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2012年11月30日至12月01日,"2012年中国核电行业发展论坛暨核电产业链产品技术交流会"在京举行。这次论坛和交流会围绕国内外核电技术的现状与发展趋势,核电厂物项和服务的分级以及核安全法规,核反应堆及核燃料循环,核电安全质量保证与环保,中国核电设备设计制造现状与趋势,坚持自主创新,树立国产化核电品牌,行业新技术、新设备、先进解决方案、成果报告等内容进行了互动、展示、交流。  相似文献   

中国在核安全问题上发挥着举足轻重的作用,未来中国可以通过向其他国家传授涉及核安全的技术和经验,在推动构建国际核安全机制等方面进一步发挥作用 本次峰会通过的《海牙公报》就如何维护全球核安全达成了一系列新的共识,主要包括:一是减少可能被恐怖分子用于制造核武器的危险核材料的数量,  相似文献   

本文结合核电站特点,从核安全出发,阐述了核安全在质量文化建设中的核心地位,介绍了秦山第三核电有限公司在质量文化建设方面的一些具体实践,总结了质量文化建设取得的经验,供国内同行交流和参考。  相似文献   

核电标准建设对我国核电的发展十分重要。通过对我国核电标准的现状进行分析,发现我国核电标准体系还存在许多缺陷。要大力推进我国核电标准体系建设,就必须要依托专业的技术组织,做好核电标准的基础工作,形成标准反馈评估的机制,统筹协调核电标准体系建设,开发我国自主的核电标准体系。  相似文献   

确保核电安全,维护人民群众利益,加强对公众进行核电与核安全知识宣传普及教育,已成为关系到核电事业发展和社会和谐稳定的一件大事。作为国家核电自主化依托项目——三门核电工程,不仅要成为新一代核电建设的样板,也应在核电与核安全宣传普及教育方面有所创新。这就是三门核电有限公司组织“发展核电造福人民”三门核电科普知识宣传系列活动的出发点。本次活动由“三门核电科普知识问卷调查”、“发展核电造福人民-核电知识普及读本”、“三门核电科普知识展廊”、“发展核电造福人民——三门核电知识竞赛”和“院士台州三门行”等五项内容…  相似文献   

30年前,中国与机构合作扬帆启航;今天,双方合作硕果累累。30年前,中国大陆核电从零起步;今天,中国核电建设成就举世瞩目。30年前,中国核安全监管工作刚入正轨;今天,核安全监管体系日臻完善。30年前,中国核能技术相对落后;今天,中国核领域自主创新亮点纷呈。中国与机构携手走过30年,建立了良好的合作关系,取得了辉煌的合作成果。  相似文献   

广东:中央媒体探秘大亚湾切身感受核安全管理作为全国核应急宣传周活动的一部分,日前,国家核应急办副主任、国防科工局核应急安全司副司长许平带领20余家中央媒体记者团走进中广核大亚湾核电基地,切身了解核电站的核安全和核应急情况。中广核有关人员向记者团介绍了大亚湾核电基地核电运营管理情况和核应急工作情况,并对记者提出的"大亚湾核电基地在核应急工作中的经验和面临的主要挑战"、  相似文献   

在建立健全企业标准体系和质量责任制基础上,依据标准和质量法规,对产品实施质量监控的经验和效果,说明标准化管理在质量责任制中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

近日,中国核工业建设集团公司开展了在建核电及军工项目的全面质量安全检查活动.并提出了工作的具体要求:要进一步提高核安全意识:立即开展在建核电及核军工项目的质量.安全自检自查活动,主要包括质量、安全体系策划、改进各环节的有效性、环境及应急管理等;  相似文献   

<正>切尔诺贝利核事故发生迄今已30年。近年来,随着事故相关资料的不断公开,事故深层次原因也逐渐明晰,其中便有核安全文化的缺失。自上世纪50年代以来,苏联核电发展逐渐进入快车道,而核安全文化建设却相对滞后,无论是在核安全意识形态层面,还是在核安全监管体制、法律制度、应急能力建设等实践层面都存在不足。缺乏理性的核安全价值观。自1954年6月27日苏联投运世界上第一座核电站以来,其在大力发展本  相似文献   


While nuclear suppliers compete in markets, they simultaneously partner in other fields. This produces a delicate relationship between civilian nuclear programs and nuclear weapon proliferation. This study explores how export competition affects suppliers’ conditions of supply related to nuclear nonproliferation. We investigated three export cases (India, North Korea, and South Korea) and identified four effects that competition has on the conditions of supply related to nonproliferation. First, under highly competitive conditions, suppliers might hesitate to enforce the conditions of supply to avoid negotiation conflicts with recipients. Second, suppliers focus on politically and economically attractive recipients while mostly ignoring unattractive ones, perhaps allowing proliferation problems to fester out of view in marginal states. Third, suppliers can build consensus on the conditions of supply to avoid being the only party experiencing negotiation conflicts. Fourth, suppliers can constrain others from relaxing the conditions of supply to maintain economic benefits and nonproliferation norms. The first two effects accelerate proliferation while the last two promote nonproliferation. Although the extent of these effects can vary with changes in nonproliferation norms, they can contribute to our understanding of the relationship between nonproliferation and civilian nuclear programs.  相似文献   

The exploits of the A.Q. Khan nuclear network have received significant attention in the last three years. Gordon Corera's recent book, Shopping for Bombs, is an important addition to the existing literature. In this book, the author explores how Khan became a nuclear supplier and why his network was able to flourish for so many years. In his analysis, Corera examines relevant domestic and international political circumstances that affected Khan's rise and ultimate fall. The author also gives a compelling account of the international investigation that shut down this network in 2004 and warns that Khan's network will not be the last to challenge international nonproliferation regimes. Despite a few gaps in the book's narrative and analysis, Shopping for Bombs is an important source of insight into the activities of Khan and his network.  相似文献   

“French nuclear diplomacy” is the French government's use of civilian nuclear cooperation agreements (NCAs) to advance specific commercial and strategic interests. During the heart of the so-called nuclear renaissance, the Élysée Palace aggressively peddled France's nuclear expertise and technology abroad, signing over a dozen new NCAs in an effort to bring in business for the French industry, forge diplomatic relationships, and promote global nonproliferation norms. Several years later, however, the outcomes of France's aggressive global nuclear power push appear nominal at best. This article explores the mixed results of this nuclear campaign, and through three case studies, illustrates how many of France's commercial and political disappointments stem from unrealistic expectations and the disorganization of the French nuclear complex.  相似文献   

Russian reliance on its non-strategic nuclear arsenal has been an ongoing concern for security experts. What is the Russian de facto employment doctrine for this arsenal? This article argues that Russian non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNW) have no defined mission and no deterrence framework has been elaborated for them. This study disentangles Russian thoughts and deeds about regional nuclear deterrence and the role of NSNW in it. Situating the Russian case in the comparative context, the article argues that establishing a coherent theater nuclear posture and streamlining it with the national level deterrence strategy is a demanding and frequently unfulfilled task. It is likely to remain as such for both current and prospective nuclear states that consider an asymmetrical deterrence posture.  相似文献   

因海啸而引起的日本福岛核电站核泄漏危机,充分警示人类必须做好有效应对核泄漏事故的准备工作。核生化侦检车具有快速标定核辐射物质、确定辐射边界的功能,消防部队应研究、掌握和应用核生化侦检技术,积极做好应对今后有可能发生的核生化灾害事故的准备工作。  相似文献   

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