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在重金属离子检测仪器及其工作原理研究的基础上,对污水中重金属离子浓度测量方法进行了分析研究,分析了采用软测量技术的可行性和必要性,针对水质测量具有非线性、大时变和多滞后的特点,提出了基于BP神经网络的污水中重金属离子浓度软测量建模方法,建立了软测量模型,并通过仿真分析和实验验证了该方法的实用性.  相似文献   
为了识别跳频序列,提出了采用遗传算法并结合跳频信号特点来完成跳频序列的分析与重组,从而实现跳频信号的侦察。在采用传统遗传算法的基础上,针对序列特点提出了5种改进手段,从而大大提高了算法的效率和可用性。最后利用采样的语音信号,对分析与重组过程进行模拟来验证算法的可行性。  相似文献   
根据排放检测数据规律,定义并提取特征参数,建立了规则与模糊神经网络有机结合的柴油机故障诊断模型及其对应的特征知识库,确立了模型的“可塑性”学习路线,并以单缸失火故障为例,进行了模型诊断实例研究。结果表明:运用该方法进行柴油机的故障诊断,结果准确,识别速度快,诊断效率高。  相似文献   
数据挖掘故障诊断专家系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了及时准确地对防空导弹飞行试验故障进行诊断,克服传统专家系统获取专家知识的瓶颈,立足于防空导弹飞行试验历史数据,利用数据挖掘的方法获得飞行试验故障模式判定决策树,进而得出导弹故障判定规则,形成故障诊断专家知识库,构建防空导弹故障诊断专家系统.这使数据挖掘和专家系统两者的优点得到充分发挥.  相似文献   
为解决目标检测中候选区域召回率低的问题,提出融合神经网络与超像素的目标候选区域算法。该算法利用神经网络提取更能清楚表达目标边界的特征,并使用聚类、相似性等策略,计算每个滑动窗口所含有的边缘信息量;将待测图像使用简单线性迭代聚类算法分割成若干个超像素,并利用超像素的空间位置、完整性、相邻超像素间的对比度信息,计算各个超像素的显著性得分及每个滑动窗口的显著性得分;根据每个滑动窗口的边缘信息及显著性得分筛选滑动窗口。在PASCAL VOC 2007测试集上进行对比实验,其实验结果表明:所述算法能够快速产生定位质量高的候选区域。  相似文献   
In order to improve the infrared detection and discrimination ability of the smart munition to the dy-namic armor target under the complex background, the multi-line array infrared detection system is established based on the combination of the single unit infrared detector. The surface dimension features of ground armored targets are identified by size calculating solution algorithm. The signal response value and the value of size calculating are identified by the method of fuzzy recognition to make the fuzzy classification judgment for armored target. According to the characteristics of the target signal, a custom threshold de-noising function is proposed to solve the problem of signal preprocessing. The multi-line array infrared detection can complete the scanning detection in a large area in a short time with the characteristics of smart munition in the steady-state scanning stage. The method solves the disadvan-tages of wide scanning interval and low detection probability of single unit infrared detection. By reducing the scanning interval, the number of random rendezvous in the infrared feature area of the upper surface is increased, the accuracy of the size calculating is guaranteed. The experiments results show that in the fuzzy recognition method, the size calculating is introduced as the feature operator, which can improve the recognition ability of the ground armor target with different shape size.  相似文献   
A great number of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) systems need to assume static features in the environment. However, moving objects can vastly impair the performance of a VSLAM system which relies on the static-world assumption. To cope with this challenging topic, a real-time and robust VSLAM system based on ORB-SLAM2 for dynamic environments was proposed. To reduce the influence of dynamic content, we incorporate the deep-learning-based object detection method in the visual odometry, then the dynamic object probability model is added to raise the efficiency of object detection deep neural network and enhance the real-time performance of our system. Experiment with both on the TUM and KITTI benchmark dataset, as well as in a real-world environment, the results clarify that our method can significantly reduce the tracking error or drift, enhance the robustness, accuracy and stability of the VSLAM system in dynamic scenes.  相似文献   
战争中,预警探测体系作为典型的复杂系统,其探测效能发挥情况的有效评估一直是亟需人们研究解决的重要现实问题.突破了传统效能评估方法的局限,在分析了知识图谱技术、贝叶斯评估方法基本原理的基础上,提出了基于两者综合运用的预警探测体系探测效能评估新方法,利用专家知识和实验数据构建知识图谱,并进一步使用贝叶斯网络方法实施知识推理...  相似文献   
路由器是军用电子信息系统的关键互联设备,提高路由器自身的安全性非常必要。首先对路由器涉及到的安全问题作了较为详细地分析,然后给出一种增强路由器安全性的技术措施。该措施重点处理终点包对路由器的威胁,将入侵检测模块与数据包过滤模块进行联动,通过入侵预防、入侵时的检测和响应、入侵后的快速分析与恢复等三个环节,提高路由器抗攻击的能力。最后探讨了该措施对路由器性能的影响。  相似文献   
由于电磁波在穿越不同介质时会出现折射现象,因此在地下目标成像过程中,电磁波信号穿越从雷达到地下目标的组合通道的路径不是直线而是折线,此时利用常规的自由空间中的合成孔径成像方法已经不能对目标进行成像。基于电磁波的传播规律和地层有耗媒质的特性,提出了电磁波传输的组合通道模型,并将其应用到地下目标成像中。通过仿真比较可以看出,使用组合通道模型对地下目标成像效果有明显的改善,组合通道模型适用于对分层土壤中的地下目标成像。  相似文献   
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