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随着互联网对现实世界的影响越来越大,战略地位越来越突出,获得网络主导权、占据网络制高点成为各国竞相努力的目标。美国在全球网络管理、网络技术、网络文化、网络军事等方面处于霸主地位。美国网络霸权对中国的政治安全、信息安全、文化安全、军事安全造成了极大的威胁。中国应综合采取各种措施,应对美国网络霸权的冲击和挑战,维护国家安全和利益。  相似文献   

经济全球化是当今世界的重要发展趋势。研究经济全球化对我国军事安全的影响和对策,是维护我国军事安全所面临的现实任务。经济全球化的发展,军队作为维护国家安全的基础性力量,遇到了不可避免的挑战和重大压力。经济全球化的发展,要求树立新的军事安全观念,明确新的军队建设思路,探索新的国际军事合作体制,运用新的手段维护国家安全。  相似文献   

文化安全的关键在意识形态,意识形态领域中的关键问题是价值观掌控问题。作为文化传播的主要组成部分,网络舆情对文化安全的表层和深层结构都有重要影响。本文从文化安全视角下切入,结合新疆高校网络舆情调研,分析了文化安全面临的冲击与挑战,并提出了基于文化安全保障下的新疆高校网络舆情有效管理方式和路径。  相似文献   

新形势下我国军事文化安全面临诸多挑战。维护我国军事文化安全,必须强化军事文化安全意识;增强主流文化对腐朽文化的抵御力;提高军事文化创新能力;增强军事文化传播能力。  相似文献   

民兵应急分队是平时维护社会安全稳定的重要力量.随着改革开放的深化发展,新形势下我国面临着十分复杂的安全环境.因此,必须着眼维护国家改革、发展、稳定大局,大力加强和改进民兵应急分队建设.  相似文献   

黄清华 《国防》2013,(12):43-43
当今时代,恐怖活动、自然灾害、交通和安全生产事故、网络袭击等非战争非传统安全威胁日益上升。参与应对非战争非传统安全威胁,维护国家安全与发展利益,维护群众生命安全、财产安全,维护社会稳定,是军队和民兵的重要职能任务。目前,作战部队和省军区系统,都着眼平时应对非战争安全威胁,建立应急队伍、购置应急装备、组织应急训练,随时准备执行应急任务,并在近期非战争军事行动中彰显了强大的威力。但从实践情况看,军队和民兵应急力量建设与使用也存在一些问题,  相似文献   

汝刘  朱波 《中国民兵》2013,(7):29-29
新形势下,我国国家安全与发展的内外部环境日趋复杂,意识形态领域斗争愈加尖锐,社会转型期的深层次矛盾和问题目益凸显,维护国家安全和社会稳定的任务艰巨繁重,对民兵队伍的纯洁巩固提出了新的更高要求,必须将思想政治建设贯穿于民兵组织建设全程,确保枪杆子牢牢掌握在政治上可靠的人手中。  相似文献   

网络技术的延伸发展与人们社会生活的方方面面深度融合,衍生了网络意识形态的新样态,新时代以来,网络空间已成为意识形态斗争的主战场、最前沿。网络交往影响着人们的思维和行动方式,也对意识形态安全提出了新挑战。大学生肩负着国家发展和民族振兴的厚望,而其价值观处于拔节孕穗期,又作为最大的网络原住民群体,最需要精心培育和引导。为此需要提出加强大学生网络意识形态安全教育的有效路径,筑牢网络意识形态安全重要防线。  相似文献   

一位安全管理专家曾说过,短期安全靠运气,中期安全靠管理,长期安全靠文化。这深刻揭示了安全工作只有上升到文化层面,才是抓住了根本、击中了要害,才是最长久、最管用、最有效的真招实策。加强安全文化建设,对有效预防人为差错、促进安全工作落实,具有重要的导向、激励和约束等作用。尤其是一些军兵种部队"高精尖"行业很多,安全工作往往更为复杂,差错问题往往更难防范,事故损失往往更加惨重,迫切要求各级以高度文化觉醒和文化自觉,把安全文化建设摆在更为重要、更为突出的位置抓紧抓好,尤其是在建设方法途径上要注重科学设计、形成体系、彰显实效,着力在以下几个方面下功夫。  相似文献   

当今世界,安全环境发生了深刻变化:传统安全威胁仍未得到缓解,非传统安全问题凸现;西方军事强国加大军事装备研制,军事技术发展失衡加剧;安全环境变化日益综合化,对我国主流文化提出了严峻挑战。安全环境的新变化,要求确定符合我国国情的国防经济发展战略,加强对非传统安全威胁的研究,稳定增加国防经费投入,加强人才培养和国防经济信息化保障能力建设。  相似文献   

In the past, national security for the majority of countries was almost exclusively associated with an external military threat emanating from a rival state(s). This was reflected in the standard models for the demand for military expenditure. The emergence of new security challenges such as terrorism, transnational crime networks, failed and rogue states, has profoundly affected the international security environment and the concept of national security. This note develops a model for the demand for national security expenditure adopting a broader, more inclusive definition of national security and includes concomitant budgetary outlets to meet the new security challenges.  相似文献   

经济全球化深刻影响和改变了世界经济、政治、军事安全形势,促使我们探索新时期的国家军事安全战略。本文试图由经济视角透视新时期军事安全战略,简要分析了经济全球化背景下我国军事安全面临的挑战,强调经济安全是新时期军事安全战略的立足点和重要战略目标,并探讨了经济软实力作为非战争军事斗争方式的运用及经济全球化影响下的新时期军事安全战略的特征。  相似文献   

