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针对现代战争中地形对作战制约因素增多的问题,在兰彻斯特作战模型基础上,加入战场地形因素,分析对战争的影响。本文介绍了兰彻斯特方程的改进与发展,通过地形对通行和隐蔽的影响分类,构建一种反映地形因素的作战模型,并运用Matlab软件编写模型算法进行仿真计算。仿真结果表明:该模型可在一定程度上反映地形因素对战争的影响,同时说明了合理有效发挥地形优势可以达到以少胜多、以弱胜强的军事目的。  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for determining where to place intercepting units in order to maximize the probability of preventing an opposing force from proceeding from one particular node in an undirected network to another. The usual gaming assumptions are invoked; namely, the strategy for placing the units is known to the opponent and he will choose a path through the network which, based on this knowledge, maximizes his probability of successful traverse. As given quantities, the model requires a list of the arcs and nodes of the network, the number of intercepting units available to stop the opposing force, and the probabilities for stopping the opposition at the arcs and nodes as functions of the number of intercepting units placed there. From these quantities, the algorithm calculates the probabilities for placing the unit at the arcs and nodes when one intercepting unit is available, and the expected numbers of units to place at the arcs and nodes when multiple intercepting units are available.  相似文献   

聂文兵 《国防科技》2021,42(3):135-142
针对步兵分队侦察训练存在地形受限、战斗情境失真、训练条件构设难等问题,本文在系统分析军事需求的基础上,采用软、硬结合的虚拟仿真技术对步兵分队侦察模拟训练系统框架、体系结构、物理结构、内外接口和应用模式进行了详细分析设计,并对关键技术进行了剖析,该系统方案设计已应用于步兵分队侦察模拟训练系统建设,并投入到院校教学训练中。实践表明,系统通过逼真的视、听一体化实现了高度沉浸式的训练,以现实地形和敌情的高度仿真与灵活组合,满足了步兵分队侦察技能训练对多样化战场环境、实战化目标设置的特殊要求,大大提升了步兵分队地形侦察、敌情侦察及综合对抗训练效益。  相似文献   

Two forces engage in a duel, with each force initially consisting of several heterogeneous units. Each unit can be assigned to fire at any opposing unit, but the kill rate depends on the assignment. As the duel proceeds, each force—knowing which units are still alive in real time—decides dynamically how to assign its fire, in order to maximize the probability of wiping out the opposing force before getting wiped out. It has been shown in the literature that an optimal pure strategy exists for this two‐person zero‐sum game, but computing the optimal strategy remained cumbersome because of the game's huge payoff matrix. This article gives an iterative algorithm to compute the optimal strategy without having to enumerate the entire payoff matrix, and offers some insights into the special case, where one force has only one unit. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 56–65, 2014  相似文献   

组合式空调机组具有功能段组合灵活、技术参数可选范围大以及对目标环境指标操控性强等优点,广泛应用于导弹和卫星测试环境调控等军事领域。但是机组在运行过程中常出现风机风量不足、加热器加热不均以及除湿能力下降等问题,直接影响着机组性能的发挥。针对上述问题,以某基地某型空调机组为研究对象,设计了一套具有实时监测、在线评估、分段报警和故障诊断等功能的空调机组运行的状态监测与故障诊断系统,重点阐述了该系统的设计思路、硬件组成及软件框架。该系统在提高空调机组的性能监控、故障报警、故障诊断与隔离的能力及故障类型确定、故障部件的快速定位,为相关部门提供维修决策措施等方面具有实际意义。  相似文献   

数据通信是后勤领域应用系统中亟待解决的重要问题.大部分接入军事综合信息网的单位,可利用该广域网,采用JMS消息服务技术,实现分布式系统数据通信.尚未接入军事综合信息网的单位,可以依托专用CDMA无线通信网络,该网络覆盖面广,通信可靠,建立迅速,维护费用低,能够实现安全、及时地传输业务数据.两者结合,将构成一个全方位、一...  相似文献   

在对潜搜索中,针对搜索兵力武器装备战技性能的优劣、指挥人员的军政素质的高低、水文气象条件的好坏等因素均会随着时间的推移而发生变化的特点,为了取得最佳的搜潜效果,需要根据时间变化给不同的作战单元分派不同的作战任务.将整数规划与灰色模型相结合,建立了对潜搜索的灰色整数规划模型,给出了检验方法和求解步骤,并举例分析说明.经验证,该模型精度等级较高,且能使各作战单元的搜索效率达到最佳,因此,可资对潜搜索兵力分配时借鉴.  相似文献   

射击策略的选择在随机格斗中是一重要战术问题,当一方武器面临多个武器目标时,如何确定射击目标顺序的研究,显然是具有实际意义的。依据发射间隔服从负指数分布的多对一随机格斗中最优策略应满足的条件,推出求解此类多对一格斗最优策略的方法。进而研究了射击间隔服从此类分布的多对二随机格斗中处于劣势一方的射击策略选择问题,得出寻求最优射击策略的一般方法。  相似文献   

A simple stochastic-duel model, based on alternate firing, is proposed. This model is shown to be asymptotically equivalent, for small hit probabilities, to other known models, such as simple and square duels. Alternate firing introduces an interaction between opponents and allows one to consider multiple duels. Conditions under which concentrated firing is better or worse than parallel firing are found by calculation and sometimes by simulation. The only parameters considered are the combat group sizes (all units within a group are assumed identical), the hit probabilities and the number of hits necessary to destroy an opposing unit.  相似文献   

