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随着美国第三次"抵消战略"的推进,电磁轨道炮等新概念武器成为关注的焦点。在介绍电磁轨道炮的基础上,总结了外军的发展现状和技术瓶颈,详细阐述了电磁轨道炮脉冲功率电源的超导储能技术和变流装置的拓扑结构。研究表明,电磁轨道炮和超导储能技术将是发展的趋势。  相似文献   

介绍了国外电磁轨道炮技术的发展现状,分析了电磁轨道炮的发展趋势,提出了超高速电磁炮控制系统所面临的主要关键技术问题,并给出了研究方向。随着电磁轨道炮制导控制系统关键技术的最终突破,电磁轨道炮必将成为改写未来战争的利器,引领未来武器装备跨越式发展。  相似文献   

当传统身管火炮的技术进步接近极限,电磁炮的兴起与发展更加引人瞩目。尽管电磁轨道炮的工作原理十分简单,但在实际操作层面上不仅存在储能装置小型化、发射导轨寿命、制导系统环境适应性等诸多工程技术领域的瓶颈,而且面临资金投入大、研发周期长、工程风险性高等困难。由于这一系列原因的存在,使电磁轨道炮迟迟难以应用于实战。作者试图以经济学领域的"利基战略"为切入,分析探讨电磁轨道炮下一步发展的新思路。研究表明,电磁轨道炮的发展,需要我们有足够的耐心并利用科学合理的发展模式。  相似文献   

电磁发射技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
电磁发射技术是未来发射方式的必然发展趋势。分析了电磁发射的原理和技术特点,研究了电磁弹射、电磁轨道炮、电磁推射三个技术分支的国外发展情况,概述了电磁发射的关键技术,并依此提出了发展思路及电磁发射技术的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

针对舰载电磁轨道炮的性能特点,从直接动能毁伤、预制破片/子母弹毁伤方面对电磁轨道炮的命中毁伤机理进行了分析;结合电磁轨道炮在海军装备体系中的定位,对其承担的海上防空反导、打击临近空间目标、打击岸上目标与打击海上目标等任务的打击环节进行了分析,提出了舰载电磁轨道炮作战使用构想;在作战模式的基础上,从目标探测、指挥控制以及远程目标指示三方面对电磁轨道炮的信息保障需求进行了分析,提出了相关建议,为电磁轨道炮的研制提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

电磁发射武器电磁发射武器是利用脉冲能源提供的电能或利用电能与化学能的结合,使弹丸或其他有效载荷达到高速度或高动能,以杀伤目标的武器,是新概念武器家族的重要成员。主要包括电热化学炮、电磁轨道炮、电磁线圈炮等,其中电热化学炮和电磁轨道炮技术在最近十多年来取得了重大进展。美国电磁发射技术的研究已从演示验证阶段进入武器型号研制阶段,其中,电热化学炮将于  相似文献   

随着电磁轨道炮武器装备的快速发展,针对其完成机场跑道毁伤封锁这一重要任务所需的作战能力进行了分析研究。首先,建立了子母弹命中精度圆概率误差(circular error probable, CEP)、跑道瞄准点选择、子母弹落点模拟、跑道封锁概率计算等数学模型,并采用Monte-Carlo法对子母弹的落点分布进行仿真模拟;然后,基于飞机最小起降窗口进行搜索计算,仿真分析了电磁轨道炮射击初速、距离对射击误差的影响以及子母弹命中精度CEP、发射弹丸数量及子母弹抛撒半径等相关战技指标对跑道封锁概率的影响。研究结果对电磁轨道炮弹药总体方案设计及武器系统效能优化具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

电磁轨道炮可以推动宏观弹丸到超高速,而相同幅值、不同上升时间的激励脉冲电流波形对轨道炮的电流分布、电枢所受电磁力、炮口速度等发射特性有明显的影响。因此,主要采用Ansoft Maxwell有限元软件仿真分析的方法,对加载不同形状激励电流波形的电磁轨道炮,分析其电流分布、电感梯度及其所受电磁力的变化规律;再通过综合以上几种影响因素,对相应电流波形的电磁轨道炮发射特性进行对比分析,进而得到不同上升前沿的电流波形对轨道炮发射特性的影响。  相似文献   

