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无线传感器网络中,目标跟踪往往通过节点之间的协作完成。在无迹变换卡尔曼滤波基础上,提出一种多传感器动态自适应调度算法进行目标跟踪。该方法根据预测跟踪精度来确定采样间隔,然后基于特定的检测概率,为下一时刻选择一组传感器,形成一个临时工作组,并指定某一个传感器作为中心节点进行数据融合。仿真结果证明了该算法能有效提高跟踪精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
在处理非线性滤波问题时,常用的几种通过模型近似或计算近似的滤波方法均在某种特定的情况下具有适用性.近年来随着计算机处理能力的快速发展,提出了序列蒙特卡罗滤波方法,因其在处理复杂的非线性和非高斯问题时表现出强大的潜力而引起广泛关注.详述了序列蒙特卡罗滤波算法的基本思想和原理,对其关键技术进行了归纳分析,并指出了该方法亟待解决的一些难点问题.  相似文献   
Quantile is an important quantity in reliability analysis, as it is related to the resistance level for defining failure events. This study develops a computationally efficient sampling method for estimating extreme quantiles using stochastic black box computer models. Importance sampling has been widely employed as a powerful variance reduction technique to reduce estimation uncertainty and improve computational efficiency in many reliability studies. However, when applied to quantile estimation, importance sampling faces challenges, because a good choice of the importance sampling density relies on information about the unknown quantile. We propose an adaptive method that refines the importance sampling density parameter toward the unknown target quantile value along the iterations. The proposed adaptive scheme allows us to use the simulation outcomes obtained in previous iterations for steering the simulation process to focus on important input areas. We prove some convergence properties of the proposed method and show that our approach can achieve variance reduction over crude Monte Carlo sampling. We demonstrate its estimation efficiency through numerical examples and wind turbine case study.  相似文献   
复杂网络环境中对网络波动的准确预测可以有效监测网络环境,防范网络入侵和拥堵。由于在复杂网络受到干扰的可能性更大,其网络波动具有扩展衍射特征,不可预测性强。传统方法中采用自回归移动平均模型进行复杂网络波形预测算法设计,在波动信号的时频重叠调制过程中未能纳入杂波先验信息,波动序列的扩展衍射特征形成欠定采样,预测效果不好。提出基于空间扩展自回归移动平均模型的复杂网络波动欠定预测算法,采用LTE线性均衡滤波,进行降噪去除杂波干扰,提取波动序列的扩展衍射特征形成欠定采样样本序列,设计网络波动时空序列扩展衍射点阵,准确预测网络波动的参数信息。以病毒入侵,网络监听和拥塞堵塞等波动产生模型为实例,进行仿真实验,结果表明该算法具有较高预测精度,监测点波动误差较小,实现复杂网络波动状态的动态跟踪和评估。  相似文献   
高效的仿真技术对研究提高军事通信的性能具有重要意义。针对传统的蒙特卡罗仿真时间长的问题,提出了基于重要性采样的空时分组码高效仿真方法,给出了仿真模型和实现流程。仿真和分析结果表明本方法在运行较少的时间内能够获得较好的误码性能。采用该高效仿真方法可以加快军事通信技术研究的进程。  相似文献   
相参雷达间歇采样灵巧干扰方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
间歇采样转发干扰是针对相参雷达一种有效的干扰方法,它利用脉压雷达匹配滤波特性,能够对雷达形成假目标干扰.首先分析了间歇采样转发干扰方法,指出了间歇采样转发干扰的不足之处,即脉压后干扰能量损失和假目标分布均匀,进而提出了间歇采样灵巧干扰方法,新方法形成的假目标分布不均匀,使得雷达识别真假目标可能性大大降低,仿真实验验证了新干扰方法的有效性.  相似文献   
为在复杂环境中对目标进行长时间精确跟踪,提出一种尺度自适应特征压缩跟踪算法。通过结构约束性采样,获取不同尺度不同位置的扫描窗,离线计算不同尺度下的稀疏随机感知矩阵。在线跟踪时利用这些矩阵感知对应尺度的图像采样块,实现特征降维,提高运算速度。利用朴素贝叶斯分类器对降维特征判决,在线学习更新分类器参数,找出具有最高分类得分的采样块作为新的跟踪结果,实现跟踪位置及尺度的自适应更新。实验结果表明,该算法能适应目标的基本姿态变化及尺度缩放,不依赖于目标初始跟踪区域尺度选取,跟踪结果具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
用于软件雷达硬件平台的并行多路等效时间超高速ADC系统中,客观地存在着诸多不可避免的工作非均匀性,如:时基抖动、通道直流偏置不均衡及通道增益不一致等等,而造成取样输出信号的频谱发生畸变,影响雷达系统性能.综合讨论了由于采样非均匀和通道偏置及增益不一致对取样信号数字谱的影响,在矩形抽样和理想抽样情况下,建立了该信号数字频谱的完整数学模型,并以理想抽样的正弦信号为例进行详细分析,得到了采样系统输出信噪比的计算公式,为系统的后续补偿校正,及对软件雷达系统指标的确定与分配提供了参考和依据.  相似文献   
Acceptance sampling plans are used to assess the quality of an ongoing production process, in addition to the lot acceptance. In this paper, we consider sampling inspection plans for monitoring the Markov‐dependent production process. We construct sequential plans that satisfy the usual probability requirements at acceptable quality level and rejectable quality level and, in addition, possess the minimum average sample number under semicurtailed inspection. As these plans result in large sample sizes, especially when the serial correlation is high, we suggest new plans called “systematic sampling plans.” The minimum average sample number systematic plans that satisfy the probability requirements are constructed. Our algorithm uses some simple recurrence relations to compute the required acceptance probabilities. The optimal systematic plans require much smaller sample sizes and acceptance numbers, compared to the sequential plans. However, they need larger production runs to make a decision. Tables for choosing appropriate sequential and systematic plans are provided. The problem of selecting the best systematic sampling plan is also addressed. The operating characteristic curves of some of the sequential and the systematic plans are compared, and are observed to be almost identical. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 451–467, 2001  相似文献   
罗兰C信号模拟器的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用数控技术产生罗兰C信号 ;通过对罗兰C脉冲的傅立叶分析和采样分析 ,确定仪器所用的采样频率和滤波器 ,给出了设计及实现罗兰C信号模拟器的原理  相似文献   
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