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除了前文所述的少将军长和军政治委员之外,还有不少优秀的副军长、军副政治委员、军参谋长和军政治部主任,他们协助军政主官打造我军战斗力强的王牌军,也成为著名的开国少将。如陈外欧、张希钦、左齐、李文清、孙超群、张文舟、黄忠学、高厚良、郑国仲、杨国字、刘华清、李开湘、廖冠贤、余洪远、戴润生、肖元礼、裴志耕、陈明义、张廷发、高志荣、刘涌、赵一萍、梅嘉生、谢云晖、  相似文献   

直升机产业化发展态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直升机的垂直起降、空中悬停、低空低速飞行、机动灵活、发动机故障时能自转安全着陆及无需专用机场等特点决定了其用途的广泛性。在军用方面,可用于兵员及装备运输、机降突击、对地火力支援、反坦克、搜索救援、空中巡逻、反舰、反潜、中继制导等方面。在民用方面,直升机的应用几乎涉及到国民经济的各个领域,如旅客运输、医疗救护、抢险救灾、地质勘探、森林防护、治安巡逻、吊运、农业和渔业作业、电视拍摄及转播、管线巡检及旅游等。直升机产业化是指军民用直升机的研究、生产、使用和保障的全过程,包括确定需求、设计、研制、试验、生产、销售、售后服务、保障、改进改型及报废等。直升机产业化发展需抓好科研、生产、销售和售后服务几大环节。  相似文献   

鉴定是运用文字对干部、战士、党员、团员等鉴定对象的现实表现和工作情况作出的概括性认定,是一级组织对鉴定对象的定性评价。鉴定在结构上一般分为政治立场、思想意识、军政素质、工作表现、群众基础、性格气质、主要事迹、缺点不足等几个方面。要求鉴定者根据鉴定对象的德才表现和现实情况,通过分析整理、去粗取精、去伪存真,力求全面、客观、真实地反映对象的德、能、勤、绩。简写共性的内容,多写个性的特征。共性是每个同志普遍具有的特征。共性通过个性表现出来,不同的人在同一性质的活动中有不同量的表现,如认识的深浅、努力的…  相似文献   

欧阳青 《军事史林》2013,(12):10-17
天国中将大都是我军初创时期的骨干力量 1927年底以前入党的有:王紫峰、方强、甘渭汉、庄田、刘少文、刘先胜、肖向荣、邱创成、张令彬、赵镕、钟汉华、贺诚、聂鹤亭、晏福生、钱钧、倪志亮、郭化若、唐天际、常乾坤、阎揆要、韩伟、彭明治、詹才芳、谭甫仁、谭希林、谭冠三等26人。  相似文献   

伴随着响彻海天的《检阅进行曲》,“石家庄”号和“郑和”号转向,驶向阅兵海域。前来参加庆典的俄罗斯、美国、印度、韩国、巴基斯坦、新西兰、新加坡、泰国、法国、孟加拉国、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大和墨西哥等14国的21艘舰艇,按照作战舰艇、登陆舰艇、辅助船、训练舰的先后顺序和吨位大小排成一列,锚泊在预定海域,等待检阅。  相似文献   

目前美国、英国、法国、意大利、匈牙利、埃及、捷克、波兰、越南等26个国家都以不同名义设立了进行国防教育活动的主题纪念日。如匈牙利、捷克、波兰、越南等国就设立有专门的“国防日”。  相似文献   

一、问题提出 体育教学是中专职业教育的重要组成部分,其主要任务是使学生学习和掌握体育基本知识、技术、技能和锻炼身体的方法;提高生理、心理机能能力;发展速度、耐力、力量、柔韧、灵敏等身体素质,培养良好的身体形态;培养高尚的情操和吃苦耐劳、团结互助的协作精神等,通过这些任务的完成,使学生增进健康、增强体质、发展体能、具有良好的思想品质,以适应未来社会生活.  相似文献   

经过40年的发展,重庆船舶工业已经形成了较为完备的产业门类和生产体系,具有较强的综合开发能力和竞争实力。公司先后有100多项产品被国家评为优质产品,获得金奖、银奖、科技成果进步奖等荣誉称号。公司产品不仅广泛应用于国内的船舶、航天、航空、机械、冶金、交通、能源、环保、电子、医疗、化工、石油以及国防建设等众多领域,还远销到英国、美国、法国、德国、日本、俄罗斯、中国香港等几十个国家和地区。  相似文献   

