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近两年来,建设“国家信息基础结构(NII)”已成为世界各国信息界、通信界最热门的话题。本文根据国际发展动向,结合我国国情,对中国建设“国家信息基础结构”的有关问题,提出若干看法和建议。  相似文献   

农四师霍尔果斯河流域灌溉管理处(以下简称霍管处),位于天山西麓伊犁河北部新疆伊犁霍城县境内,南距霍尔果斯口岸9公里。现有总人口478人,在职职工183人。除机关外,下设水管总站、红卡子一、二、三级水电站、霍河电站、园林站等6个基层单位。霍管处始建于1963年,代表我国与哈萨克斯坦共和国共同管理霍尔果斯界河,承担分水会晤、水文监测、河道防洪、界阿治理、水资源开发利用、水政监察、引水灌溉、边境管理等工作,并防护137公里霍尔果斯河道中方一侧8.6万亩次生林、67万亩草场及沿岸各种野生动植物。同时,该处承担着农四师六十一团至六十四…  相似文献   

付华,农十师一八六团的一名普通职工,也是诺亚堡哨所的民兵。他的住所离中哈界河仅50米,他放牧的羊群每天巡逻在边境线上,他升起的那面鲜红的五星红旗高高飘扬在中哈界河边,成为职工群众心中永远的守望……  相似文献   

我国的各种期刊杂志都在倡导各种规范的国际接轨。无论自然版(理工科)还是哲学与社会科学版(文科)学报研究会,都出台了相关规定。但是,我国高校学报编排规范化的问题却依然明显地存在着。其中,“作者”和“参考文献”标注问题更为突出。既然是规范,就必须在充分讨论的基础上整齐划一。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》研究新观点撷英   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《孙子兵法》研究论文的新成果,集中展现在自1989年以来召开的四届“孙子兵法国际学术研讨会”上。第一、二、三届孙子兵法国际学术研讨会之后,分别出版了以汇集该届研讨会主要论文及新观点的《孙子新探)《(孙子)新论集粹》《孙子探胜》。1998年召开的第四届孙子兵法国际学术研讨会,是孙子学坛沉寂六年之后的学术盛会,新论迭出,新观点闪亮,吹绿了孙子研究界又一个春天。归纳《孙子兵法》研究新观点,难免留有笔者一孔之见的痕迹,如同作文绘画之写春皆需切点。一、《孙子兵法》的价值李际均《对(孙子兵法)文化遗产与跨世纪国…  相似文献   

水成膜泡沫灭火剂(AFFF)在扑救B类火灾中发挥重要作用,但其含有的C8类氟碳表面活性剂具有环境难降解性和生物累积性,对生态系统和人体健康具有危害作用.为此,关注消防行业带来的环境污染问题、开展AFFF环境安全管理研究具有重要的理论和现实意义.介绍了传统水成膜泡沫灭火剂的组成、应用,阐述了传统水成膜泡沫灭火剂引起的环境污染和人体健康问题,提出了新型绿色水成膜泡沫灭火剂的开发思路,以及水成膜泡沫灭火剂的环境安全管理对策.  相似文献   

中西曹,鲁南滕州市界河镇一个普普通通的小山村,蜿蜓起伏的马山脚下,奔流不息的界河水绕村而过。它与邹城市的吉路口乡隔河相望。 几个月来,在山水相依的两地城乡,一位基干民兵的壮举被人们争相传诵:中西曹人民的好儿子张广中为抢救落水妇女,献出了年仅29岁的宝贵生命。 伫立马山脚下,走在界河岸畔,笔者忠实地记录下英雄张广中生前一个又一个可歌可泣的感人故事,在张广中牺牲后的  相似文献   

1988年年初,为了国土安全,十师一八五团党委决定,在阿拉克别克界河边建立桑德克哨所,指派专人巡边守水。刚刚参加工作的马军武积极报名,那年他才19岁。初到哨所时,马军武心里还带着几分好奇,每天一个人观察  相似文献   

郝云丽  刘锦安 《兵团建设》2013,(16):100-101
"我家住在路尽头,界碑就在房后头,界河边上种庄稼,边境线旁牧牛羊",这是十师一八五团人工作生活的真实写照。被誉为"西北边境第一团"的一八五团位于阿尔泰山西南边缘的国境线上,额尔齐斯河流入北冰洋出境口处。西、北以阿拉克别克河为界,与哈萨克斯坦共和国接壤,总面积907.95平方公里,边境线长达86公里。  相似文献   

