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图书馆是军队院校思想政治教育的重要阵地。分析论证了图书馆在军校思想政治教育中具有的转化功能、强化功能和内化功能,并从强化阵地意识、注重阅读引导、提高服务水平、营造环境氛围四个方面,就如何发挥军校图书馆在思想政治教育中的功能作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
本文主要论述了新疆少数民族双语教学中汉语教学的重要性及存在的困境,并对如何在教学中提高少数民族学生的汉语表达能力进行了探讨,并提出了几点建议:克服少数民族学生开口表达汉语的心理障碍;创设汉语表达语境让学生感知汉语交际情景;运用直观教学手段强化民族学生汉语表达的培养;教学中运用多种方法训练和培养学生用汉语的思维习惯。  相似文献   
The UN asks governments to report key figures of their annual military budgets with the aim of creating trust among member states. This goal can only be achieved if the data reported is accurate. However, although there are many reasons for governments to falsify data, the UN does not check for manipulation. In this paper, we apply Benford’s law to the military expenditure data of 27 states taken from the UN register. Our analysis of the first digits shows that the states with the greatest deviations from the expected Benford distribution and therefore the lowest data quality are the USA and the UK.  相似文献   
In recent years, there have been several changes in the weapon‐system acquisition market which have the potential to negatively impact the financial condition of defense contractors. This study evaluates the financial health of defense firms vis‐a‐vis nondefense firms using a fiscal distress identification model developed by E.I. Altman. We conclude that the financial condition of defense firms has deteriorated but the deterioration is the same as experienced by nondefense firms.  相似文献   
维和警察团队在维和行动中展现了强大的优势。在构建维和警察团队时,要把握好一系列原则;在培养其团队精神时,要做好以下六个方面的工作:强化维和事业心、合理明确的定位、警队制度化、复合化培养、以人为本、处理好警队内部竞争与合作的关系。  相似文献   
This article challenges the widely held belief that that the United States ‘won the war but lost the peace’ following the war with Iraq in 1991. Fears of a resurgent Iraq grew throughout the decade, despite abundant evidence that Iraq was becoming desperately weak and was no longer a threat to regional security. In fact, the United States won the war as well as the peace by any meaningful definition of the term. The article also discusses the reasons why US policymakers and observers convinced themselves that they had lost. The final section considers implications for strategy and policy in wars of limited objectives.  相似文献   
武警部队院校体制调整后,作为担负学历教育的“合训”院校,只有大力加强教学理论研究,及时实现教员角色转变,积极营造健康向上的教学环境,才能顺利实现“培养具有较高文化素养、具备扎实军事基础的新型军事人才”的教学目标。  相似文献   
美英发达国家教师教育发展有较悠久的历史,其教师教育课程改革一直走在世界的前列,教师教育培养模式和课程设置具有特色。文章通过对美国和英国教师教育模式及课程设置的梳理,提出石河子大学要提升教师教育培养层次,优化教师教育课程结构,构建多维度的实践环节体系,以满足基础教育改革形势下新疆及兵团基础教育师资培养的需求。  相似文献   
“钱学森之问”是广大校长必须直面的一个严峻课题。校长作为一所学校教学业务的指导者和教育行政的管理者,应以教学、管理、学生、教师及社会为基本职业维度,在工作中以“五心”标准要求自己。导致校长履职失范的因素包括校长自我认知错位、上级行政主管单位制度缺位及学校教职工角色异位等方面。人格自觉与制度跟进是加强校长队伍建设、规范校长治校理教的根本和正途。  相似文献   
新疆生产建设兵团教师教育的变迁与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新疆生产建设兵团成立以来,不仅担负着国家赋予的屯垦戍边职责,也担负着沉重的文化教育使命。回顾兵团教师教育30年的发展历程,兵团教师教育先后历经了初创期、成长期和发展期三个阶段。当前,兵团教师教育在办学指导思想,师资队伍建设、课程设置、人才培养模式上存在一系列问题。根据当前高等教育的发展趋势,今后兵团教师教育应坚持“师范性”与“学术性”并重的原则,走内涵发展之路,加强特色学科和专业建设,优化人才优化培养模式,改革教师教育课程体系,打造教师教育专业团队,推动兵团教师教育事业更好更快地发展。  相似文献   
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