This article highlights and critiques the underlying conceptualisations and assumptions of the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda that emerged with the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000. The main argument is that we need to rethink the WPS agenda to produce more holistic and groundbreaking responses for the types of challenges encountered, i.e., that gender inequality and insecurity are deep rooted and multi-layered, and thus negate mechanistic responses that do not deal with cultural and structural issues. It specifically focuses on gender and peace-making and gender and peacekeeping to point to the pitfalls in the current conceptions and practices in this arena.  相似文献   


Turkey has maintained its strategic relations with Africa at the highest level under recent AK Party governments in the field not only of low politics but also of high politics. For example, it opened its largest overseas military base in Somalia in 2017 and signed military, defense and security pacts with more than 25 African countries. This article traces the deep historical and cultural relations with Africa behind its newly evolving foreign policy identity, arguing that its booming economic power has been a significant driving force in shaping a new security strategy. It examines what the growing security involvement means for both Turkey and Africa in order to contribute to the relevant literature through a holistic approach from both theoretical and conceptual perspectives.  相似文献   

改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,给公安边防部队政治工作带来了一系列新情况、新问题、新挑战,大大加重了政治工作的任务和难度。要积极应对这种挑战,进一步加强部队政治工作,首先应从指导思想上对新形势下公安边防部队政治工作的地位、目标、任务、内容、作用以及方式方法等问题进行全面准确的定位。  相似文献   

Confronted with myriad security challenges, African states and the much-vaunted peace and security architecture of the African Union (AU) has proven not to be up to the challenge. Indeed, this is implicitly acknowledged by the AU itself if one considers the creation of such security structures as the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which exists outside its peace and security architecture. This paper argues for a radical rethink of security structures on the African continent – one in which state structures of security coexist with newer forms of security actors, including private military companies (PMCs), community movements and the business sector. Whilst this shift in security actors is already happening on the ground, policymakers need to embrace this new reality.  相似文献   

This article is about the management of security incidents in organisations and companies which are under the protection of private security personnel, whether in-house or contracted. Incidents can be defined as accidental or anecdotal (bird flies into a camera) to a violation of law or company policy. Managing security incidents is one of the key functions of a private security service provider. The purpose of this study is to explore the management of security incidents and the information related thereto, identify shortcomings and find solutions for managing these shortcomings. Interviews were used to gain insight from personnel within the private and government sectors which are served by the private security industry. It was found that security incidents are handled in a routine way by organisations from the different sectors. One major shortcoming is that security incidents and the information related thereto are not managed by security service providers according to an operational framework or model with the required infrastructure and resources. The significance of this study is for security incidents to be managed correctly, so that the information related thereto may be captured accurately, analysed and used proactively and reactively to improve physical protection systems, develop preventative strategies and provide actionable information products in order to reduce crime, increase detection rates and prevent losses.  相似文献   

After inconclusive elections in 2012, Lesotho had a coalition government for the first time, made up of three political parties that had a narrow majority in parliament. The new government, however, faced several challenges, some of which were of its own making. The agreement among the three parties was to literally divide the government into three parts, leading to a continuous stalemate in its operation; the most serious consequence was the prorogation of parliament and the resultant attempted coup. The flight of the prime minister to South Africa and his return under a Southern African Development Community (SADC) security detail provided a short-term solution to Lesotho's security crisis. Under Cyril Ramaphosa's mediation, the prorogued parliament was conditionally opened and the election date set for 28 February 2015. However, the security dilemma – whereby the prime minister, who is also minister of defence, has no control over the military – remains. When elections are held, there does not seem to be a guarantee that they will be held in peace; moreover, there are now fears that the losers will not accept the results of the elections because of the security vacuum in Lesotho. This article argues that peace can only be salvaged by enhanced SADC security before, during and after the elections. It argues that the SADC mission should remain beyond the elections to oversee the constitutional changes that are necessary for ensuring long-term stability. On their own, Lesotho politicians are unlikely to be able to work together in order to move the country forward.  相似文献   

Since the mid-twentieth century, the East and Southern African regions have been mired in complex and overlapping security and development challenges, including ethnopolitical conflicts, terrorist insurgencies, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALWs), and overwhelming economic crisis. These challenges have had implications for human security, socio-economic development, territorial authority, sovereignty and the stability and legitimacy of political regimes in the affected states. The adequacy and relevance of the regional responses to these challenges is the subject of ongoing debate, to which this paper now adds. Among other factors, this paper identifies competition for regional dominance and institutional inadequacies as accounting for the inability of regional governance bodies to respond adequately to the challenges they face. Consequently, it recommends the expansion of the mandate of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) beyond regional economic integration to include peacebuilding and a deepening of the institutional efforts focused on security cooperation and conflict management.  相似文献   

This study contends that an analysis of the nexus between leadership and security offers useful insights into explaining conflict by stating that the conceptualisation of these argots, especially through the definition of leadership as a process, helps to explain and address Nigeria’s security challenges. By arguing that leaders’ ability to establish mutuality with their followers in any situation and set collectively-generated means for attaining these set goals for societal security, the study shows how such a relationship creates a secured state. This is not the case in Nigeria, where leaders’ security decisions are influenced by external actors rather than by their followers. By showing that the Nigerian ruling elite’s security agendas intersect with dominant global notions of security while neglecting genuine security interests of ordinary Nigerians, the study contextualises the complex global and local security interests in Nigeria. The lack of an intersection at home, however, has contributed to the emergence of extremists such as the Boko Haram sect, as well as the escalation of the acts of violence they perpetrate. As national insecurities become complex and intractable, ‘elegant’ or unilinear solutions – such as a military approach – lack the capacity to address these problems.  相似文献   

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