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随着信息技术的飞速发展,各主要军事国家都在着手数字化部队的研究,迈开了数字化建设的步伐。我军也进行了数字化部队建设的初步探索和试验。在试验中,虽然取得了许多成绩和突破,但随着数字化建设向深层次、高级别发展,也遇到了不少问题,走了不少弯路。本文结合作者两年来参与炮兵数字化的建设试验谈几点看法,希望能对今后部队信息化、数字化建设有所帮助。  相似文献   

数字化部队装备建设是战争形态从机械化向信息化过渡的产物,是装备建设史上的一次深刻变革。经过若干年的建设,我军数字化部队装备建设已初具规模,但与发达国家相比,还有一定差距。为加快我军数字化部队装备建设步伐,必须在寻求重点突破、协调发展、整体提高上下功夫,积极探索切合我军实际的有效途径,从而全面提升数字化部队的战场作战能力。一、重点突破,推动数字化部队装备建设跨越式发展我军数字化部队装备建设,应当紧紧抓住数字化部队装备建设的主要环节,实施重点突破,推进装备整体发展,提升数字化部队装备建设效益。1.突破关键技术,解…  相似文献   

美军数字化后勤建设启动最早,发展最快,一直走在世界的前列。了解、研究美军数字化后勤建设的主要做法,吸取、借鉴其成功经验,对我军数字化后勤建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

后勤装备信息化建设是世界各国军队后勤现代化建设的重点.本文分析了外军后勤装备信息化建设的重点和主要考虑因素.外军后勤装备信息化建设重点主要围绕保障资源可视化、透明化,保障平台数字化、网络化,以及保障作业智能化、无人化三方面进行;主要考虑因素包括作战需求因素、费效比因素和信息优势因素.  相似文献   

空袭兵器的迅速发展,使空袭样式随之改变,评估空袭的标准也悄然变化,数字化正成为未来空袭的主要特征.采用模糊数学方法对一次空袭的数字化程度进行评估,给出了一个可行、方便的算法.模型对空袭的数字化程度进行等级划分,并以北约空袭南联盟的实际战斗为例进行分析,证明模型是可行的.  相似文献   

数字化是21世纪工程兵建设与发展的重要目标与方向,文章结合近年来外军工程兵数字化的理论与实践,对我军工程兵数字化的概念、内容及任务进行了探讨,并就我院在工程兵数字化建设中的对策,提出了作者的分析与思考。  相似文献   

结合当前武警院校数字化校园建设的实际情况,阐述了如何依据当前先进的URP理论进行武警院校数字化校园建设。根据数字化校园建设实践,提出了一套武警院校建设数字化校园的解决方案。  相似文献   

开展数字化后勤科研环境建设,对适应社会信息化发展、提升我军后勤科研效率、变革后勤科研模式、扩展后勤科研服务功能具有重要意义。数字化后勤科研环境建设主要任务包括完善网络基础设施、开发共享信息资源、建立先进的应用平台。建设数字化后勤科研环境,必须提高决策层的认识,制定明确的建设规划,健全管理机制和建立相应的激励机制。  相似文献   

对外军数字化部队装备保障的编制体制、保障内容和保障方式进行了分析,得出对我军数字化部队装备保障建设几点启示,并在此基础上提出了发展建议,目的是为提高我军数字化部队装备保障能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,MOOC在全球迅速兴起,对传统高等教育提出了挑战,也对数字化教材建设提出了紧迫要求.结合MOOC的特点,对数字化教材的定位、设计原则、编制要求及应用模式等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

贾高伟  侯中喜 《国防科技》2017,38(4):053-056
近几年来,无人机集群技术在美军多个方面的推动下,引起了全世界的热切关注。文章简要总结了美军无人机集群发展现状,梳理了美军开展无人机集群技术的初衷,并分析认为美军数量型无人机集群发展战略不完全适用于现阶段我军军情。文中给出了我国现阶段发展无人机集群的思路,这对全面认识无人机集群的优势、明晰我军无人机集群技术发展方向具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the assumptions of US and Peruvian military personnel regarding insurgent susceptibilities to psychological operations in 1988. The discussion is based on both archival material and the experiences of the author, who was a member of the joint US-Peruvian team. The paper provides insight into the workings of US Army psychological operations as they were conducted in the 1980s and outlines both the strengths and weaknesses of the approach taken.  相似文献   

The extensive timespan of evolving assumptions about future adversaries, US military engagements, and technology inherent in the US Army's 30-year modernization strategy can overwhelm the management capacity of planners, and misdirect acquisition investments. Some military scholars have argued that long-range planning is futile due to the complexities of the global security environment. So how can the US Army manage the evolving assumptions inherent in its 30-year modernization strategy to ensure it remains a superior global force? This study will answer the above question by arguing that the US Army's 30-year modernization strategy, while emulative of a similar modernization approach in the threat-based planning environment of the Cold War, is viable if supported by a method and a tool that manage investments and planning assumptions.  相似文献   

