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The importance of subset selection in multiple regression has been recognized for more than 40 years and, not surprisingly, a variety of exact and heuristic procedures have been proposed for choosing subsets of variables. In the case of polynomial regression, the subset selection problem is complicated by two issues: (1) the substantial growth in the number of candidate predictors, and (2) the desire to obtain hierarchically well‐formulated subsets that facilitate proper interpretation of the regression parameter estimates. The first of these issues creates the need for heuristic methods that can provide solutions in reasonable computation time; whereas the second requires innovative neighborhood search approaches that accommodate the hierarchical constraints. We developed tabu search and variable neighborhood search heuristics for subset selection in polynomial regression. These heuristics are applied to a classic data set from the literature and, subsequently, evaluated in a simulation study using synthetic data sets. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
卫星任务调度问题的约束规划模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
卫星任务规划与调度是空间资源管理的重要内容之一,其目的在于为卫星系统的任务计划编制提供科学合理的决策手段与依据。卫星任务调度问题的重要特点在于,调度任务存在可见时间窗口约束。只有在可见时间窗口内,调度任务才可能执行并完成。在进行合理假设的基础上,建立卫星任务调度问题的约束规划模型。对基本禁忌搜索算法进行改进,提出了模型求解的变邻域禁忌搜索算法。应用结果表明,约束规划模型的建立与求解是合理的。  相似文献   
稳健局部线性嵌入方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
针对局部线性嵌入方法对于噪声的敏感性,从分析噪声对数据集局部特性的影响入手,提出了稳健局部线性嵌入方法。通过与局部线性嵌入方法的理论分析和实例对比,表明稳健局部线性嵌入方法不仅对噪声影响不敏感,而且对邻域的选择有较好的适应性,可更好地挖掘数据集的本征特性,具有更强的数据可视化能力。  相似文献   
针对医学领域诊断规则挖掘算法中时间和空间复杂性问题,提出一种基于邻域系统的决策表近似算法,用于医疗诊断数据挖掘预处理阶段的数据压缩.该方法以代表元素代替若干相近元素,有效地压缩了原始决策表的对象个数,同时保证决策表本身的判断能力基本不变.实例仿真表明,该算法具有比传统聚类算法更优的性能.  相似文献   
The resource‐constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of a set of non‐preemptive activities that follow precedence relationship and consume resources. Under the limited amount of the resources, the objective of RCPSP is to find a schedule of the activities to minimize the project makespan. This article presents a new genetic algorithm (GA) by incorporating a local search strategy in GA operators. The local search strategy improves the efficiency of searching the solution space while keeping the randomness of the GA approach. Extensive numerical experiments show that the proposed GA with neighborhood search works well regarding solution quality and computational time compared with existing algorithms in the RCPSP literature, especially for the instances with a large number of activities. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
This article introduces the use of Benders' cuts to guide a large neighborhood search to solve the traveling umpire problem, a sports scheduling problem inspired by the real‐life needs of the officials of a sports league. At each time slot, a greedy matching heuristic is used to construct a schedule. When an infeasibility is recognized first a single step backtracking is tried to resolve the infeasibility. If unsuccessful, Benders' cuts are generated to guide a large neighborhood search to ensure feasibility and to improve the solution. Realizing the inherent symmetry present in the problem, a large family of cuts are generated and their effectiveness is tested. The resulting approach is able to find better solutions to many instances of this problem. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
在对海面目标进行光电图像跟踪时,由于跟踪技术的局限性,跟瞄点往往会出现对目标的"失跟"现象,为了判断这一情况,通常需要对前后帧跟瞄区域的目标图像特征进行对比判别。但红外图像基本不存在颜色及纹理特征,而仅使用形状特征对于持续运动中的复杂目标图像又难以取得良好的效果。为解决这一问题,提出了一种基于目标结构聚集度的特征描述及匹配方法。首先对目标图像进行均匀矩形划分,在此基础上建立基于矩形块填充比的邻域矩阵作为图像特征,计算相邻帧图像该特征的欧氏距离差,并加入面积差参数进行特征匹配。对多种不同情况下的实测及模拟目标进行了计算机仿真实验,结果表明这种特征能够有效判断"失跟"情况,并且对于光学及红外目标旋转具有较好的不变性。  相似文献   
红外图像序列运动小目标检测的预处理算法研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
就如何检测复杂背景下低信噪比的运动小目标展开讨论,提出了用空间高通滤波方法改善图像质量,达到抑制背景噪声,增强小目标的效果,随后用似然比检测理论进行目标的初步分离,接着采用邻域判决的方法实现运动目标的进一步分离,最后用图像流分析法进行目标的最终检测。实验结果表明,该算法能够对小目标甚至是点目标的运动进行可靠的检测  相似文献   
计算混沌统计特征量前必须先获得重构相空间的维数,因此给出了最大特征值不变法、几何不变量法、虚假邻点法、预测误差最小法、最小Shannon熵法、经验赋值法六种确定方法,得出了应用最大特征值不变法和最小Shannon熵法的工程案例计算结果。  相似文献   
中国经济结构的转型升级对“复合型优质人才”提出了更高的要求,为增强高等教育对社会的吸引力与竞争力,立足于优质复合型人才的培养,本文结合喀什大学生命与地理科学学院产学研合作模式下的“嵌入式”校企合作项目,结合生物技术专业校企嵌入式教学的特点,就现代教学中存在的问题、校企嵌入式下的实训基地建设内容、建设成效等方面进行阐述。探索出了一种基于工科专业实践教学的嵌入式复合型优质人才的培养方法。更好的实现学校、学生、企业和社会的“多赢”局面,让嵌入式复合型优质人才满足行业的需求,促进社会的发展和进步。  相似文献   
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