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提出了一种联合宽带雷达多视角距离像进行弹道目标进动特征提取的方法。建立了锥柱体进动模型,并对散射点径向距离进行了分析。运用广义Hough变换提取散射点距离像的曲线参数。定义粗匹配和精匹配选择门限,根据提取的曲线参数信息来对散射点进行匹配,再由散射点初相差的不同进行散射点类型识别。最后,联立两部雷达提取同一散射点的曲线参数求解出进动角θ,再联立多视角距离像信息方程组进行目标的结构参数和雷达视角的求解。仿真结果验证了算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

一种基于自适应阈值与边缘跟踪的目标提取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于目标灰度门限和目标之间灰度距离门限的区域自动阈值检测法,用该方法检测出图像区域的阈值进行目标初分割,然后结合形态学中的开启和闭合方法对初分割后的二值图像进行双滤波,再用一种新的区域边缘跟踪标注法对其进行跟踪和标注,找出每个目标的包络矩形坐标,用其对原图进行区域定位,从而可以提取出原图中包含目标的小区域.  相似文献   

提出一种基于多传感器航迹的关联算法.首先根据雷达和目标球极投影后的几何位置关系,利用三角形的几何性质分别建立两个航迹关联函数,并利用加权思想进一步建立相似度函数;在此基础上,利用一阶泰勒展式对航迹关联函数理论分析获得航迹粗关联门限;然后依次通过粗关联和精关联实现航迹关联.仿真结果表明了该算法的时效性和稳定性.  相似文献   

惯性导航系统在使用前要进行初始对准,即建立导航坐标系.分别对粗对准和精对准进行了研究.粗对准就是由三个姿态角来得到初始姿态矩阵的过程.精对准就是卡尔曼滤波法.在静基座下对陀螺和磁罗盘组合的系统建立了十一维状态的模型,采用改进卡尔曼滤波方法进行精对准仿真研究,采取渐消记忆卡尔曼滤波以克服滤波发散.仿真结果表明,该滤波方法用于航向姿态系统对准具有较好效果.  相似文献   

将最大似然法与CPA方法结合提出基于CPA搜索的声信号能量定位算法,该算法以CPA点为中心,通过选取合适的搜索区域,可以大范围地减小搜索面积。并通过设置合适的能量门限,将接收能量小于门限的传感器节点去掉,从而进一步减少了定位算法的运算量。  相似文献   

针对极端曝光(欠曝光和过曝光)图像动态范围低的问题,提出一种基于多尺度分解细节感知的图像融合算法。欠曝光图像经过细节增强后,与过曝光图像进行初步的粗融合;采用小波变换对细节增强后图像的亮度分量进行多尺度分解,并设计专门的高频和低频融合策略,实现亮度分量的精融合;将粗融合图像的色调、饱和度分量,与精融合图像的亮度分量重组,获得最终的融合结果。基于大量测试数据,实验结果表明所提方法在视觉效果方面表现优异,平均MEF-SSIM指标为0.985 4,平均SSIM指标为0.650 8,均优于现有主流算法。  相似文献   

为了解决脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)难以确定最优分割结果以及脉冲产生门限由非线性方法计算得到的问题,提出了一种基于PCNN的图像分割新方法.该算法采用线性方式动态调整脉冲门限,采用二维最大相关准则确定PCNN网络的循环迭代次数,并引用中值滤波的思想对PCNN的接收部分进行了改良,以克服噪声对分割过程的影响.实验结果表明该方法能获得视觉效果较好的分割结果并具有较强的普适性.  相似文献   

提出一种光电二级稳定粗、精控制通道融合新方案,并与现有粗、精控制通道相互独立二级稳定方案相比较。仿真结果表明,粗、精控制融合方案无论在成本、体积、性能和精度上,都优于现有二级稳定方案。新方案的可行性已通过原理样机得到验证。  相似文献   

循环神经网络作为一种处理时序数据的有效模型,已在序列标注问题上得到了广泛应用。为解决序列标注中典型的中文分词任务,基于门限循环单元(Gated Recurrent Unit,GRU)神经网络,提出了一种改进的双向门限循环单元条件随机场(BI-GRU-CRF)模型,该模型不仅可以通过双向门限循环单元有效利用双向上下文信息,而且可以通过条件随机场层联合考虑相邻标签间的相关性,得到全局最优的标记序列结果。在常用的中文分词测评集(PKU、MSRA)以及由构建的军事领域分词语料上,分别采用四词位及六词位标注法进行了实验,结果表明BI-GRU-CRF模型具有良好的分词性能,且六词位标注法可以改进分词效果。  相似文献   

着重研究了分布式二进制传感器网络中对单目标定位的两个关键环节:传感器节点的协作和目标位置估计.在节点协作方面,提出了一种简单协作方法,这种协作方式仅要求节点在检测到目标进入或目标离开其探测区域时发送消息,通信量非常小;在目标位置估计方面,提出了一种基于m-网格的定位算法,该算法不同于质心定位法,综合考虑了探测到和未探测到目标的节点的位置信息对定位的贡献.仿真结果表明,在都使用简单协作方法的条件下,基于m-网格的定位算法在定位精度上优于质心定位法.  相似文献   

