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一种应用聚类技术检测网络入侵的新方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于聚类技术提出了一种能处理不带标识且含异常数据样本的训练集数据的网络入侵检测方法。对网络连接数据作归一化处理后 ,通过比较数据样本间距离与类宽度W的关系进行数据类质心的自动搜索 ,并通过计算样本数据与各类质心的最小距离来对各样本数据进行类划分 ,同时根据各类中的样本数据动态调整类质心 ,使之更好地反映原始数据分布。完成样本数据的类划分后 ,根据正常类比例N来确定异常数据类别并用于网络连接数据的实时检测。结果表明 ,该方法有效地以较低的系统误警率从网络连接数据中检测出新的入侵行为 ,更降低了对训练数据集的要求。  相似文献   

脉冲群间多普勒频率变化率的高精度测量算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种脉冲群间多普勒频率变化率的高精度测量算法,该算法利用脉冲群内相邻脉冲对间的互相关函数估计脉冲群模糊频率,在连续脉冲群间选择任一相同模糊频率进行解模糊得到各脉冲群相对频率,由于这些相对频率包含相同的模糊,从而可以利用差分或滤波算法得到脉冲群间多普勒频率变化率。该算法具有相对频率估计精度高、解模糊过程简单、运算量小、多普勒频率变化率测量精度高等优点。计算机仿真和地面缩比试验均证明了该测量算法的有效性。  相似文献   

机器人集群路径规划技术研究现状   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
受社会型生物群体行为启发,群体智能得到日益广泛的关注,机器人集群作为群体智能的重要承载者得到了大量研发和广泛应用。机器人集群路径规划技术作为一项核心关键技术也得到快速发展。为此全面深入地调研了机器人集群路径规划的技术发展现状,创新性地归纳了适用于不同集群规模、可扩展性要求、通信需求以及算法要求的集群规划基础计算架构,包括冗余计算架构、分布计算架构和分层计算架构。从可扩展性和适用性角度,分类梳理了最适用于机器人集群的路径规划方法,包括仿生学方法、人工势场法、几何学方法、经典搜索法和进化学习法,并为集群仿真验证研究提供了七款可免费下载或开源的机器人集群仿真验证平台。  相似文献   

针对无线传感网中高效数据收集和传输的需要,提出了一种基于动态可调簇的能量感知数据收集协议ACEDGP(Adjusted Cluster-based energy-aware Data Gathering Protocol)。该协议初始时根据区域将节点等分成许多簇结构,簇首节点负责簇内部数据的收集和聚合,距离较远的簇通过其他簇首节点的转发实现数据的收集;随着时间的推移和节点能量的减少,ACEDGP能够统计各簇首能量消耗预测簇的通信频次,根据动态调整簇策略选择合适的簇首节点和合并分裂各个相邻的簇,保证各簇首节点簇内数据收集和簇间数据转发的能量平衡。仿真结果表明,与典型的分簇协议相比,ACEDGP能够更好地平衡节点的能耗,获得更长的网络生存期。  相似文献   

In the underwater waveguide, the conventional adaptive subspace detector (ASD), derived by using the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) theory, suffers from a significant degradation in detection per-formance when the samplings of training data are deficient. This paper proposes a dimension-reduced approach to alleviate this problem. The dimension reduction includes two steps: firstly, the full array is divided into several subarrays; secondly, the test data and the training data at each subarray are transformed into the modal domain from the hydrophone domain. Then the modal-domain test data and training data at each subarray are processed to formulate the subarray statistic by using the GLRT theory. The final test statistic of the dimension-reduced ASD (DR-ASD) is obtained by summing all the subarray statistics. After the dimension reduction, the unknown parameters can be estimated more accurately so the DR-ASD achieves a better detection performance than the ASD. In order to achieve the optimal detection performance, the processing gain of the DR-ASD is deduced to choose a proper number of subarrays. Simulation experiments verify the improved detection performance of the DR-ASD compared with the ASD.  相似文献   

基于目前主流的多核处理器,研究了数据库Radix-Join算法中的聚集连接优化.针对多线程聚集连接执行时,线程Cache访问缺失严重的问题,采用预读线程预先将聚集连接线程需要访问的聚集对从内存读入L2-Cache,提高了线程的Cache访问性能.并根据聚集连接执行时的代价模型,优化了聚集连接执行框架和各种线程参数.在实验中,基于内存数据库EaseDB实现了本文提出了算法,实验结果表明,聚集连接性能得到较大提高.  相似文献   

