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现代高技术航空兵器的广泛运用,使空中攻防武器系统的作用和地位发生了重大变化,空中作战攻强守弱的不平衡性更加突出,空中进攻作战较之防空作战占据了更大的主动和优势。翻开80年代以来的局部战争史料,人们会注意到:如果说在第四次中东战争中,埃及地面防空兵曾夺取战争初期局部制空权,保障了地面部队顺利地渡过苏伊士运河,算得上是防空作战成功范例的话,那  相似文献   

空中加油机的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空中加油机的运用,有效地增大了飞机的航程、作战半径,延长了留空时间,大大提高了航空兵的远程作战能力。因此,空中加油机倍受各国的重视。自1923年,美国陆军的一架单引擎DH-48B飞机在飞行中由另一架DH-48B飞机用软管以自流方法对它进行了两次加油以来,空中加油已走过了70多年的发展历程,空中加油技术也已日趋成熟。迄今,世界上已有22个国家拥有空中加油机,其中拥有加油机最多的国家是美国和俄罗斯,其次是英国、法国、以色列、沙  相似文献   

文章从美国为什么需要两种空中力量共同存在入手,对美国现有的两种常规空中力量进行了深入的对比和剖析,揭示了它们在作战中的角色、地位及运用。  相似文献   

以美国为首的北约在对南联盟实施的“联盟力量”行动中动用了当今最先进的空中兵器,对南境内的各种战略目标进行了大规模、多批次、不间断的空中打击。意在以炸施压、以打迫和。而南军民在与其进行了78天的较量后,终因力量对比过于悬殊,被迫允许北约进驻科索沃。可以说,这个结果的取得,北约空军是立了“大功”的。随着硝烟的逐渐散去,“空袭”这个话题便被炒得沸沸扬扬,继而一股崇尚空军、崇尚“以空制地”的“空军热”便在四处兴起。为此,本文就如何冷静地看待空军在近几次战争中所发挥的作用,以及空袭的局限性,空军与陆军、海军的关系等方面,谈一下看法。缺乏依据的“空中制胜论”在持有“空中力量一举决胜”观点的  相似文献   

所谓近距离空中支援,是指由固定翼或旋翼飞机对极为靠近已方部队的敌方目标进行的空中突击。它是航空兵对地面部队、海军舰艇部队作战最直接、衔接最紧密的支援行动。在近期的几场局部战争中,美军的近距离空中支援发挥了极其重要的作用,然而,也暴露了一些制约因素和作战弱点。这些因素及弱点影响了美军联合作战效能的进一步提高。制约因素贴近实战、高质量的联合训练对诸军兵种联合作战十分必要。然而,美军目  相似文献   

2001年秋天,每天收看美空军轰炸阿富汗电视新闻的美国公众仍然能回想起近距离空中支援对地面部队指挥员的重要性,尤其是对付那些善于掘壕固守的敌军。近距离空中支援(Close air support,简称CAS)利用战术级空中力量直接支援那些与敌军接触的友邻地面部队,具有代表性的情况是攻击友邻部队附近的敌地面目标。  相似文献   

运用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,对摩步师(团)战斗行动中面临的空中威胁进行了分析,提出了评估的方法和步骤,建立了评估模型,并结合实例对评估方法、步骤、模型进行了分析验证.实例计算表明,该方法的判断结果预见性好、可靠性强,对未来摩步师(团)反空袭作战有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

实施空中封锁战役,是我军做好新时期军事斗争准备必须面对的一项重大课题。空中封锁战役由来已久,怛在新形势下发生了很大的变化。文章针对空中封锁战役的由来、发展及后勤保障面临的新情况、新问题,提出了后勤保障的基本要求,探讨了实施空中封锁战役后勤保障需注意解决的问题。  相似文献   

