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离子注入技术在核辐射探测器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了离子注入新技术的工作原理,以及在核辐射探测器中的应用;离子注入技术条件(包括加速电压、注入剂量、注入时间与退火温度等)选取;用离子注入技术制备的核辐射探测器的特性比较。  相似文献   

为了在3D GIS中实现早期核辐射毁伤效应可视化;提出了一种以多分辨率建模技术为基础的模型——MRPCT模型以及相应的模型剖切算法.该剖切算法采用了空间拓扑技术,可以实现毁伤空间任意角度的切割,从而全面揭示毁伤效果的空间结构特征;MRPCT模型实现了早期核辐射毁伤效应的三维空间数据模型的构建;为早期核辐射毁伤效应三维可视化和基于体元的空间分析与查询提供坚实的数据支持.  相似文献   

输送流量在线实时监测是准确掌握机动管线运行工况、优化运行方案、分析判断泄漏的关键之一。分析了容积式、速度式和差压式等常用流量监测技术的技术特征与使用条件,根据机动管线的作业特点和要求,优选出涡街流量监测技术作为该管线系统的流量在线实时监测技术;分析了机动管线输送过程中管道振动对涡街流量计计量精度的影响,提出了几种不同的抗振防干扰技术,并应用于机动管线涡街流量监测装置的研制。样机试验表明,采用抗振技术的涡街流量监测装置检测精度能满足机动管线流量在线实时监测需求。  相似文献   

李志荣  邵晖 《防化研究》2005,(2):50-54,63
分别介绍了GPS、GLONASS、BD3种定位技术,并对其进行比较分析,提出GPS/GLONASS/BD三合一定位技术在遥控核辐射侦察系统中的应用,并就应用中可能出现的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

光纤通信技术的发展及其军事应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光纤作为一种传输媒质,与传统的铜电缆相比具有一系列明显的优点,因此,自光纤诞生以来,光纤技术由于它的超大容量传输信息的能力,使得光纤首先在通信方面得以运用,为社会科技进步和信息化铺设了"高速公路".正因为光纤的一系列优点,使得它不仅在电信等民用领域取得了飞速的发展,而且因其抗电磁干扰、保密性好、抗核辐射等能力,以及重量轻、尺寸小等优点,得到了各发达国家政府和军方的重视与青睐.  相似文献   

针对当前火灾扑救中面临的建筑物坍塌问题,从造成建筑物火场坍塌的机理进行分析,介绍了目前可行的监测技术方案,并根据当前地质雷达技术发展与应用状况,提出了一种火灾现场建筑物可靠度监测系统方案的设想.  相似文献   

本文介绍了生物探潜、电场探潜、激光探潜、核辐射探潜等新技术探潜的基本原理及发展动态,对跟踪掌握反潜技术前沿发展动态提供参考。  相似文献   

在机械零件的失效形式中,磨损故障占70%以上,油液中的磨粒携带机器运转状态的大量信息,磨粒监测技术得到了迅速发展。本文对各种磨粒监测技术的原理、特点和适应范围进行了评述,尤其对光谱和铁谱技术作了重点介绍。  相似文献   

铁谱技术及其在机械监测诊断应用的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析了磨粒监测技术的几种方法,并对各种监测技术的原理、特点、适用范围进行了评述和比较。在文中系统论述了铁谱分析技术的基本原理及在磨粒监测分析中的重要意义;是应用磁场将润滑剂中磨损颗粒进行分类并计数的一种技术,对铁谱片上磨损碎片的观测能够诊断引起非正常磨损的起因和机械部件磨损的真实情况,常用来检测非正常磨损、磨损方式和磨损的程度,为预测磨损部件的使用寿命提供基本信息,从而使油液的监测分析结果更为全面和准确。  相似文献   

文章分析核辐射事故的危害特点,综述能够发生核辐射事故的单位和场所,探讨各地公安消防特勤队参加核辐射事故抢险救援工作的义务以及同其他核辐射事故抢险救援组织的工作配合关系。  相似文献   

因海啸而引起的日本福岛核电站核泄漏危机,充分警示人类必须做好有效应对核泄漏事故的准备工作。核生化侦检车具有快速标定核辐射物质、确定辐射边界的功能,消防部队应研究、掌握和应用核生化侦检技术,积极做好应对今后有可能发生的核生化灾害事故的准备工作。  相似文献   

为避免和减少消防部队在核事故应急救援中受到辐射伤害,着重从辐射效应、人体损伤特点、剂量控制、防护措施以及医学干预等方面进行探讨,以指导消防官兵做好辐射伤害的个人防护。  相似文献   

