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本文从海湾电子战的战例出发,分析了海湾战争的特点;电子战对夺取电磁优势和制空权起举足轻重的作用;海湾电子战采用的作战模式;以及所用电子战设备种类和性能。最后,结合国情得到启示并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

电子对抗信号环境的现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海湾战争和几次局部战争都证明了电子战的重要性,电子战的强弱很大程度上能决定战争的胜负,文章首先对电磁环境中的主要信号形式作了介绍,接着阐述了现代战争中由地面防空武器系统及来自空中威胁所构成的电磁环境分析,最后对未来战场的电磁环境作了预测。  相似文献   

21世纪电子攻防战的对抗研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、21世纪电子攻防战面临的威胁 自海湾战争、沙漠之狐以及对南联盟和塔利班的军事行动以来,世界各国都高度重视电子战,竞相发展高、新电子战装备,其中美国拥有的电子战设备品种和数量最多,技术最先进。如机载电子战典型先进设备有AN/ALQ-165型先进自卫干扰系统、AGM-88A/B型第三代性能先进的ARM反辐射导弹、AN/ALQ-99E/F型当今最强的干扰机以及AN/ALQ-144型红外对抗系统等;典型先进舰载电子战设备有AN/SLQ-32系列综合电子战系统。  相似文献   

电子战自二十世纪初出现以来,在历次大小战争中发挥了积极的作用,随着电子技术的飞速发展,电子战在现代高技术战争中的地位不断提高。现代化电子装备的进步,及其在战场上显现出来的巨大效能,使得现代军队对电子设备的依赖性增大,高技术条件下作战行动对电子战的依赖也随之增强。电子战从而渗透到战场的各个角落,在现代作战中的作用越来越突出,其成败将对作战的进程和结局产生重要影响,从第四次中东战争、贝卡谷地之战、美军空袭利比亚、英阿马岛之战到海湾战争、科索沃战争、阿富汗战争的战争实践都充分表明,现代条件下作战,掌握制电磁权的…  相似文献   

海湾战争是一场高科技的现代战争,电子战、电子对抗的特点尤为突出。这场战争在客观上有力地推动了军事理论,军事战略和军事技术的新思维争新发展,引起了各国首脑,军事专家和科学家的关注。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初的海湾战争,是一场大规模、高度现代化的局部战争,也是有史以来电子战装备最集中、手段最完善、斗争最激烈、影响也最深刻的一场战争。海湾战争中以美军为首的多国部队的胜利,主要依靠的是现代高技术的广泛应用,而电子战则是其中一张王牌,是其赢得胜利的电子战、精确制导导弹及C3I指挥系统三大法宝中的第一法宝,是决定陆、海、空战的关键因素。深入剖析这场战争中以美军为首的多国部队运用电子战的闪亮之处,对于我军积极做好军事斗争准备,打赢现代条件特别是现代高技术条件下的局部战争,具有十分重要的借鉴和…  相似文献   

本文第一部分以海湾战争为实例,叙述了雷达面临“四大威胁”的严重性。第二部分指出雷达的电子战必须纳入整个防御系统统一考虑。为此引用了当今电子战专家提出的新概念C3CM。目前这一概念还未得到普遍的关注和推广,人们现在还只是对C3I比较关心和熟悉,因此本文对C3CM作了强调说明。文章的第三部分简介了几项较为重要的雷达新技术,说明它在“四抗”中的作用,这些技术还在不断地发展中。  相似文献   

空前紧张、激烈、全面的电子战贯穿着海湾战争的全过程。自从第二次世界大战后,特别是近20年发展的电子战理论和有关武器装备,在这场战争中得到了较全面的运用。 在联合国决议规定伊拉克撤军最后期限到来的前一天,以美国为首的多国部队,就开始运用多种手段,对伊的C~3I系统实施干扰。1月17日凌晨发动代号为“沙漠风暴”行动时,干扰强度倍增。从大规模空袭到转入地面作战,多国部队的侦察、干扰、摧毁相结合的电子战,与空袭融为一体,始终未停。  相似文献   

要总结在海湾战争中应吸取的教训,首先,应优先考虑电子战与空中轰炸。根据盟军对伊拉克军事设施的猛烈摧毁而其飞机却损失极小的事实来看,这个结论是非常正确的。 “沙漠风暴”行动的最高指挥官施瓦尔茨科普夫上将曾说过,就美国庞大的电子战设施而言,“法国的贡献是微小的,但又是不可忽视的。”法国航天航空工业集团总裁亨利·马赫尔先生也赞成这个观点。他说:“我们在海湾战争中使用的武器装备完全达到了盟国军队的技术水平,宇航公司研制生产的AS30L导弹在某些方面还超过了盟军现有的水平,美国也没有同类装备,它的发射成功率高达9.5%。”  相似文献   

这次海湾战争中,美军和法军都较大规模地使用了跳频电台。从这场战争美军投入的电子战设备(包括全方位、多层次、立体化电子侦察设备)、各频段电磁压制设备(定位、干扰)以及反辐射导弹等来看,现代战争如不对这些电子战武器采取电子反对抗(ECCM)手段,是无法保证 C~3I 系统的正常运转并取得电子战乃至整个战争的主动权。本文对目前最为成熟的一种有效的 ECCM 手段——跳频通信的背景情况、技术特点和发展趋势作一介绍,最后提出发展我军跳频通信的一些浅见供参考。  相似文献   