经马氏修正的Poisson过程的极大似然估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来 ,隐马氏模型成为研究相依随机变量的一个十分有用的工具。实际应用过程中的一个很重要的问题是如何对隐马氏模型的参数进行估计。将一类连续时间隐马氏模型的问题转化为离散时间隐马氏模型的问题 ,给出了具体的隐马氏模型———经马氏修正的Poisson过程的极大似然估计及其算法。此类过程被广泛用来对复杂电信网络的交通流进行建模  相似文献   

针对小采样数据长度下,采样协方差矩阵对统计协方差矩阵估计不准,影响传统最大最小特征值(MME)检测算法检测性能的问题,提出一种基于逼近收缩(OAS)矩阵估计的改进MME检测算法。首先利用OAS估计量对采样数据做协方差矩阵估计,再对估计协方差矩阵特征值分解,将最大最小特征值之比作为检测统计量,克服了传统MME算法检测门限随采样点大幅波动的缺陷,提高了检测门限的鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,所提算法的检测门限具有鲁棒性,检测性能提高了1 d B~2 d B。  相似文献   

针对传统自适应极化滤波算法存在收敛速度慢、迭代步长因子选取困难等问题,采用极化聚类中心估计理论设计了一种快速自适应极化滤波器,实现了对极化雷达回波中的干扰信号逐脉冲地自适应精确对消。滤波器通过距离单元选通获取干扰信号样本,对样本极化聚类中心的直接计算能够快速估计干扰信号在当前脉冲内极化状态,依据干扰输出功率最小原则最终实现快速滤波过程,相比于传统极化滤波算法有更快的收敛速度和更稳定的干扰抑制性能。仿真对比实验结果验证了该方法的快速有效性。  相似文献   

针对电路板边界扫描测试中簇测试时间较长、测试效率较低问题 ,以并行测试思想为基础 ,提出了一种簇测试置入方案———交迭置入方案 ,并对其进行了理论分析和实验验证。结果表明 ,该方案是最优的簇测试置入方案 ,可以显著减小簇测试时间 ,提高簇测试效率  相似文献   

针对多指数连续相位调制信号提出基于序列检测的早迟环定时同步,利用维特比算法的幸存度量构造定时误差估计器。根据误差估计的S曲线和方差,优化定时误差捕获范围和估计精度、消除环路假锁点,同时利用多指数连续相位调制的脉冲幅度调制分解对定时误差估计器进行简化。仿真结果表明,优化后的早迟环定时误差捕获范围最大可达±0.5个符号周期,估计精度在中低信噪比下能够接近修正的克拉美罗界,在高信噪比下也有较好的估计性能;当早迟环定时支路的分支度量简化至最大似然序列检测的1/8时,对多进制、部分响应的多指数连续相位调制信号,造成的解调性能损失小于0.5 d B。  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of monitoring Poisson count data when sample sizes are time varying without assuming a priori knowledge of sample sizes. Traditional control charts, whose control limits are often determined before the control charts are activated, are constructed based on perfect knowledge of sample sizes. In practice, however, future sample sizes are often unknown. Making an inappropriate assumption of the distribution function could lead to unexpected performance of the control charts, for example, excessive false alarms in the early runs of the control charts, which would in turn hurt an operator's confidence in valid alarms. To overcome this problem, we propose the use of probability control limits, which are determined based on the realization of sample sizes online. The conditional probability that the charting statistic exceeds the control limit at present given that there has not been a single alarm before can be guaranteed to meet a specified false alarm rate. Simulation studies show that our proposed control chart is able to deliver satisfactory run length performance for any time‐varying sample sizes. The idea presented in this article can be applied to any effective control charts such as the exponentially weighted moving average or cumulative sum chart. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 60: 625–636, 2013  相似文献   

In system reliability analysis, for an n ‐component system, the estimation of the performance of the components in the system is not straightforward in practice, especially when the components are dependent. Here, by assuming the n components in the system to be identically distributed with a common distribution belonging to a scale‐family and the dependence structure between the components being known, we discuss the estimation of the lifetime distributions of the components in the system based on the lifetimes of systems with the same structure. We develop a general framework for inference on the scale parameter of the component lifetime distribution. Specifically, the method of moments estimator (MME) and the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) are derived for the scale parameter, and the conditions for the existence of the MLE are also discussed. The asymptotic confidence intervals for the scale parameter are also developed based on the MME and the MLE. General simulation procedures for the system lifetime under this model are described. Finally, some examples of two‐ and three‐component systems are presented to illustrate all the inferential procedures developed here. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