直升机空中攻击亦称空中火力攻击,是指直升机以机载武器对地面、海面和空中各种目标实施的空中火力攻击行动。其目的是消灭敌坦克、装甲及其他战斗车辆,摧毁、压制敌阵地和其他多种暴露目标,阻断和限制敌纵深预备力量机动,摧毁敌舰艇和其他海面、水下目标;消灭敌直升机和低空、超低空飞机及其他空中目标,掩护地面部队的对空安全。直升机空中攻击具有适应性强、反应迅速、火力机动快、攻击目标命中率高等优势,被称为“雷神之锤”。直升机具有运载不同武器装备快速空  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Military Helicopters. By E. J. Everett‐Heath, G. M. Moss, A. W. Mowat and K. E. Reid. Brassey's, London (1990), ISBN 0–08–037341–0 (hardcover), ISBN 0–08–036716‐X (flexicover), £22.50 (hardcover), £12.95 (flexicover)

The Killing Ground: the British Army, the Western Front and the Emergence of Modern Warfare 1900–1918. By Tim Travers. Unwin‐Hyman, London (1990), ISBN 0–04–4457367, £11.95

The Influence of S. L. A. Marshall on the United States Army. By Major F. D. G. Williams. TRADOC Historical Monograph Series, Fort Monroe, VA (1990)  相似文献   

Allan R. Millett and Peter Maslowski, For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States of America. New York and London: Free Press and Macmillan, 1984, 1986. Pp.xiv + 621; $24.95.

Ian F. W. Beckett, The Army and the Curragh Incident, 1914. London: Bodley Head for The Army Records Society, 1986. Pp.xii + 456; £20.

Martin van Creveld, Command in War. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1985. Pp. 339. £18.25 and £8.75 (paperback).

Charles Townshend, Britain's Civil Wars: Counterinsurgency in the Twentieth Century. London: Faber &; Faber, 1986. Pp. 220; £14.95.

Eliot A. Cohen, Citizens and Soldiers: The Dilemmas of Military Service. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1985. Pp.227; $22.50.

Alberto R. Coll and Anthony C. Arend (eds.), The Falkland's War: Lessons for Strategy, Diplomacy and International Law. London and Boston, MA: George Allen &; Unwin, 1985. Pp.xiv + 252. £18 and £7.95 (paperback).

Barry M. Blechman and William J. Lynn (eds.), Towards a More Effective Defense. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, 1985. Pp.xiii + 247; NP.

Jonathan B. Stein, From H‐Bomb to Star Wars: The Politics of Strategic Decision‐Making. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books and Aldershot, Hants: Gower, 1985. Pp.xiii + 118; £20.

Samuel P. Huntington (ed.), The Strategic Imperative: New Policies for American Security. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, 1982. Pp.360; NP.

Stephanie G. Neuman, Military Assistance in Recent Wars: The Dominance of the Superpowers (The Washington Papers 122). Washington, DC and New York: The Center for Strategic and International Studies and Praeger Publishers, 1986. Pp. viii + 186; $10.95 (paperback).

Stanley R. Sloan, NATO's Future: Towards a New Transatlantic Bargain. London: Macmillan, 1986. Pp. xix + 194. Appendices; index. £27.50.

Hugh Stringer, Deterring Chemical Warfare: US Policy Options for the 1990s. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1986. Pp.xii + 76. NP.

Julian Perry Robinson (ed.), The Chemical Industry and the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention, Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press for Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Chemical &; Biological Warfare Studies, No.4), 1986. Pp.xix + 147. £12.50.

Julian Perry Robinson (ed.), The Chemical Industry and the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention, Vol.2. Oxford: Oxford University Press for Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Chemical &; Biological Warfare Studies, No. 5), 1986. Pp.xix + 233. £12.50.

Keith B. Payne, Strategic Defense: ‘Star Wars’ in Perspective. Lanham, MD: Hamilton Press, 1986. Pp. xviii + 250. $20.95 (hardback); $9.95 (paper).

Bhupendra Jasani (ed.), Space Weapons: The Arms Control Dilemma. Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (London &; Philadelphia), 1984. Pp.xiv + 255. £18. Distributed by Taylor &; Francis.

P. Edward Haley, David M. Kethly, and Jack Merritt (eds.), Nuclear Strategy, Arms Control, and the Future. Boulder, Co and London: Westview Press, 1985. Pp.xxii + 372. £15.95.  相似文献   


John Terraine, The Smoke and the Fire: Myths and Anti‐Myths of War 1861–1945. London: Sidgwick &; Jackson, 1980. Pp. 240; £8.95.