提出了基于神经网络实现多特征融合的地形匹配算法,充分利用地形的各种不同的统计特征和几何特征,构造了一种地形匹配网络模型.通过对实时图和基准图的分析,给出了计算网络节点之间的权值函数,建立了网络系统能量方程,通过求系统的最小能量得到最佳匹配位置.由于网络能融合地形的不同统计特征和几何特征,所以算法大大提高了系统的抗干扰能力和定位精度,适合于实时图容易发生畸变的地形匹配领域.实验结果表明,定位精度和抗干扰能力均优于传统的地形匹配方法.  相似文献   

This article reassesses the extent to which the British Army has been able to adapt to the counter-insurgency campaign in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. While adopting Farrell's definition of bottom-up military adaptation, this article contends that the task force/brigade level of analysis adopted by Farrell and Farrell and Gordon has led them to overstate the degree to which innovation arising from processes of bottom-up adaptation has actually ensued. Drawing on lower level tactical unit interviews and other data, this article demonstrates how units have been unable or unwilling to execute non-kinetic population-centric operations due to their lack of understanding of the principles of counter-insurgency warfare.  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of ‘shock and awe’ in US military thought. It argues that the term derives from two main sources in defense thinking: rapidity in operations and overwhelming military superiority and is reflected in the concept of ‘full spectrum dominance’. However, the concept is not well attuned to fighting net-based counter insurgency war in a terrain such as Iraq which depends upon both intelligence gathering and adaptive military organizations. The article concludes that US military thinking should be more attuned to the effects of military force especially on political processes and the capacity of insurgents to mobilize popular support.  相似文献   

为构建适用于一体化联合作战的电子作战文书系统,提出建设基于军事信息网格的电子作战文书系统的具体方法。通过对军事信息网格与电子作战文书系统相互融合的论证,综合得出一套高效的一体化联合作战电子作战文书系统。该系统可以在一体化联合作战指挥中利用军事信息网格的强大处理能力,充分保障战区内各指挥平台与作战单元的互联、互通、互操作。  相似文献   

Military units on missions abroad face, among other challenges, terrorism. Terrorists are hard to recognize since they operate non-uniformed. Detection of terrorists in the area of operation can best be done by winning the trust of the local population, who can provide information. However, since the military rotates its units regularly, it is hard to build up a trusting relationship with the local population. Other players in the field of international operations are civil aid organisations. They remain in the area for a lengthy period of time, and often build up trusting relationships with the local population. Trust between civil aid organisations and the military is a triple edged sword, as it enables co-operation: the civil aid organisations get the protection they need from the military, the military gets the information it needs through civil aid organisations and the local population is supported in rebuilding society by repressing terrorism.  相似文献   

陆航作为地面垂直力量的重要标志,是新时期军事变革的关键领域。美军以体制编制改革、主战平台建设为抓手,从机动作战、发现作战、打击作战、作战指挥、防护作战、保障作战等能力建设入手,迈出向目标部队转换的步伐,走在国际前沿。通过梳理美陆航在战略转型、平台规划、能力建设中的特点,从高速平台、无人平台、有人无人协同技术等方面对我新军事变革下陆航发展提供决策支撑。  相似文献   

Theory on the use of information technology in military operations assumes that bringing together units in an information network helps units to work together. Decentralized command systems such as mission command have been proposed for these networks, so that units can adapt to changes in their turbulent working environments. Others have proposed centralized command systems that permit higher organizational levels to closely direct military operations. This article uses Perrow’s (1984, 1999) Normal Accidents Theory to propose that increasing interdependencies between units in information networks places incompatible demands on the design of networked military operations. It is concluded that networked military operations require decentralized command approaches, but only under the condition that interdependencies between modules of networked units are weak rather than tight. This precondition is essential for retaining control over networked military operations.  相似文献   

Russian military prefers and exercises differently compare to the Western planning and execution philosophies with mission command allowed and appreciated in sub unit levels only. “Vostok-2018” provided a lot of evidences Russians using de-centralised execution in the sub-unit levels and at the same time centralised control at levels of units and formations.  相似文献   

从自行设计的专用三维地形显示的硬件和软件系统的观点出发,讨论了高速三维地形显示系统的体系结构、关键技术及其实现方法。以新一代的高速处理器INTELi860为核心,采用分配树技术,解决多路并行输出产生的竞争和瓶颈问题;实现Z-缓冲硬件算法,提高系统的图形消隐速度;设计多帧存体结构,支持多通道、多画面信息的快速显示。  相似文献   

现代作战,参战兵种多,炮兵的火力单位和类型更为复杂,不同的火力单位具有不同的毁伤效果,如何用最小的代价取得最大的军事效益,是一种火力任务分配的优化问题.根据不同炮种和目标的特点,建立在一定约束条件下的炮兵火力任务分配模型,并将其转化为指派问题,运用匈牙利算法求解,达到优化分配火力任务的目的.通过仿真计算证明这是辅助指挥员进行射击决策的一种有效手段,为作战指挥理论提供了一种新的数学模型.  相似文献   

In recent years, headline grabbing increases in the Indian defense budget have raised concerns that India’s on-going military modernization threatens to upset the delicate conventional military balance vis-à-vis Pakistan. Such an eventuality is taken as justification for Islamabad’s pursuit of tactical-nuclear weapons and other actions that have worrisome implications for strategic stability on the subcontinent. This article examines the prospects for Pakistan’s conventional deterrence in the near to medium term, and concludes that it is much better than the pessimists allege. A host of factors, including terrain, the favorable deployment of Pakistani forces, and a lack of strategic surprise in the most likely conflict scenarios, will mitigate whatever advantages India may be gaining through military modernization. Despite a growing technological edge in some areas, Indian policymakers cannot be confident that even a limited resort to military force would achieve a rapid result, which is an essential pre-condition for deterrence failure.  相似文献   

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