新疆共有47个民族,世居民族有维吾尔族、汉族、哈萨克族、回族、柯尔克孜族、蒙古族、塔吉克族、塔塔尔族、俄罗斯族等13个,绝大多数有自己的聚居区,也有自己不同的群体文化。千百年来,由于社会制度的变迁,加之他们的价值观念、语言文字、  相似文献   

我们所说的传播媒介.一般有两种涵义:一是指信息传递的载体、渠道、中介物、工具或技术手段.例如语言、文字、电话、电脑、报纸、书籍、电视等.我们称之为工具或技术手段的传播媒介;另一种是指从事信息的采集、加工制作和传播的社会组织.即传媒机构.例如报社、出版社、电台、电视台等.我们称之为社会组织的传播媒介。媒介技术或工具是由人来创造和使用的.  相似文献   

Energy continues to serve as the bedrock of modern economies and the main driver of modern society. For Africa, the production and supply of energy resources such as crude oil, natural gas, uranium, coal, biomass, biofuels and other renewables are an important source of employment, rents, taxes, royalties and profits. This sector brings in several tens of billions of dollars of revenue annually. The production and delivery of such resources, however, depend on critical infrastructures such as pipelines, refineries, processing plants, terminals, rigs, electrical energy pylons, substations, pump stations, vessels, and tankers. These infrastructures have been attacked by terrorists, insurgents, vandals and saboteurs, all of whom see them as targets against which to register their grievances and extract concessions from the state. This paper is a chronological account of some of the documented incidents of terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, destruction, sabotage, and human casualties suffered in the oil and gas sectors in Africa between 1999 and 2012. It is based on data extracted from the databases of the RAND Database of World Terrorism Incidents and the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database (GTD).  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the inconsistent and wavering Soviet attitude towards national liberation movements in general and the Palestinian organizations in particular. Until the late 1960s, the Soviets viewed these organizations with suspicion, hesitating to engage in political dialogue with them. However, in the 1970s, political and military events in the region, as well as modifications in the Kremlin's Cold War strategies, led to a general shift towards the Middle East in Soviet foreign policy. Soviet leaders showed increased willingness to provide certain Palestinian organizations with arms with which to conduct terrorist activities against Israeli, pro-Israeli, Jewish and Western targets. The article explores the complex relations between Palestinian organizations and the USSR in the field of international terror. The study also exposes and analyzes the nature and content of Soviet–Palestinian arms dialogues and transactions. It provides clear evidence that Soviet policymakers and other luminaries were fully informed of, and sometimes directly involved in, these transactions and dialogues at the highest levels.  相似文献   

新疆伊斯兰教建筑装饰艺术的特征是以一种特殊的造型、形式、色彩、材质,多种多样的装饰技巧以及独有的审美特征体现出来的。是新疆伊斯兰教建筑文化体系中取得最高成就的一部分,是集实用功能、审美功能、认识教育功能于一体的艺术形式,蕴涵着地域环境、民情风俗、审美价值等丰富的内容,呈现出浓郁的风格特点。这些装饰艺术的特征,影响着人们的情绪,净化着穆斯林们的心灵,给观赏者以建筑装饰艺术的造型、色彩、纹饰的美感,获得审美的愉悦。  相似文献   

NATO burden sharing has become an especially timely issue in the past several years as a result of a number of factors, including Russian annexation of Crimea and destabilization of eastern Ukraine in 2014. This article argues that alliance unity among the great democracies of Europe and North America is indispensable to peace and stability on the Eurasian continent. A fractured NATO, and especially, a large divide in purposes or commitments as between the United States and its European security partners, invites aggression and the possibility of inadvertent escalation. Past successes and failures in US-involved multinational peace and stability operations, within and outside of Europe, show that mission accomplishment requires give and take, including the occasional acceptance of unequal costs and benefits among the members, in order to achieve peace and security objectives.  相似文献   

针对金属化膜脉冲电容器在实际使用中由于充电结束以后较长的保压时间而产生电压跌落和能量损失,并最终导致脉冲功率电源系统的实际有效储能和储能密度下降这一实际问题,基于一种高压大容量脉冲电容器电压跌落的实验数据,分别从电导特性、自愈特性、极化特性及其与能量损失的相关性出发,推导了介质薄膜电导率与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了电导率测量实验,推导了自愈能量与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了寿命实验,阐述了松弛极化与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了仿真。结果表明,介质泄漏、自愈以及松弛极化在电压跌落中所占比例分别为29.64%、11.75%及58.35%,导致所研究电容器电压跌落的主要因素是松弛极化。  相似文献   