制导炸弹--一种重要的空袭兵器和应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据越南战争、海湾战争和科索沃战争的战例,阐述了制导炸弹的主要战术技术特点,认为制导炸弹是未来空袭作战重要兵器,是中低空中近程地(舰)空导弹的重要目标,拦截制导炸弹是地(舰)空导弹应该着力研究的问题.论证了中低空中近程地(舰)空导弹拦截制导炸弹的可行性,并提出了应开展的专项技术研究课题.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of ideas in US Army innovation after the Vietnam War. It challenges the view that failure, changes in the strategic environment or technology are the sole drivers of military innovation and analyses the role of ideas and identity in the army's development of AirLand battle doctrine. It highlights how the reform in ideas led to a ‘re-conception’ of the strategic environment, the nature and dynamics of warfare and a change in self-understanding. The organisational reforms embodied these ideas and led to a new way of war practised in the first Gulf War.  相似文献   

在论述舰船战时雏修保障重要作用的基础上,总结了美海军在海湾战争中实施战前检修及战时抢修的基本活动和经验,提出了我军舰船战时维修保障建设的基本思路及措施。  相似文献   

Israel's failure in deterring Iraq from launching missiles on its home front in the 1991 Gulf War demonstrates the failure of deterrence theory to capture the dynamic of deterrences in ‘complex systems’. In such conflictual systems the recipe for successful deterrence – rational actors, credible and clear deterrence threats, and a defender that has a reputation for realizing his threats – may fail to acheive the expected outcome. Moreover, the credibility of the deterrer may be the reason for the collapse of deterrence. Evidence from the post-Cold War era suggests high prospects for the recurring of complex deterrence systems and thus reinforces the importance of this case.  相似文献   


Is Currency Warfare defined as, the use of monetary or military force directed against an enemy’s monetary power as part of a military campaign, a just way to fight a war? This article explores the ethics of waging currency warfare against the Just War Tradition’s principles of jus in bello (just conduct in war) and its criteria of discrimination and proportionality. The central argument is that currency warfare is inherently indiscriminate but may be proportionate when policy makers consider the nature of the threat confronted and the targeted currency's level of internationalization, that is, to what degree it is used in foreign transactions or used as a foreign currency reserve. I evaluate this argument against historical cases during the Second World War (1939–1945), the Gulf War (1990–1991), subsequent operations against Saddam Hussein in the early 1990s, and the ongoing campaign against ISIS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to compare an expected utility rational actor model of decision making with a Prospect theory psychological model of decision making. Each theory is presented and then applied to the well known case surrounding the United States’ decision to launch Operation ‘Desert Storm’ in January 1991 at the outset of the Gulf War. Our goal is not to present new findings concerning the origins or outcomes of the Gulf conflict so much as to use the case to compare and illuminate the similarities and differences of these two theoretical approaches. Our approach does not assume that these two models are necessarily mutually incompatible alternatives. Our goal is to analyze this case in order to discover the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each model, and to determine how much analytic purchase can be gained by combining them. Finally, we offer some conclusions concerning this contrast.  相似文献   

认知电子战通常被定义为以具备认知性能的电子战装备为基础,注重自主交互式的电磁环境学习能力与动态智能化的对抗任务处理能力的电子战形态。自其被首次提出以来,以其感知准、推理强、决策快的优势备受国内外研究学者广泛关注。随着人工智能新理念、新技术、新应用的不断涌现,认知电子战步入崭新的发展阶段。为捕捉其未来发展方向,从人工智能角度出发,总结并丰富了认知电子战概念内涵,梳理认知电子战的发展脉络及外国典型项目,搭建认知电子战系统框架及架构,从感知、判断、决策等方面对认知听电子战关键技术进行了全面系统综述,并总结了认知电子战面临的挑战和发展趋势。  相似文献   

As a result of allied subsidy and the influence of sunk costs, the marginal cost of the Gulf War to the US was reduced to negligible size. This result is at variance with the Olson‐Zeckhauser thesis that in an alliance “the small exploit the large.” A game theoretic alternative explanation suggests that the relation between allies resembles the game of Chicken, successfully played by the US. The ability to shift the marginal costs of war in the short term raises questions about the possible underestimation of long term effects.  相似文献   

A large collection of captured documents from the very highest levels of the Iraqi government offers a chance to gain insight into why Saddam Hussein was unwilling and unable to alter his strategy on the eve of the 2003 war that toppled his regime. This paper explores some of the perceptions and misperceptions that Saddam Hussein took away from the 1991 Gulf War and shows how they affected his decisionmaking on the eve of the war in 2003. It concludes with some thoughts on the policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Risk Analysis     

The changes that have taken place in world politics over the last five years have led to a reassessment of the type, size and shape of potential conflicts. As witnessed during the Gulf War, such changes pose new challenges to allied forces and emphasise in particular the crucial role of air supertortty. Pbil Tittler argues the need for fully integrated air power defence systems to provide upto-date technology, flexibility and mission eflectiveness, plus affordability, to ensure sucess in any future operations.  相似文献   

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