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作为区域内新闻专业人才培养的主要阵地,新疆高校在新闻专业人才培养上起步较晚。但随着新疆区域内新闻专业人才需求的逐步扩大以及国家政策的扶持,这种状况在上世纪八十年代后得以改观。上世纪九十年代末以来,新疆部分高校相继开办了新闻专业,使新闻专业人才培养阵地迅速扩张。短期内的迅速扩张,随之也带来了诸多问题。客观理性分析产生这些问题的原因并及时寻找解决问题的对策,对提高新疆高校新闻专业人才培养质量,为区域经济发展提供人才支撑有重要意义。  相似文献   
通过对2005~2009年《武警学院学报》5年间的载文、作者及引文情况进行统计分析,研究其载文量、栏目设置以及著者、发文地区和著者系统分布,并统计出合作度、合作类型、引文量、篇均引文数、引文语种及引文类型等,以期描述学报在改为月刊后的出版状况,从中发现一些带有规律性的问题,并客观评价其办刊特色,为刊物的进一步发展及相关学科动向提供理论依据。  相似文献   
改革开放二十多年来,新疆在各方面取得了长足的进步,但总体上还远远落后于东部发达地区,究其原因,人才匮乏是其中重要的影响性因素之一。地处西北边疆地区的新疆,要解决人才匮乏问题,除制定优惠政策引进内地高水平人才以外,还要鼓励新疆高校培养的内地毕业生留疆就业。新疆高校内地生源留疆就业,对新疆的稳定与发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
把英语作为第二语言的教学是20世纪60年代在美国兴起并逐步走向独立的科目,它在综合相关专业的同时正在朝专业化方向发展。近年来其硕士层面的教育为全球培养了大量合格的中小学英语教师,取得了较好的成绩。本文以曼卡托明尼苏达州立大学英语系为例,并结合笔者在该系攻读TESL硕士学位时的经历,解析其主要课程及设置理据。  相似文献   
地方高校制定发展规划是适应国内外高等教育发展的客观需求,是区域经济社会发展的必要需求,是高校自身发展的迫切需求。地方高校要履行高校职能,更好地为地方经济社会发展服务就必须科学制定规划,特别是要战略规划学校的办学定位、特色和目标。同时,规划的实施要强调监控并要与高校职能协调统一。  相似文献   
During the period 1996–2006, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) waged overt people’s war to seize state power and institute a new order that realized the party’s understanding of ‘New Democracy’ as posited by Mao Tse-tung. Contextual shifts led to a crucial strategic turning point in September 2005, when the Maoists agreed to a united front with estranged legal parties to oust the monarchy and establish a republic. Though touted as acceptance of political reintegration, the move was tactical rather than strategic. The party had no intention of supporting a parliamentary version of democracy and thus, 2006–2016, engaged in a covert effort to seize power. Central to this effort was the paramilitary Young Communist League (YCL), the members of which responded to inflammatory party verbiage and exhortations with attacks upon rival political actors. These attacks, academically and legally, were terrorism and offered a salient illustration of intra-state unrestricted warfare. Ultimately, organizational, national, and regional circumstances caused the main Maoist movement to move decisively away from its covert approach. By that time, however, radical splinters had embraced the use of terrorism against rival political actors, creating a situation whereby local politics is yet a dangerous endeavor in certain areas and at certain times.  相似文献   
This article examines military expenditure and defence policy in Norway from 1970 to 2013. Until 1990 Norwegian military expenditure remained between 2.5 and 3.0 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite constant GDP shares, the military expenditure could not sustain a large and properly armed mobilization army. The constant nominal defence budgets of the 1990s accentuated the Norwegian Armed Forces' underlying imbalance between tasks, structure and budget. Around year 2000, large organizational reforms were effectuated, in which costs, the number of man-years, and underlying imbalances between tasks, structure and budget were reduced. Military expenditure increased in nominal terms between 2003 and 2013, while real military expenditure remained practically constant.  相似文献   
Natural resources have been blamed for inducing slow growth and sparking civil conflicts and violence. This paper first develops a model to account for the hazard of armed civil conflicts as a manifestation of the natural resource curse, which is mediated by the quality of both economic and political institutions. We then use recently published data on institutional quality and natural resource rents to measure the potential impact of the resource curse on violent civil conflicts using a panel of data for over 100 countries in the period 1970–2010. Our model explicitly accounts for the role of good economic and political institutions in deterring the recourse to violence as well as the extent to which they might weaken the resource rents effect.  相似文献   
The dependence on oil, gas, and mineral exports arguably has a negative impact on economic growth in resource-rich, developing countries. This article looks at the impact of resource dependence on adjusted net savings (ANS) as an indicator of weak sustainability. Our results, based on a panel of 104 developing countries during the recent commodity price boom, confirm a negative relationship between resource extraction and sustainable development as measured by ANS. We further look at the specific role of armed conflict and armed violence as captured by the homicide rate. Armed conflict, which is positively associated with resource dependence, negatively affects ANS per capita according to both our OLS and instrumental variables (IV) estimates. Similarly, armed violence has a detrimental effect on sustainable development. Our IV estimate suggests that a one-point increase in the homicide rate decreases ANS per capita by $60. Since education expenditures are a critical ANS component, we further examine the impact of resource dependence and violence on human capital. Consistent with previous findings, resource-dependent countries underinvest in education but armed conflict and violence do not affect the instantaneous share of education expenditures, hinting at a detrimental effect working through physical and social capital rather than education.  相似文献   
军事院校强化训练期间学员承受着大强度的训练任务,从生理机能角度来说,伤病难以避免,严重的损伤会造成训练的滞后,对学员的身心造成一定的负面影响.研究这一阶段训练损伤发生的机理、特点以及预防措施,成为近年来军事院校军事训练探索的一个重点.通过归纳分析强化训练阶段学员常见损伤的原因、类型,提出了有效的预防措施,以期达到减少学员训练损伤的目的。  相似文献   
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