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情系下岗职工长安为西北、成都两地下岗职工提供再就业机会为回报社会,长安汽车公司在西北地区为下岗职工提供优惠汽车从事运输业、在成都招聘100名下岗职工担任汽车直销员,此举得到下岗职工欢迎以及社会和新闻界的赞许。长安汽车公司重视产品和企业形象,建立起完善...  相似文献   

基于社会资本视角的“对口支援”西部高校理论解读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
博特认为社会网络是一种社会资本,如果一个人能够成功运用网络的话。他的生活就能大大改善。所谓结构洞就是没有重复的信息源,而且是最为有效率的网络结构本文采用博特“结构洞理论”对“对口支援”西部地区高等学校政策解读,试图围绕博特“结构洞理论”主要思想展开讨论,“对口支援”是以政府的政治导向为主的援助政策,通过“对口支援”使受援学校获得了快速发展,其主要原因之一就是支援学校为受援学校拓展了社会网络,受援学校通过支援学校结构洞的信息桥梁优势,整合社会网络结构的信息资源、机会资源和社会资源,从而获得学校生存和发展之本。  相似文献   

在信息社会中,计算机网络已渗透到包括政府、军事单位、企业、学校等社会的各行各业.随着军队指挥自动化建设的深入,网络规模必将越来越大,要保证网络运行效率,网络管理是一个关键因素。文章提出了一个基于Web的大型计算机网络管理设计框架,阐述了主要设计思想,介绍了实现的方法。  相似文献   

「转岗增效」好古德友据《工人日报》载:三九集团在实施企业兼并的过程中,勇于承担大企业的社会责任,不把下岗职工推向社会,而是采取“软着陆”的转岗方式,使45家被兼并企业的下岗职工全都有了新的工作岗位,既盘活了闲置的国有资产,又增加了企业的经济效益,收到...  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔和平机器厂工会在工厂军转民产品结构调整未到位、企业开工严重不足、下岗人员已达3200多人的情况下,积极解决下岗职工再就业问题,在厂党委和行政部门的指导下,大力实施“再就业工程”,使下岗职工走向社会进入市场,在自谋职业的道路上闯出了一条脱贫致富的路子,这既稳定了职工队伍和社会秩序,又为企业开拓市场奠定了基础。1995年以来,由于企业开工不足,和平厂万名职工中已有14%的职工放长假,还有18%的职工处于半失业状态。对这些下岗职工应持什么态度?怎样帮助他们闯过生存难关?厂工会经过研究认为:下岗职工同样是和…  相似文献   

近几年,兵团劳动和社会保障局积极贯彻党的十六大精神,认真贯彻执行“鼓励兼并、规范破产、减员增效、实施再就业工程”和建立国有企业下岗职工生活保障制度、失业保障制度、城市居民最低生活保障制度“三条保障线”等政策措施,确保下岗职工的基本生活,较好地化解了国有企业下岗分流中的难点、热点问题,并提出“一手抓改革发展、一手抓  相似文献   

近年来,美国国防部提出一种新的作战理论和样式——网络中心战,国内也随之掀起了一场研究“网络中心战”的高潮。但是若仔细研究便不难发现,绝大部分的文章对于所谓“网络中心战”看得过高,缺乏冷静的分析。一、“网络中心战”只是一种网络技术在军事领域的运用“网络中心战”原是一个新的海军作战概念。1998年1月的美国《海军研究院期刊》上对“网络中心战”给出如下定义:“地理上分散的部队通过坚强的、规范的网络互联而获得力量。关键因素是高效能的信息网络,通过它可访问和控制所有的信息资源、武器射击和高速精确机动,以及倍增的指挥和…  相似文献   

小小居委会办了“天大事”———南昌市3城区通过居委会安置万名下岗职工再就业1997年初,南昌市委、市政府要求全市各界,把安置下岗职工再就业作为“天大事”来办,并把居委会作为一支安置力量,决定在三个城区居委会开展安置下岗职工再就业活动。市委、市政府要求...  相似文献   

下岗职工有“五盼”近来与几位下岗职工聊天,他们之中有这样那样的想法,集中起来有“五盼”:一盼重返工作岗位不少下岗职工过去在原单位干了十几年,二三十年,有一定的感情,对原单位朝夕相处的同事、朋友恋恋不舍,十分怀念。盼着原单位重振雄风,还想回去再发挥余热...  相似文献   

随着现代社会信息化和教育信息化的不断发展,网络信息资源在现代教育和教学过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。任职教育作为一种有别于传统学历教育的教育形式,是当前军校教育的主流。因此,在新形势下,研究如何做好任职教育条件下的网络信息保障工作,从而提高任职教育质量,具有非常重要的意义。1加强信息网络基础设施建设军事专家曾形象比喻:信息网络是“路”,信息系统是“车”,而信息资源是“货”。要有效地利用好信息资源,首要的问题便是解决好“路”的问题,也就是首先要搞好信息网络基础设施建设。没有好的路,有再好的系统,再好的资源,也不…  相似文献   