International concern over nuclear terrorism has grown during the past few decades. This has driven a broad spectrum of efforts to strengthen nuclear security globally, including the widespread adoption of radiation-detection technology for border monitoring. Detection systems are now deployed at strategic locations for the purported purpose of detecting and deterring the smuggling of nuclear and radioactive materials. However, despite considerable investment in this area, few studies have examined how these programs are implemented or the operational challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. This article seeks to address this with a focus on radiation-detection efforts at maritime facilities. Utilizing practitioner interviews and a survey, this article identifies the factors that influence the planning and use of these systems in this fast-moving environment. The results clearly demonstrate that the implementation of these systems varies significantly across different national and organizational contexts, resulting in a fragmented global nuclear-detection architecture, which arguably undermines efforts to detect trafficked nuclear-threat materials. Greater consideration should therefore be given to developing international standards and guidance, designing and adopting tools to support key parts of the alarm assessment process, and broader sharing of good practice.  相似文献   

The idea of ‘clean’ bombs, nuclear weapons with a reduced amount of radioactive fallout resulting from their fission part, has met much ridicule since its public inauguration in 1956. Many scholars have regarded the bombs as a propaganda tool, stopping short of analyzing their role in the transformative phase of US nuclear strategy in the 1950s. This paper reexamines the clean bomb episode through 1958, shedding light upon the dynamic relationship between the development of nuclear weapons technology and the evolution of nuclear strategy from massive retaliation to flexible response. It also discusses the mechanism and momentum of nuclear weapons technology innovation until the US suspended nuclear testing in late 1958.  相似文献   

分析了航空核辐射侦察信息的时序关系,结合相关测量设备的发展现状,认为更新率应以水平定位信息为准。分析了侦察过程中定位设备的各种工作状态,指出了其最优工作状态。最后在此工作状态下依据现实可用的定位设备给出了信息更新率。  相似文献   

软件复用是在软件开发过程中避免重复劳动的解决方案。通过构件的形式来实现软件复用,可以提高开发的效率和质量。以核侦察处理模块的实现和集成为例,介绍了基于构件的复用技术在目前信息化建设中的使用手段和方法。  相似文献   

红外制导武器对目标的发现、识别和跟踪主要依据目标与背景的红外辐射特性及其对比特性。随着红外技术的不断发展和在军事上的广泛运用,红外辐射在大气中的传输研究越来越受到关注。针对大气透过率是研究红外辐射传输的重要参数,提取既定区域实际观测大气数据构建大气参数廓线并嵌入成熟、通用的大气辐射传输模型中,探讨了红外波段实际大气透过特性的变化特征,并分析了用模型自带大气近似可能带来的误差。结果表明,基于实际大气廓线计算出的大气透过特性准确度基本吻合国际公认理论分析值,我国区域内的大气透过率的准确计算必须考虑我国的实际大气,这对最大限度分析利用战场气象环境确保武器作战性能的充分发挥具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The United States has multiple nuclear detection initiatives to secure against a terrorist nuclear attack, including the Container Security Initiative, installation of radiation detectors at U.S. border points of entry, and establishment of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO). The current nuclear detection system architecture falls short of being able to reliably catch fissile nuclear material in transit, specifically shielded Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) and Plutonium (Pu), both within the US and abroad. Checkpoints at border crossings can be circumvented, and no adequate system is under development to deter the transport of fissile materials. Using nuclear link-budget calculations, we show why a network relying primarily on handhelds, fixed detectors, and portals is not sufficient. We examine the technical, economic, and operational feasibility of a comprehensive national network incorporating in-vehicle detectors to reliably detect and deter the transport of fissile material inside the vehicle itself.  相似文献   


Narratives about Brazil's nuclear program are distorted by supporters and critics alike. In Brazil, the national nuclear infrastructure is undergoing a period of expansion, with plans to build new nuclear power plants and industrial-scale fuel production facilities. While Brazil's leaders herald the nuclear sector as a triumph for indigenous science and technology, foreigners view the nuclear program as a dangerous legacy of the military regime. This discrepancy becomes even more apparent in discussions about the ongoing construction of Brazil's first nuclear powered submarine. Brazil's military touts the submarine as a symbol of political status, economic growth, and military might. But from abroad, the military's involvement in nuclear development is considered unnecessary, worrisome, and even irresponsible. These narratives—often incomplete or selective—have polarized discussions about Brazil's nuclear submarine program and caused considerable political antagonism during safeguards negotiations. This article works to dispel myths, highlight legitimate concerns, and explain historical perspectives that shed light on some difficulties that can be anticipated in future negotiations.  相似文献   

导弹光学告警系统及对抗技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详述了导弹羽烟热辐射的光电高速采集方法 ,并实时对导弹逼近告警。同时介绍了国外红外告警技术的发展现状  相似文献   

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