Stephen Roskill, Admiral of the Fleet: Earl Beatty. London: Collins,1980. Pp. 430; £12.95.

Peter and Leni Gillman, ’Collar the Lot’. How Britain Interned and Expelled its Wartime Refugees. London: Quartet Books, 1980. Pp. 314; £8.95.

Frederic A. Bergerson, The Army Gels An Air Force: Tactics of Insurgent Bureaucratic Politics. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. Pp. xiii + 216; £8.50.

Christoph Bertram (ed), Prospects of Soviet Power in the 1980s. London: Macmillan, and IISS, 1980. Pp. 126; £15.

James M. Roherty (ed.), Defense Policy Formulation: Towards Comparative Analysis. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1980. Pp. 315; $14.95.

Franklyn Griffiths and John C. Dolanyi, The Dangers of Nuclear War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979. $15.00.

Kenneth Mackenzie, Turkey under the Generals. London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, Conflict Studies. Number 126, January 1981. Pp. 31.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
British Naval Policy and Norwegian Security: Maritime Power in Transition, 1951-60.. By Mats Berdal. Forsvarsstudier No. 2/92, Institutt For Forsvarsstudier (IFS) Oslo, Norway, 1992, ISSN 0333-3981.

The European Security Order Recast: Scenarios for the Post-Cold War Era.. By Barry Buzan, Morten Kelstrup, Pierre Lemaitre, Elzbieta Tromer and OLE Waever. Pinter, London (1990), ISBN 086187143X, £30.00.

Mates and Muchachos: Unit Cohesion in the Falklands War.. By Nora Kinzer Stewart. Brassey's (US), Washington DC (1991), ISBN 008-037-4395, $20.

The Declining Hegemon: The United States and European Defense, 1960-1990.. By Joseph Lepgold. Praeger, New York (1990), ISBN 0-275-93657-0, $15.95 pb.

Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance.. By Donald Mackenzie. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, and London, England (1990), ISBN 262-132-583, £19.95.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed f o r solving the transportation problem. This method is a modification and a generalization of the method for solving the multiple assignment problem developed by Dr. A. J. Hoffman and Dr. H. M. Markowitz. This method is of interest for several reasons. In the first place it is significantly different from all other methods for solving the trans -portation problem known to the author. Secondly, it is moderately simple touse and understand. Thirdly, and perhaps most important, it has proved to be very adaptable tri high-speed computer operations. It is now being used by several branches of the armed services.  相似文献   

A. Hamish Ion and E.J. Errington (eds.), Great Powers and Little Wars: the Limits of Power. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993. Pp.246, select biblio, index. $49.95. ISBN 0275–93965–0

John M. Rothgeb, Jr., Defining Power: Influence and Force in the Contemporary International System. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. Pp.205. $39.95 (hbk); $18.70 (pbk). ISBN 0312–086–822 and 061–056

Brian L. Job (ed.), The Insecurity Dilemma: National Security in Third World States. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1992, Pp.257. $37. ISBN 1–55587–267–0

Edwin G. Corr and Stephen Sloan (eds.), Low‐Intensity Conflict: Old Threats in a New World. Westview Studies in Regional Security, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1992. Pp.310, maps, figures, index. $55 (hbk); $18.85 (pbk). ISBN 0–8133–8593–8 and 8594–6  相似文献   

F. Barnaby, The Automated Battlefield. New York: The Free Press, 1986. Pp.185; $18.95.

R. Berg and A.D. Rotfeld, Building Security in Europe: Confidence ‐Building Measures and the CSCE. New York: Institute for East‐West Security Studies, 1986. Pp.iii + 181; paperback; NP.