There have been growing claims in media circles and law-enforcement settings that street gangs and criminal groups are turning to Internet-based social networking sites for various reasons ranging from the showcasing of their images and exploits to the suspected recruitment of members. The present study investigates whether such a trend is, in fact, in place. The presence of street gangs on these Internet sites is referred to as cyberbanging. While there is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that gangs are turning to social networking sites, there is little available research on exactly how street gangs and criminal groups use the Internet. Our main argument is that gang culture is in many ways an individualized phenomenon and this feature ties in directly with recent assessments of the Internet as a setting that is governed by a process of networked individualism. This theoretical link between the individualized gang setting and the presence of gang members on social networking sites helps us understand why recruitment is improbable even in a context where people are openly diffusing their image and exploits to a growing number of Internet users. The empirical segment of this research adds to this general outlook. Based on a keyword search of over 50 street gang names, the three main social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace) were monitored for street gang presence. Results illustrate that gang presence on social networking sites is linked primarily to promoting a general gang or street culture through individual displays. In regard to the visitors to such sites, there is no evidence that they are being tricked or manipulated in any way. They are, however, showing their curiosity in regard to such groups and, for those who share their comments and opinions, signs of support are evident. Thus, whereas criminal gangs are not proactively using the Internet to convert anyone into being gang members, social networking sites are creating a new venue for people who share or are sensitive to the values underlying street gang lifestyle to come together. These sites essentially create a new convergence setting for gang members to interact with a wider number of people who would probably never have been exposed to their lifestyles and exploits through physical interactions. The study's conclusion extends these findings toward further research in this area, as well as outlining the more relevant implications for law-enforcement monitoring of this growing phenomenon.  相似文献   

基于复杂网络和传播动力学相关原理,构建了符合大型船舶人员交互特征的社交网络,定义了传播网络层级结构,分析了交互网络拓扑生成的5项规则,给出了大型船舶流行病传播社交网络构成方法。基于多智能体技术,研究了交互网络节点成员属性和流行病传播特点,给出了智能体成员状态空间的基本构成形式,融合防护治疗、管控隔离、信息交互等因素的物理特征,构建了智能体状态迁移和行为交互过程算法,并分析论证了衰减函数的结构及区间特性。对比距离恒定模型和随机游走模型,分别对典型大型船舶流行病传播过程分4种工况12种状态进行了仿真计算,结果表明:随机游走模型更适合信息量丰富条件下的大型船舶流行病早期传播过程模拟仿真和疫情防控策略分析。  相似文献   

In this work, we study manpower allocation with time windows and job‐teaming constraints. A set of jobs at dispersed locations requires teams of different types of workers where each job must be carried out in a preestablished time window and requires a specific length of time for completion. A job is satisfied if the required composite team can be brought together at the job's location for the required duration within the job's time window. The objective is to minimize a weighted sum of the total number of workers and the total traveling time. We show that construction heuristics used with simulated annealing is a good approach to solving this NP‐hard problem. In experiments, this approach is compared with solutions found using CPLEX and with lower bounds obtained from a network flow model. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   

军队期刊编辑所从事的编辑出版工作,从本质上说,就是从事接受、甄别、编辑、传播科研学术信息的重要工作。因此,编辑人员所具有的信息素质,是应当具备的重要素质能力之一。面对建设信息化军队的重要任务,必须加强军队期刊编辑人员信息素质及能力的培养,使其在加强军队信息化建设中,能够胜任本职工作。  相似文献   

Established conflict theories focus on the role of incentives in the decision to join, stay, or leave an insurgency. These theories, however, disregard the pressure that an organization can impose on its members. Similar to legal organizations, we assert that a rebel organization can sustain itself by effective human resource management. Using narratives resulting from psychological trauma therapy of former combatants of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), these management strategies are examined. The analysis shows that the LRA sustains itself in the first place by the use of brute force. However, they also manage themselves by a careful selection process of their fighters, by the conscious creation of social control, and by offering their members an alternative social network in which promotion and compensation play a role.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是开展大学生思想政治工作的骨干力量,是大学生思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,其多重角色决定了辅导员工作的复杂性和艰巨性。多数调查表明,高校辅导员工作劳累导致成就感甚微,多数辅导员在工作中出现职业倦怠。本文结合辅导员的工作职责和工作环境,对高校辅导员职业倦怠成因及干预策略进行探讨。  相似文献   


The most critical challenges faced by war-affected communities where children have allegedly perpetrated atrocities include: finding transitional justice practices that address the needs of former belligerent children and those of victims and their communities; and helping to reintegrate child soldiers into society and avoid returning to hostilities. This paper demonstrates that these challenges can be overcome by taking a holistic approach to child soldiering transitional justice, which assimilates restorative justice and social justice. Such an approach simultaneously addresses child soldiers’ criminal accountability and pursues their psychosocial wellbeing. The findings are based on a selective scholarship supported by fieldwork that was conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo between May and December 2014 in North Kivu province. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and survey questionnaires based on a randomised sample of 282 participants. These included self-demobilised child soldiers, members of war-affected communities, students/learners, educators, local traditional leaders, government officials, child protection lawyers and members of non-governmental organisations.  相似文献   

当前我国社会消防安全教育主要存在观念较为陈旧、机制不够完善、内容不够全面、方法缺乏创新、教育力量薄弱等突出问题。在分析影响我国社会消防安全教育效果诸因素的基础上,提出树立科学观念、充实教育内容、探索方法手段创新、完善教育机制、健全教育队伍的对策,以逐步提升社会消防安全教育水平。  相似文献   

本研究希望基于一种平等的、双向度的视角,分别从不同民族的视角探讨本民族成员与其他民族成员的社会距离。采用修订的社会距离问卷对54名哈萨克族、195名汉族和234名维吾尔族大学生进行调查。结果表明,不论是汉族,还是哈萨克族和维吾尔族都表现出内群体偏好,愿意与本民族成员发生亲密的社会交往;哈萨克族与维吾尔族间的社会交往要显著亲密于哈萨克族与回族、蒙古族和藏族间的社会交往。  相似文献   

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