美军电磁轨道炮的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美海军雄心勃勃地计划,在2011年演示电磁轨道炮,2015年拥有完整的电磁轨道炮系统,在2020~2025年装备舰队并初步形成战斗力。  相似文献   

电枢是电磁轨道炮中核心运动部件,也是将轨道炮系统电磁能转化为弹丸动能的媒介,电枢前的感应磁场、通流电流是推动电枢运动的根本原因,也直接决定了轨道炮系统的能量转化率。暂未考虑轨道电阻、电流趋肤效应等影响,基于面电流假设,建立了电枢前电磁感应强度场计算模型,以及电枢所受电磁力模型,基于仿真结果,研究了电枢前感应磁场强度分布特性,分析了轨道通流长度对感应磁场及电枢受力的影响。  相似文献   

电磁轨道炮轨道温度场与热应力数值仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电磁轨道炮发射过程中,因热量累积而引起的急速温升与热应力对轨道性能和寿命有着重要的影响。为获得发射过程中轨道温度场及热应力分布情况,在分析轨道热载荷的基础上,建立了热载荷计算模型,并在给定的参数下,利用有限元仿真软件ANSYS Workbench对3种典型截面轨道的温度场与热应力进行了数值仿真。仿真结果表明:轨道温度场与热应力轴向上呈梯度分布,纵向上只扩散到内表面很薄的区域,温度与热应力最大值在电枢初始位置处;相较于矩形与凹形截面轨道,凸形截面轨道温升与热应力较低,性能较好。  相似文献   

The contact resistance between the armature and rails is an important indicator of the contact characteristics in electromagnetic launches. As the contact resistance depends not only on the contact state but also on the contact stress and temperature, there are some limitations in analyzing the contact characteristics using only the contact resistance. In this paper, the contact characteristics of the augmented railgun are analyzed by the combination of contact resistance and sliding friction coefficient. Firstly, the theoretical calculation model of the contact resistance and friction coefficient of the augmented electromagnetic railgun is established. Then the contact resistance and friction coefficient are calculated by the measured values of the muzzle voltage, rail current and armature displacement. Finally, the contact characteristics are analyzed according to the features of the waveforms of the contact resistance and the friction coefficient, and the analysis conclusions are verified by experimental rail images. The results showed that: the aluminum melt film gradually formed on the contact surface reduces the contact resistance and the friction coefficient; the wear and erosion of the armature cause deterioration of the contact state; after the transition, the reliability of the sliding contact between the armature and rails decreases, resulting in an increase in contact resistance.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic railgun attracts more and more attention due to its advantage in speed,cost,and obscurity.It is found that the rail should withstand huge mechanical and thermal shocks during the launching operation.The forms of rail failure are accompanied by gouge,grooving,transition,and arc ablation,etc.The service life of the rail has become a bottleneck restricting the development of elec-tromagnetic railgun technology.A series of researches are carried out to solve rail failure,including analysing the failure mechanism and using various advanced rail materials.This paper provides a comprehensive review of rail materials,including material composition,preparation,microstructure,and properties.We begin from a short background of the requirement of the rail material.Then a detailed investigation of rail materials is described,and the performances of those materials are introduced.Finally,further development prospect of rail material is discussed.  相似文献   

利用Ansoft Maxwell 14.0有限元分析软件,在考虑和不考虑电枢2种情况下对简单电磁轨道炮电感梯度的影响作对比分析,得出计算电感梯度时有必要将电枢的影响考虑进去的结论.为提高增强型轨道炮的电感梯度,分析不同轨道间距、厚度以及不同炮口宽度对2种增强型轨道炮电感梯度的影响,得出电感梯度随轨道参数变化的规律.  相似文献   