A. Pierre (ed.), The Conventional Defense of Europe: New Technologies and New Strategies (Europe/America series No.5), New York and London: New York University Press, 1986. Pp.xii + 185; $19.50.  相似文献   

Douglas S. Derrer, We Are All the Target: A Handbook of Terrorism Avoidance and Hostage Survival. Annapolis, MD: US Naval Institute Press, 1992. Pp. x+135, notes, index. $14.95. ISBN 01–55750–150–5

Ian Knight, Zulu: Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift, 22–23 January 1879. London: Windrow & Greene, 1992. Pp.136, 150 illus., incl 8 colour plates, maps, biblio. £35. ISBN 1–872004–23–7

Ian Knight, By the Orders of the Great White Queen: Campaigning in Zululand through the Eyes of the British Soldiers, 1879. London: Greenhill Books and Novato: Presidio Press, 1992. Pp. 272, 17 illus., 1 map. £18.95. ISBN 1–85367–122–3

Manfried Rauchensteiner and Erwin A. Schmidl (eds.), Formen des Krieges: vom Mittelalter zum ‘Low‐intensity’ Conflict’. Graz : Verlag Styria, 1991. Pp.208. DM35. ISBN 3–22–12139–7

Harold J. Kearsley, Maritime Power and the Twenty‐First Century. Dartmouth: Dartmouth Publishing Company, Limited, 1992. Pp.xv + 203, 13 diagrams, index. £32.50. ISBN 1–85521–288–9  相似文献   

Michael C. Fowler, Amateur Soldiers, Global Wars: Insurgency and Modern Conflict.Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005. Pp.183. $49.95/£28.99, HB. ISBN 0-275-98136-3.

Roger Trinquier, Modern Warfare: A French View on Counterinsurgency, first published in France as La Guerre Moderne (1961), trans. by Daniel Lee, foreword by Bernard Fall, introduction by Eliot Cohen. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006. Pp.95. $74.95/£41.95, HB. ISBN 0-275-99267-5. US$29.95/£16.95, PB. ISBN 0-275-99268-3.

David Galula, Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice first published 1964, foreword by John A. Nagl. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006. Pp.107. $74.95/£41.95, HB. ISBN 0-275-99269-1. $0.00/£0.00, PB ISBN 0-275-99303-5.

Richard H. Shultz, Jr. and Andrea J. Dew, Insurgents, Terrorists and Militias – The Warriors of Contemporary Combat. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Pp.316. $29.50/£19, HB. ISBN 0-231-12982-3.

Robert M. Cassidy, Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror: Military Culture and Irregular War. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006. Pp.211. US$49.95/£28.99, HB. ISBN 0-275-98990-9.

US Army and US Marine Corps, Counterinsurgency FM 3-24, MCWP 3-33.5 of 15 December 2006. Pp.282 <http://usacac.army.mil/CAC/Repository/Materials/COIN-FM3-24.pdf>.  相似文献   

Wm. Roger Louis, Imperialism at Bay 1941–1945. The United States and the decolonization of the British Empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. Pp. xvi + 595;£12.50.

Christopher Thorne, Allies of a Kind. The United States, Britain and the war against Japan, 1941–1945. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1978. Pp. xxii + 772; £15.00.

Michael Howard, editor, Restraints on War: Studies in the Limitation of Armed Conflict Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 173; £6.50.

Julian Lider, The Political and Military Laws of War: an Analysis of Marxist‐Leninist Concepts. Farnborough, Hants: Saxon House, 1979. Pp. vii + 266; £12.50.

Klaus‐Jürgen Müller and Eckardt Opitz (editors), Militär und Militarismus in der Weimarer Republik. Düsseldorf: Droste Verlag, 1978. Pp. 304; n.p.

Nicholas Bethell, The Palestine Triangle: The Struggle Between the British, the Jews and the Arabs 1935–1948. London: Steinmatsky's Agency Ltd. in association with Andre Deutsch, 1919. Pp. 384; £7.95.

Sir Maurice Dean, The Royal Air Force and Two World Wars. London: Cassell, 1979. Pp. 349; £8.95.

Wilfred Jay Holmes, Double‐Edged Secrets. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1979. Pp. 218, n.p.

S. G. Gorshkov, The Sea Power of the State. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1979. Pp. 290; £15.00.

Kirk, Grayson and Wessell, N.H. eds., The Soviet Threat: Myths and Realities. New York and London: Praeger, 1978. Pp. 182; £12.00.

Kenneth E. Boulding, Stable Peace. Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1978. Pp. 155;£2.80.

Kenneth E. Boulding (ed.), Peace and the War Industry. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, and Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1973. Pp. vii + 213; £2.75.  相似文献   

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