The Soviet Union was able to develop a large military-industrial complex and become the world's second superpower despite deficiencies in its centrally planned economy because defence was given high priority status and special planning, rationing and administrative mechanisms were used to attain national security objectives. However, in the period 1976-85 the effectiveness of priority protection diminished and defence institutions experienced more of the problems typical of the shortage economic system. The heavy defence burden also created growing difficulties for the civilian economy. The attempts by the Gorbachev government to reform the defence sector and improve defence-economic relationships during perestroika (1985-91) uniformly failed. For most of the transition period, the Russian military-industrial complex has been adversely affected by its low priority status, cuts in defence spending, instability of the hybrid politico-economic system, and negative growth of the economy. The armed forces and defence industry have been reduced in size and their outputs of military services and equipment have fallen to low levels. Nevertheless, the Russian armed forces still have over one million troops, significant stocks of sophisticated conventional weapons, and a large nuclear arsenal. The government of President Putin has raised the priority of the defence sector, increased real defence spending, and adopted ambitious plans to revive Russian military power. It is likely, though, that tight resource constraints will hamper efforts to reform the armed forces and to upgrade weapons. By 2010 Russia will be an important, but not dominant, military power in Eurasia.  相似文献   

低慢小无人机具有小型化、红外与雷达暴露征候小、飞行高度低、飞行轨迹不定以及购买使用几乎无门槛等特征,给当前全球军事区域和军事行动安全带来了新的挑战。本文首先分析了世界主要国家对低慢小无人机的界定、国内外管控情况和相关威胁事件;然后,从低慢小无人机的侦察袭击能力、军事区域现有安防措施和低慢小无人机对军事区域进行侦察的相关案例入手,讨论了低慢小无人机对军事区域的侦察袭击的威胁;最后从政策制度、营区部署与隐蔽伪装以及反制措施配置三方面对军事区域防低慢小无人机侦察袭击的手段与措施进行了分析和研究,重点就机动性、经济性、技术难度、可操作性、反应速度、打击效果、能否对抗集群目标以及适用场合等方面对当前各种反无人机的干扰、驱离、毁坏措施进行了对比。  相似文献   

毛国辉 《国防科技》2014,35(6):54-58
制约太空军备竞赛、防止太空武器化已成为维护太空安全、维持全球战略稳定的一个重要方面。构建与完善包括空间物体登记制度、透明与信任建设机制及核查制度在内的太空安全监管制度,对于消除、缓解国家间误解与紧张关系,促进世界主要国家的信任与合作,维护各国太空活动安全,具有积极作用,不失为一条务实、有效的共同抵制太空武器化的重要路径。  相似文献   

现代故障诊断技术研究现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了状态监测与故障诊断技术的发展历史,归纳和总结了基于系统数学模型、基于系统输入输出信号处理以及基于人工智能等途径的故障诊断方法。从混合智能诊断技术、BIT技术、远程协作诊断技术3个方面,对现代故障诊断技术的发展趋势和有待解决的问题进行了分析与探讨。提出了故障诊断领域目前和将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

The lessons from the two French counterinsurgencies, Indochina and Algeria, give rise to a new understanding of the projection of airpower in remote and hostile environments and the purpose, design, and use of aircraft in counterinsurgency. In both Indochina and Algeria, the campaigns were ones of poverty, and it is their imaginative management under severe resource constraints that provides thoughtful and applicable lessons for today. In both cases, airpower held the promise of delivering victory and solving the resource issue. In Indochina, acquisition of the needed aircraft, operating knowledge, and experience came too slowly to realize this promise. In Algeria, the French embraced the lessons from Indochina and were quite successful and innovative in the use of airpower. The lessons can be reduced to four requirements: (1) a network of airfields for liaison, ground-support, and intra-theater airlift to enable effective air support of ground forces; (2) a solid, reliable, and simple ground-support aircraft capable of operating from forward airfields within range of ground engagements; (3) a capable intra-theater heavy-lift transport to supply the extended ground forces; and (4) helicopter capability to enhance tactical troop mobility and support.  相似文献   

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