解放军总部制订的《普通高等学校国防生军政训练计划》,是签约高校抓好国防生在校培养工作的基本依据。作为签约高校,必须以科学发展观为指导,遵循国防生培养规律,正视问题,解决矛盾,破解难题,才能促进同防生培养工作的全面协调可持续发展,确保国防生的培养质量,以适应部队现代化建设的需要。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of ideas in US Army innovation after the Vietnam War. It challenges the view that failure, changes in the strategic environment or technology are the sole drivers of military innovation and analyses the role of ideas and identity in the army's development of AirLand battle doctrine. It highlights how the reform in ideas led to a ‘re-conception’ of the strategic environment, the nature and dynamics of warfare and a change in self-understanding. The organisational reforms embodied these ideas and led to a new way of war practised in the first Gulf War.  相似文献   

What explains the pace at which militaries adopt new technology? We argue that the hierarchical structure and unique expertise requirements of military organizations combine to empower select individuals as ‘gatekeepers’ of innovation. These individuals acquire beliefs throughout their military careers regarding the nature and means of warfare that act to shape their attitudes towards new military innovations. By filtering, sidelining, and ignoring competing sources of advice and information, these officers actively inhibit the adoption of new, often advantageous, innovations. We develop this argument through the analysis of two cases: the delayed acquisition of breech-loading and repeating rifles by the Union Army during the American Civil War, and the failure of the US Army to adopt an adequate heavy-type tank in World War II.  相似文献   

马翀 《国防科技》2017,38(2):094-101
美军一直奉行全球战略极度依赖天基信息支援。美军航天力量在夺取制天权,确保战时进入、利用太空自由,为海外军事行动提供信息支撑方面发挥决定性作用。美军认为航天领域颠覆性技术的应用将会迅速而深刻地颠覆传统战争规则,是应对新兴国家军事威胁,实施第三次"抵消战略"的核心技术。美军高度重视航天力量装备规划、体制编制、理论研究和人才培养的创新发展。研究近年来美军航天力量的建设发展重点,可以透过其一系列的航天力量发展规划,得出美军航天力量发展战略和走势,具有强的启示性。  相似文献   

网络信息体系是联合作战的桥梁和纽带,是推动军队现代化建设的重要组成部分。近年来,美军从地方引进了首席信息官制度,借鉴企业的主要做法和成功经验,推进军队信息化和军事信息系统的发展,取得了显著效果。研究美军首席信息官制度对于加强军队网络信息体系建设具有重要的参考作用。本文分析了美国国防部首席信息官的主要任务和定位,阐述了下属机构的分工和职责,研究了美国防部首席信息官从战略规划、技术架构、云平台、人工智能、实战导向、安全保密和人才培养等方面推进美军网络信息体系建设的主要做法,在此基础上,结合军队建设实际,提出了推进网信体系建设的对策建议。期望该研究能为加强军队网络信息体系建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Facing nearly half a billion dollars in spending cuts over the next five years, US defense planners and strategists must simultaneously rebuild a war-weary Army weakened from over a decade of war, build new sea and air capabilities for the Pacific theater, and reduce manpower, procurement, and contractor budgets while promoting innovation. The US defense department is embarking on what may be the most sweeping period of defense transformation in recent memory. This article reviews the history of American defense transformation, focusing on an important but largely overlooked period of military innovation that began in the shadow of Vietnam and ended with troops fighting through blinding sandstorms at night on the road to Baghdad. The multifaceted transformation strategy conceived in the 1970s paved the way for a military revolution in the 1990s and enabled unprecedented battlefield adaptation in the 2000s. After reviewing the revolutionary changes that led to American dominance in conventional warfare in the 1990s, the article examines US transformation policies in the 2000s to inform defense strategy and planning efforts in the 2010s.  相似文献   

US national security guidance, as well as the US Army’s operational experiences since 2001, emphasizes the importance of working closely with partner countries to achieve US strategic objectives. The US Army has introduced the global landpower network (GLN) concept as a means to integrate, sustain and advance the Army’s considerable ongoing efforts to meet US national security guidance. This study develops the GLN concept further, and addresses three questions. What benefits can the GLN provide the Army? What are the essential components of the GLN? What options exist for implementing the GLN concept? By developing the GLN concept, the Army has the opportunity to transition the GLN from an often ad hoc and reactive set of relationships to one that the Army more self-consciously prioritizes and leverages as a resource to meet US strategic objectives.  相似文献   

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