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盘问检查、侦查与预审是我国公安机关搞好治安管理、查缉人犯、揭露和打击犯罪活动的必不可少的措施和手段。不论从概念的内涵还是从我国法律确定这三项职权的实际效力上看,这三者都有严格的区别,但是三者之间又有着必然的、内在的联系。为了更  相似文献   

军事行政执法行为论纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
军事行政执法行为是军事行政行为的一种 ,它是军事行政法的核心内容。以行政法学的基本原理为依托 ,结合军事行政法律规范和军事行政法律实践 ,努力廓清军事法学界在军事行政执法行为概念和特征方面的认识分歧 ,并初步勾画了军事行政执法行为的框架体系。  相似文献   

因公共利益需要征收私有财产是社会发展中不可避免的。随着城市建设步伐的加快,城市房屋的征收拆迁势头越来越强,由此引发的矛盾越来越多,对公共利益的准确界定成为当务之急。公共利益作为法律概念,在不同法律的不同时期,其概念不尽相同。如何规范这一概念,用何种原则和程序进行界定,是本文探讨的重点。通过对现行法律对公共利益的界定研究,以期对政府征收实践活动有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

1、科技本身提出的要求科学性是科技学术论文写作最关键的要求,科学性的涵义一是真实,即学术论文写作所依据的事实必须真实可靠,实验结果具有再现性;二是准确,即对概念、事实、数据、语言的使用要准确。 2、文风的要求科技学术论文写作的文风,其显著特点是明确、简洁、周密和规范。遣词造句既要符合语法,又要注意词汇的精确性、单义性、稳定性和句式的固定性,一般不使用夸张、双关、借代等修辞  相似文献   

领导干部要依法行政,更要依法治己。所谓依法治己,是说依据法律、法规、政策、制度来规范自己的言行,从而依法行使权力,保证在工作中能够讲原则、树正气、秉公办事。古人所云“王子犯法与庶民同罪”,讲的也是法律面前人人平等的道理。领导干部是国家和人民利益的代表者,是法律的执行者,因此更应该依法办事,  相似文献   

军事经济法的概念是研究军事经济法学的逻辑思维起点和基础。军事经济法的调整对象是以国家为管理主体的军事经济管理关系,调整范围是国家对军事经济进行宏观管理而产生的社会关系。因此,军事经济法是调整国家军事经济管理关系的法律规范体系。  相似文献   

产权概念、产权明晰和产权受益是产权问题中有着密切关系的关键问题。我们要用历史的观点和全面的观点来认识产权概念的性质和特点,产权实际上就是国家为了保证市场在社会资源优化配置中充分发挥最积极的作用,以法律的形式来规范与这些社会资源相关的各经济主体之间关系的一种运行机制。认识产权观念的目的是要达到产权明晰。解决产权明晰要与建立社会主义市场经济联系起来。有了公正合理的产权受益,才能真正实现产权明晰。合理的产权受益,要以多元化多层次的产权制度为基础,以产权主体承担的风险和产权客体的贡献率为标准,以平等的契约关系为条件。  相似文献   

行为在犯罪论体系中具有重要地位,行为概念本身也具有限定、统一和结合的机能。存在论立场得出的概念难以涵纳过失行为和不作为行为,而以价值论为立场得出的概念虽然具有更强的解释力,但缺乏对象性的客体事实,难以实现刑法的保障机能。以存在论和价值论的哲学联系为出发点,以可控制条件说为内核,从事实层面到价值层面建构不同外延的行为概念更有利于发挥行为概念的各种机能,也有利于维护刑法的基本原则,适应理论和实践的需要。  相似文献   

外语教学法流派的心理学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学是作用于一切学科的科学。心理学几乎从一开始就介入了教学法,为外语教学法提供了理论基础,使人们能从更科学的角度研究语言学习的过程和语言学习者的个人因素。近年来对外语教学与学习进行心理学研究的必要性已为更多的人所承认,其结果是心理学与语言教学之间的相互关系得到进一步发展。这意味着必须涉足心理学和心理语言学领域,了解与语言教学有关的理论、概念和研究发现,由此推断并计划运用于语言教学理论,进而理论联系实践,为外语教学提供更现实可靠的心理学依据,为制订合理有效的教学法服务。  相似文献   

法人代表和法定代表人是两个不同的法律概念,而一些人常常会混淆两者的涵义。其实,它们之间是有明显的区别的。 一、两者的概念不同:法人代表一般是指根据法人的内部规定担任某一职务或由法定代表人指派代表法人对外依法行使民事权利和义务的人,它不是一个独立的法律概念。而法定代表人是一个确定的法律概念,它是指依照法律或法  相似文献   