针对无源协同定位系统中低可观测目标的航迹初始及维持问题,提出一种基于遗传算法的极大似然概率多假设的多基站无源协同定位方法。首先,建立多基站无源协同定位系统数学模型。其次,提出基于极大似然概率多假设的无源协同定位航迹初始算法,并首次利用遗传算法解决极大似然概率多假设中的优化求解问题,以提高目标检测跟踪性能。最后,通过滑窗法实现航迹维持。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效解决多基站无源协同定位系统中低可观测目标的航迹初始及维持问题。  相似文献   

天线阵载波相位双差的欺骗干扰检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对采用单一发射天线的导航信号欺骗干扰,研究了基于天线阵载波相位双差的欺骗干扰检测技术,采用代数方法证明了三元非线阵是进行导航信号到达角无模糊解算的最少阵元数和阵型要求,并以相应阵型为基础,提出了基于天线阵载波相位双差的欺骗干扰检测量构造方法,给出了检测性能的分析方法,定义了用于限制检测性能下降的最小检测门限。采用蒙特卡洛方法对所提检测方法的检测性能进行了仿真,结果验证了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的用于未知数量稀疏源盲分离的统一方法。为了改善聚类分离的精度,该方法选取混合空间中半径给定的、中心位于原点的超球面以外的所有数据点,然后将这些数据点映射到中心位于原点的单位超球面上以得到集合Cy。由此,原来的聚类变为致密聚类,各聚类互相重叠的现象几乎消失。随后,先通过关于Cy的聚类分离来估计混合矩阵,再根据混合矩阵估计源,其中最佳不相似阈值和相应的聚类数量是自动生成的。计算机仿真结果验证了该方法对具有不同程度稀疏性源的有效性。当源充分稀疏时,重构信噪比大约是300 dB。因此,该方法精确、便利。  相似文献   

Both topics of batch scheduling and of scheduling deteriorating jobs have been very popular among researchers in the last two decades. In this article, we study a model combining these two topics. We consider a classical batch scheduling model with unit‐jobs and batch‐independent setup times, and a model of step‐deterioration of processing times. The objective function is minimum flowtime. The optimal solution of the relaxed version (allowing non‐integer batch sizes) is shown to have a unique structure consisting of two consecutive decreasing arithmetic sequences of batch sizes. We also introduce a simple and efficient rounding procedure that guarantees integer batch sizes. The entire solution procedure requires an effort of O(n) (where nis the number of jobs.) © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

The relationship between economic growth and military expenditure has been the subject of a large literature in defence economics. This study analyses the influence of military expenditures on economic growth in a global perspective for the time period 2000–2010 taking spatial dimension into account. The augmented Solow model is employed to investigate the defence-growth nexus using the cross-sectional data relating to 128 countries. Following a traditional regression analysis, spatial variations in the relationships are examined utilizing different spatial econometric specifications estimated by maximum likelihood. The regressions are compared with each other via likelihood ratio tests, and the spatial Durbin model is found to be the most appropriate one suggesting that the typical least-squares model is misspecified. Empirical evidence indicates that military expenditure has a positive effect on economic growth with a significant spatial dependence for the time period under consideration.  相似文献   

Reliability data obtained from life tests and degradation tests have been extensively used for purposes such as estimating product reliability and predicting warranty costs. When there is more than one candidate model, an important task is to discriminate between the models. In the literature, the model discrimination was often treated as a hypothesis test and a pairwise model discrimination procedure was carried out. Because the null distribution of the test statistic is unavailable in most cases, the large sample approximation and the bootstrap were frequently used to find the acceptance region of the test. Although these two methods are asymptotically accurate, their performance in terms of size and power is not satisfactory in small sample size. To enhance the small‐sample performance, we propose a new method to approximate the null distribution, which builds on the idea of generalized pivots. Conventionally, the generalized pivots were often used for interval estimation of a certain parameter or function of parameters in presence of nuisance parameters. In this study, we further extend the idea of generalized pivots to find the acceptance region of the model discrimination test. Through extensive simulations, we show that the proposed method performs better than the existing methods in discriminating between two lifetime distributions or two degradation models over a wide range of sample sizes. Two real examples are used to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

提出了在背景杂波呈现Weibull分布条件下的SAR图像恒虚警目标检测方法.从统计分析观点,推导了基于局部窗口的Weibull分布参数估计和自适应CFAR目标检测阈值的计算公式;对检测后的图像进行形态滤波处理以消除检测中的虚假目标;最后提出了应适当选择恒虚警率.仿真结果表明该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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