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Aluminium composites are inevitable in the manufacture of aircraft structural elements owing to less weight, superior corrosion resistance and higher specific properties. These composites reduce the weight of the aircraft, improve the fuel efficiency and enhance the maintenance duration. This study proposes the development of dissimilar grade aluminium (aluminium 1100-aluminium 5052) composites with different reinforcement’s viz., stainless steel wire-mesh, silicon carbide (SiC) powders and SiC powder interspersed wire-mesh, by explosive cladding technique. Wire-mesh enhances the friction and restricts the movement of flyer plate to craft a defect free clad, while SiC particles form a band on the interface. Highest strength is obtained when SiC powder interspersed wire mesh is employed as reinforcement. The dissimilar aluminium explosive clad with SiC particle reinforcement results in lower strength, which is higher than that of the weaker parent alloy and that of the conventional dissimilar aluminium explosive clads without any reinforcement.  相似文献   
It has frequently been observed in the literature on hybrid wars that there is a grey zone between peace and war, and that hybrid wars are conflicts which are not clear cases of war. In this paper, I attempt to illuminate this grey zone and the concept and nature of war from the philosophical discussions of vagueness and institutional facts. Vague terms are characterized by the fact that there is no non-arbitrary boundary between entities which lie in their extension, and entities which do not lie in their extension. I apply a theory of vagueness to notions such as “war” and “peace” and go on to suggest that the exact boundary for what counts as a war or not is arbitrary. However, the context in which the conflict occurs determines a range of possible locations for this boundary. The most important contextual parameter is in this respect how the parties to the conflict themselves conceptualize the conflict. I suggest that this can in various ways help us understand grey-zone conflicts.  相似文献   
护照、签证等出入境证件融合了签发国的政治文化、民族文化、地域文化、科技文化、审美文化诸要素。只有不同文化要素有机统一,才能制作一本质量上乘的证件,才能赋予出入境证件更加丰富的内涵,并切实有效地实现出入境证件的多种功能。  相似文献   
大椭圆轨道航天器在较长轨道周期内运行于远地点上空,可以实现高纬度地区长时间的通信和预警,具有重要的军事应用价值.大椭圆轨道编队飞行可实现空间磁场探测、信息干扰等特殊空间任务.有必要研究大椭圆轨道的多航天器协同运动理论.完善了以相对轨道根数为变量的大椭圆编队相对运动模型,分析了模型的误差.推导并证明了几种特殊的伴随星相对运动轨迹:直线、圆、椭圆,给出了两颗以及三颗卫星形成特殊编队构形的条件.仿真结果表明,在二体条件下,对近距离大椭圆轨道航天器的相对运动,编队具有较高的精度.论文研究结论可为大椭圆轨道航天器编队构形初步设计提供理论指导.  相似文献   
达尔富尔危机始于2003年2月。这场危机主要是由北方的游牧民与南方的定居农民之间对生存资源的争夺而引发的国内冲突。在国际社会的斡旋下,苏丹政府已与几个反政府武装签署了和平协议,并同意部署联合国-非盟混合维和行动,达尔富尔地区的和平进程已步入正轨。由于苏丹国内的复杂形势和困难,达尔富尔地区的和平进程仍面临诸多挑战,和平与和解之路仍然漫长。  相似文献   
结合实际装备维修工作的需求,开发了一套基于虚拟现实技术的具有一定通用性的虚拟维修训练系统。系统由界面层、应用层、对象层和技术支持层组成,运用OSG渲染创建逼真的场景,基于均匀网格和OBB树的混合碰撞检测算法解决碰撞问题,通过协同网络通信实现多人协作维修/检测操作。通过对某型装备手控台的虚拟维修训练系统的构建,证明系统能够快速开发相应的虚拟训练系统。训练过程中操作与场景变化实时同步,结果表明该系统能够有效提高操作人员的维修维护能力。  相似文献   
由于混合隔振系统中的电磁作动器对电磁力、体积重量、损耗等指标有着严格的限制,因此电磁作动器的优化设计显得十分重要。为此,提出了电磁作动器系统参数(包括几何尺寸参数和电参数)的优化设计方法,推导了电磁作动器总损耗与系统参数间的关系。通过有限元分析软件ANSYS中的优化设计模块,使用ANSYS参数化设计语言建立了在保证电磁力及体积限制条件下,以总损耗最小为目标函数的三维参数化分析模型,多次循环迭代求解后得到了较为优化的系统参数。仿真及实验结果表明:按照该方法设计的电磁作动器能够满足各项设计指标要求,且性能比其他参数下更为优化。  相似文献   
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