During the electromagnetic railgun launching process, there will be a complex flow field with high temperature in the muzzle area because of the high-speed friction, transition and secondary arc-ignition. This paper models the muzzle area of railgun when the projectile is far away from the muzzle, and the dynamic simulation of the flow field with secondary arc in the muzzle area is carried out based on the magneto hydrodynamic equations. Meanwhile, a multi-component plasma transport model is used to analyze the muzzle arc plasma flow process of the mixed gas of Al vapor and the air. Furthermore, the pressure boundary conditions are fitted by the dynamic mesh simulation results. The current and voltage of the muzzle are obtained through the emission experiment of the railgun experimental prototype. We load the current data into the simulation model and the voltage of experiments and simulations are compared, which proves the accuracy of the simulation. Then the plasma temperature and the composition of Al vapor in the muzzle flow process are analyzed in-depth.  相似文献   

在电磁发射过程中导轨温度受众多因素影响,而其中部分因素很难进行精确分析,为此运用灰色系统的分析方法对电磁轨道发射装置温度进行研究。为获取模型所需实验数据,搭建电磁轨道发射装置测试系统,并借此测量发射过程中的电流、导轨温度、出口速度等数据。由于测量仪器限制,借助ANSYS有限元仿真对测得的导轨温度数据进行修正,以获得导轨内表面温度。基于经典GM(1,N)模型与Simpson公式,提出一种改进型灰色模型,并以此方法对导轨温度展开研究,进一步选取同能级试验,对不同位置处各因素温升贡献度进行讨论。结论为进一步深入研究导轨温度提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

A measurement system was designed to measure the railgun's parameters in launching process,which includes Rogowski coil sensor for measuring rail's current,B-dot probe for obversing projectile's velocity in bore,net target for catching muzzle velocity,signal condition circuit and high-speed data acquisition card for analyzing and storing data.Its software was also developed in WINDOWS operational environment via modularized design.The designed sensors and test software were successfully used in a practical electromagnetic railgun system to monitor the process of launching.The test results indicate that the state of launching can be intuitively observed and the parameters are accurately acquired and recorded.The software design method can shorten the development cycle,enhance the system's flexibility and provide the interface for the secondary development.The system shows great reliability.It is an effective and practical measurement platform for further research on the electromagnetic launch system.  相似文献   

电控增压泵高速电磁阀电磁力预测模型构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为科学预测超高压共轨系统电控增压泵高速电磁阀的电磁力性能,采用响应面法构建电磁力预测模型,实现其性能的高效预测与优化。建立电控增压泵高速电磁阀的三维有限元仿真模型,并通过试验进行了验证。基于试验设计思想,选取驱动电流、工作气隙、衔铁厚度、线圈匝数、主磁极半径、阻尼孔半径这些关键因素,通过响应面法制定了54组样本点的电磁力数值试验研究方案,构建电磁力预测模型,经过R检验,且仿真试验验证电磁力预测模型最大误差为1.3%,表明该模型能够准确预测电控增压泵高速电磁阀电磁力,为超高压共轨系统控制系统设计及优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The goal of diplomats is to represent their countries’ interests through diplomacy, not arms. Because they are not military personnel, they may be perceived as at lower risk of being the target of terrorists. However, recent events have called this perception into question. Despite this danger, there has been little research on terrorist attacks against diplomats. Drawing on the terrorism studies literature, this article argues that diplomats are targeted more than non-diplomatic targets in countries where certain U.S. foreign policies are implemented. An empirical analysis of 471 attacks against U.S. diplomats from 1970 to 2011 reveals that while U.S. alliances and foreign aid increase the likelihood of attacks against diplomats, U.S. military intervention and civil war, on the other hand, increase the risk of terrorism against non-diplomatic targets. This finding is relevant because it shows terrorist attacks against diplomats result from certain types of foreign policy.  相似文献   

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