用,并通过实例验证了该方法的科学可行性。该方法对验前信息在武器装备试验及结果评定中的应用具有一定意义。  相似文献   

基于双边定时截尾样本,研究广义Pareto分布的形状参数和可靠性指标的估计问题。在进行极大似然估计时,由于似然方程无解析解,故采用EM算法。对形状参数选取,4信息先验,在平方损失下,研究给出广义Pareto分布的形状参数和可靠性指标的Bayes估计。通过Monte-Carlo模拟对形状参数和可靠度函数的极大似然估计、EM估计和Bayes估计的效果进行比较。模拟结果说明,Bayes方法和EM算法适合在小样本场合下对形状参数进行估计,Bayes方法和极大似然估计法适合在大样本场合下对形状参数估计,极大似然估计方法和EM算法适合对可靠度进行估计。  相似文献   

全面系统阐述了Bayes统计理论下的射表编拟方法,具体研究了验前信息的处理、符合计算、编拟计算及试验用弹量的确定等几个关键难点问题,同时导出了确定先验分布中未知参数的计算公式、射表基本诸元的后验估计公式、射表试验用弹量的计算公式。通过两个实例对其具体使用方法给予了详细说明并对其结果进行了分析,指出应用该方法可以在相同精度要求下节省用弹量或在相同用弹量下提高射表精度,具有很好的经济适用价值。  相似文献   

基于最大后验风险的多层Bayes方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了对指数型产品进行可靠性鉴定,首先给出了失效率的多层先验分布,然后从最大后验风险的角度,运用Bayes方法,制定出可靠性鉴定试验方案.按照此鉴定试验方案,缩短了试验时间,从而降低了鉴定试验所需的费用.  相似文献   

为解决小子样条件下进行产品固有可用度试验验证的问题,基于Bayes理论,提出了一种固有可用度定时截尾试验方案.该试验方案在假设故障间隔时间和修复时间均服从指数分布的前提下,将现场试验分为同时进行的可靠性和维修性定时截尾试验2个部分,要求在利用验前试验信息的基础上,使本次试验获得的验后分布还可以作为下一次现场试验的验前分布,提高了试验数据的利用率,具有较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

带失效因子的J-M软件可靠性预计模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出带失效因子的J-M软件可靠性预计模型.先分析了原有J-M软件可靠性预计模型的特性,指出了此模型产生与实际情况差异的原因;基于在测试初期软件出现的错误,对软件失效率的影响大于测试后期出现的错误对软件失效率的影响的思想,提出了带失效因子的J-M软件可靠性预计模型.最后,针对所提出的模型,利用测量的数据进行了实际验算.  相似文献   

The explosive initiator is one kind of sensitivity products with long life and high reliability.In order to improve the storage reliability assessment,the method of storage reliability assessment for explosive initiator was proposed based on time series model using the sensitivity test data.In the method,the up and down test was used to estimate the distribution parameters of threshold.And an approach to design the up and down test was present to draw better estimations.Furthermore,the method of shrinkage estimation was introduced to get a better estimation of scale parameter by combining the sample information with prior information.The simulation result shows that the shrinkage estimation is better than traditional estimation under certain conditions.With the distribution parameters estimations,the time series models were used to describe the changing trends of distribution parameters along with storage time.Then for a fixed storage time,the distribution parameters were predicted based on the models.Finally,the confidence interval of storage reliability was obtained by fiducial inference.The illustrative example shows that the method is available for storage reliability assessment of the explosive initiator with high reliability.  相似文献   

The Jelinski–Moranda model of software reliability is generalized by introducing a negative‐binomial prior distribution for the number of faults remaining, together with a Gamma distribution for the rate at which each fault is exposed. This model is well suited to sequential use, where a sequence of reliability forecasts is made in the process of testing or using the software. We also investigate replacing the Gamma distribution with a worst‐case assumption about failure rates (the worst‐case failure rate in models such as this is not infinite, since faults with large failure rates are immediately discovered and removed). © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   

The problem of computing reliability and availability and their associated confidence limits for multi-component systems has appeared often in the literature. This problem arises where some or all of the component reliabilities and availabilities are statistical estimates (random variables) from test and other data. The problem of computing confidence limits has generally been considered difficult and treated only on a case-by-case basis. This paper deals with Bayes confidence limits on reliability and availability for a more general class of systems than previously considered including, as special cases, series-parallel and standby systems applications. The posterior distributions obtained are exact in theory and their numerical evaluation is limited only by computing resources, data representation and round-off in calculations. This paper collects and generalizes previous results of the authors and others. The methods presented in this paper apply both to reliability and availability analysis. The conceptual development requires only that system reliability or availability be probabilities defined in terms acceptable for a particular application. The emphasis is on Bayes Analysis and the determination of the posterior distribution functions. Having these, the calculation of point estimates and confidence limits is routine. This paper includes several examples of estimating system reliability and confidence limits based on observed component test data. Also included is an example of the numerical procedure for computing Bayes confidence limits for the reliability of a system consisting of N failure independent components connected in series. Both an exact and a new approximate numerical procedure for computing point and interval estimates of reliability are presented. A comparison is made of the results obtained from the two procedures. It is shown that the approximation is entirely sufficient for most reliability engineering analysis.  相似文献   

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