The choice between balanced and specialized defence forces depends on the technology of defence output (e.g. whether a force scope multiplier is present), the existence of scope and scale economies, the platform customization costs and, of course, the level of defence budgets. Minimum force element levels (thresholds), and scale economies facilitate specialization as opposed to scope economies (e.g. platform‐sharing), scale diseconomies and the force scope multiplier (e.g. defence weakest‐link technology). When a balanced force is not optimal, the option value of a non‐optimally maintained force element must also include the opportunity cost arising from suboptimal force elements. Shrinking defence budgets may produce two surprising phenomena. If some force elements are shut down as a result of thresholds, the surviving ones may increase in platform numbers as well as enjoying closer‐to‐most‐desirable platforms. Furthermore, if heritage force elements are shut down within the budget contraction environment, overall defence capability might rise.  相似文献   

结合纹理的结构分析方法 ,提出一种区域状结构 ,并把这种结构作为尺度空间中的特征。在基于区域状特征结构的尺度空间中 ,结构状纹理分析可转化为尺度空间中对特征结构的分析 ,从而实现了对纹理的多尺度分析。理论分析和实验结果证明了这种分析方法的有效性  相似文献   

目标鉴别是SAR图像目标识别系统的关键环节,用以消除预筛选阶段因异常检测产生的大量虚假的感兴趣区域切片。针对目标鉴别问题,提出了一种新的目标自动鉴别方法,首先对CFAR检测的结果做基于面积特征的预鉴别处理,而后对获得的ROI目标切片提取鉴别特征,并在特征分析的基础上设定特征判决阈值,实现序贯鉴别处理。利用X波段SAR图像数据检验了上述方法,给出了鉴别输出的ROI切片。  相似文献   

By running life tests at higher stress levels than normal operating conditions, accelerated life testing (ALT) quickly yields information on the lifetime distribution of a test unit. The lifetime at the design stress is then estimated through extrapolation using a regression model. In constant‐stress testing, a unit is tested at a fixed stress level until failure or the termination time point of test, whereas step‐stress testing allows the experimenter to gradually increase the stress levels at some prefixed time points during the test. In this work, the optimal k‐level constant‐stress and step‐stress ALTs are compared for the exponential failure data under complete sampling and Type‐I censoring. The objective is to quantify the advantage of using the step‐stress testing relative to the constant‐stress one. Assuming a log‐linear life–stress relationship with the cumulative exposure model for the effect of changing stress in step‐stress testing, the optimal design points are determined under C/D/A‐optimality criteria. The efficiency of step‐stress testing to constant‐stress one is then discussed in terms of the ratio of optimal objective functions based on the information matrix. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 00: 000–000, 2013  相似文献   

把数值传递函数方法应用于对平面光波导的分析。本方法从光波导的标量变分关系出发 ,通过状态方程对问题求解计算。文中引入了传递函数无穷单元的概念 ,使得本方法在处理近截止区域的问题时更加合理 ,计算量更小。文后给出了本文方法的应用和算例 ,与多种方法进行了比较 ,表明本文方法在处理折射率均匀分布和渐变分布波导时都有着特有的优势。  相似文献   

针对密集杂波下匀加速运动的低可观测目标的航迹起始问题,提出了一种基于投票分布积累的Hough变换航迹起始法。该方法利用单元投票数以及该单元附近投票数的密集程度定义了投票密度和投票均值,构造了两级门限来滤除部分杂波,快速给出目标航迹参数在参数空间的大概位置,最后由直观法给出起始航迹的数目以及参数。仿真结果表明,该方法不仅能提高正确航迹起始概率、降低错误起始概率,而且所用时间短,尤其适用于复杂环境中的目标检测。  相似文献   

Existing production/inventory models with random (variable) yield take the yield distribution as given. This work takes a step towards selecting the optimal yield randomness, jointly with lot sizing decisions. First, we analyze an EOQ model where yield variance and lot size are to be selected simultaneously. Two different cost structures are considered. Secondly, we consider source diversification (‘second sourcing’) as a means of reducing effective yield randomness, and trade its benefits against its costs. Conditions for the superiority of diversification between two sources with distinct yield distributions over a single source are derived. The optimal number of identical sources is also analyzed. Some comments on the congruence of the results with recent JIT practices are provided.  相似文献   

Modern technology is producing high reliability products. Life testing for such products under normal use condition takes a lot of time to obtain a reasonable number of failures. In this situation a step‐stress procedure is preferred for accelerated life testing. In this paper we assume a Weibull and Lognormal model whose scale parameter depends upon the present level as well as the age at the entry in the present stress level. On the basis of that we propose a parametric model to the life distribution for step‐stress testing and suggest a suitable design to estimate the parameters involved in the model. A simulation study has been done by the proposed model based on maximum likelihood estimation. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   

In reply to Ward Wilson's response, the author notes that Wilson's current position about the effectiveness of nuclear deterrence is relatively agnostic compared to his original essay and that he now uses a much finer brush to define his qualms about nuclear deterrence. The perfectibility, rather than the existence of nuclear deterrence, is the paramount issue. The author also contends that in remaining fixated on civilian deaths and using Hiroshima and Nagasaki as his litmus test, Wilson fails to adequately consider whether there are other potential nuclear harms—fundamentally different in scale, scope, and moral and existential ramifications—that potentially can terrify societies enough to make nuclear deterrence a perfect or nearly perfect mode of security.  相似文献   

通过对影响油气受热着火的关键因素进行研究,为发展主动防护技术提供理论依据。基于系统的实验和分析,探究了快速氧化现象、热源加热速度、热源面积与爆燃空间比例对热着火发生时临界浓度、着火概率和着火延迟期的影响,提出了温升热源条件受限空间能否发生热着火的综合判据。该判据认为:如果油气体积分数低于2.4%,受限空间体积与热源面积比值小于0.64m,那么即使温度达到873K,湿度降低到18%~21%,着火也不会发生。  相似文献   

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