What do UK policymakers mean when they say that Britain’s strategic environment is returning to “multipolarity”? In realist international theory, polarity is a specific causal concept; the number of powers capable of balancing even the most capable other state(s) in the international system (“poles”) is taken to determine the system’s stability. Does the post-2017 appearance of polarity references in British security policy documents therefore reflect some unexpected UK renaissance of realist thought? Or is something else going on, as recent work by Ben Zala suggests? This article will demonstrate that, while UK official usage of the “multip–” word has indeed flourished recently, the term is actually being used in a more elastic, less bounded way than realism prescribes in order to generate other kinds of political effect. Specifically, “polarity” (and its “multi-” prefix) is used to characterise the behaviour of those major states that oppose Western-preferred international order, to elide Britain’s own relative power/status tensions, and to capture an expansive laundry-list of perceived international dangers. The article then discusses five ways in which a shift in polarity could negatively affect Britain; important consequences that merit preparatory contemplation, yet that an imprecise, catch-all understanding of “multipolarity” too readily obscures.  相似文献   

为完善国家秘密保护法律制度,现行《刑法》规定了故意泄漏国家秘密罪。在司法实践中,需严格把握本罪的构成要件,并以此为基础,准确区分此罪与彼罪,正确施以刑罚。  相似文献   

Entering the twenty-first century, China has demonstrated an assertive foreign policy, not only in employing various types of economic and military leverage but also in conducting the Three Warfares (三战) – psychological warfare, public opinion warfare, and legal warfare. This article attempts to identify the motives and methods of China’s Three Warfares by analyzing its history, logic, and agents. Based on this analysis, the author also presents the position of the Three Warfares in China’s foreign policy and the warfares’ impact on the international security environment involving other major powers and China’s neighbors.  相似文献   

Ethnicity and ideology are frequently used to determine whether an armed group is hostile or friendly vis-à-vis the state. By contrast, I argue that the social structure of insurgent movements holds more explanatory power for their respective positions than ethnicity or ideology. To illustrate this, I apply Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of a contest between forces of ‘conservation’ and forces of ‘heresy’ to the current Afghanistan war. I demonstrate that the social structure of the Taleban renders them prone to ‘heresy’, while the formerly second biggest insurgent group, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s party, has rather been an impeded force of ‘conservation.’  相似文献   

Assessing missile defence through the prism of offence–defence theory requires primarily an examination of legal and structural constraints on future development. New weapons technology is frequently cited as having the most critical impact on the offence–defence balance. Yet, the method for assessing the introduction of a new weapons technology tends to neglect projected maturity and instead focus excessively on the initial rudimentary capabilities. It is argued here that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO’s) missile defence is set to incrementally become more advanced in terms of quality, quantity and mobility, which is supported by a strategy that is increasingly favouring offence. As the system gradually enhances the offensive advantage vis-à-vis Russia, NATO categorically rejects any legal or structural constraints on future deployments.  相似文献   

税收是国家财政收入的主要源泉之一,同时又影响着纳税人的财产利益。平衡这两方面的关系,尤其保障纳税人的合法权益,主要依赖于我国税收法律制度的规范和完善。作者认为,我国应顺应世界法制的发展潮流,从宪法和法律上明确吸收采纳税收法定主义。本文从对税收法定主义的概念和具体内容研究入手展开讨论,旨在解决税收法律制度的立法和执法的根本问题,以期对规范和完善我国的税收法律制度奠定一个良好的基础。  相似文献   

实践是马克思主义哲学中的一个十分重要的概念,是马克思哲学革命性变革的主要环节。马克思主义实践和费尔巴哈的直观不同,和黑格尔的“精神”活动也相去甚远。正确理解实践应当从主体方面去理解,从人的社会性本质去理解,同时还要把握实践的几个规定。从对马克思主义的实证主义解释的分析和批判中,进一步加深了对实践概念的理解。  相似文献   

军事法律关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
军事法律关系是军事法律体系逻辑起点的基本范畴 ,是主体、客体和内容的统一。本文就军事法律关系的概念、主体和客体作一回溯性的研究和评析 ,并以此来构筑我国军事法学的理论体系。  相似文献   


This paper re-examines the theoretical underpinnings of Strategic Studies, proposing a novel theory and a new framework for analysing war’s fundamental relationship with politics in line with the Clausewitzian tradition. Throughout modern history, Clausewitz’s concept of politics has been misconstrued as referring only to policy whereas in fact, for him, ‘politics’ was a much broader concept, including domestic power struggles. The political logic of war is defined here as the convergence of the interrelating factors of power struggles and policy objectives within a given polity that restrains and enables these political forces. The analysis of the Clausewitzian political logic of war is conducted through the sociological ‘liquid modern’ lens. It is argued that with power increasingly shifting from centralised state-oriented political leadership towards market forces, non-state actors and other political bodies, the effectiveness of war has been reduced. This is evident in the fragmentation of Western political systems and, as a result, suboptimal strategy and the domination of domestic power struggles in political decision-making concerning war.  相似文献   

本文介绍了文化概念的源起和基本内涵,提出校园文化是校园环境中所产生的特定文化,通过将华山中学校园文化建设实践经验与党的十七届六中全会"决定"内容相结合,论述了中小学校园文化建设是社会主义先进文化建设不可或缺的基础环节,只有以马克思主义文化观作为思想基础,在"兵团精神"的统领下,站在"教育兴则兵团兴,教育强则兵团强"的战略高度,把校园文化建设作为兵团基础教育的突破口,亮出品牌、凝聚人心、稳定队伍,才能更好地完成从"屯垦戍边"向"教育戍边"的转变,实现兵团跨越式发展。  相似文献   

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