王刚  崔跃军 《国防》2013,(6):31-33
所谓突发公共事件四级响应,是指我国各级政府将突发公共事件危害程度分为Ⅰ级(特别严重)、Ⅱ级(严重)、Ⅲ级(较重)和Ⅳ级(一般)四个等级,在此基础上采取相应等级的预警及处置措施的过程。突发公共事件四级响应属于应急管理的范畴,是我国突发公共事件应急管理的主体内容,体现了精确管理的思想。这些年来,我国突发公共事件四级响应制度建设完善、实践丰富,在我国各级政府成功处置各类突发公共事件过程中发挥了根本性作用,已经成为成熟的危机管理方式之一。  相似文献   

外警培训是国家整体外交和国际警务合作的重要组成部分.通过分析比较封闭式管理模式和开放式管理模式的运行方式及优缺点,研究不同的管理模式对外警培训的质量和效果产生的影响,结合我国当前国情和国际执法培训发展趋势,提出了框架式外警培训管理模式。  相似文献   

为适应经济全球化和金融业快速发展以及国际财经类高等教育的发展趋势,我国当前的财务管理和会计学专业课程教学体系还须进行相应的革新和优化设计,财务管理专业课程教学体系应该体现出其作为区别于其他财经类专业特别是会计学专业的独立学科的专业内涵来。本文基于石河子大学经济与管理学科发展特别是会计和财务管理专业建设的现状及其问题的简单描述性分析,提出以专业课程教学体系建设"以点带面",逐步推进其财务管理专业建设整体质量提升的发展思路,同时为我国高校财务管理专业建设提供一些管见。  相似文献   

我国消防标准化工作现状分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从消防标准化组织、消防标准体系、消防标准化管理和标准化国际交流四个方面介绍了消防标准化工作的现状。指出在消防标准与规范的协调性、消防标准体系建设和采标工作等方面存在的不足,进而得出增强标准与规范的协调性,建立消防管理标准体系,完善标准修订和采标机制是我国消防标准化工作的重点。同时结合国外消防标准化发展趋势,提出在实现消防标准国际趋同的同时,加快我国标准向国际标准的转化是今后较长时期内我国消防标准化工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

Conventional constructivism presents conforming to normative expectations as a constituent force in state legitimacy. However, what is broadly considered appropriate is not necessarily realized since concrete action can collide with other norms, just as prevention of human rights violations is generally viewed as desirable, but related action provokes a debate over sovereign integrity and the use of force. This article argues that this ‘norm dilemma’ prompts states to develop international organizations. That is to say, if international mechanisms exist to deal with regional contingencies effectively, such dilemmas that accompany intervention are more likely to be pre-empted. For this reason, states move towards development of institutions for security management. This article examines this claim by analyzing North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO's) reorganization through the intervention in Bosnia and explains why investigating norm dilemmas elucidates more aspects of this case than paying attention to the influence of humanitarian norms alone. Given the stress placed on conflict ‘prevention’ in NATO today, instead of promotion of intervention, as reiterated in the 2010 Strategic Concept, analysis of the first major crisis in post-Cold War Europe offers important insights into future management of norm dilemmas by the Alliance.  相似文献   

Since 2000, international organisations such as the UN, NATO and the EU, but also countries, have started to apply what has been called the comprehensive approach to crisis management. This article unpacks this comprehensive approach implemented by the Dutch in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan. It first borrows and expands a conceptual framework developed by De Coning and Friis. Subsequently, it maps the different sorts of coherence in the mission by applying the framework. It shows how in practice there was not one single comprehensive approach, but many different forms of interaction between a number of organisational units. Each interaction had its own distinct issues and its own level of coherence. The level of coherence differed depending on the level at which the interaction took place – strategic at headquarters level versus operational at field level – and at what point in the mission it happened – in most cases it moved towards more cohesion.  相似文献   

The literature on how European states have adapted to the post-cold war security environment ffocuses invariably on different understandings of military transformation, a process which is seen as inherently different from other forms of organizational change. However, as this paper argues, new management practices, going back to the introduction of so-called New Public Management (NPM) reforms throughout Europe in the 1980s, have eventually penetrated also the last bastion of the old state – the defense sector. Taking a critical approach to the idea of military transformation and existing theories of military change, the paper demonstrates how other international developments have pushed towards what may be seen as a “normalization” of Europe’s defense sectors. This has important implications for how we approach and understand change in contemporary defense organizations.  相似文献   

The article shows that the current international system is changing towards a completely new form of international system, conceptualized as a multi-order system. The suggestion for a multi-order world stands in contrast to three current narratives about the future global order expressed through a multipolar narrative; a multi-partner narrative and a multi-culture narrative. The article demonstrates that although each narrative points to a plausible future, neither fully captures what lies ahead. Using English School concepts such as order, international society, international system and primary and secondary institutions, the article reveals a conception of the coming international system as a system consisting of several different ‘orders’ (or international societies) nested within an overall international system. In the coming ‘multi-order world’, the liberal order will continue, and may even be strengthened internally, but its global reach will be a thing of the past. Moreover, the challenge in a multi-order world will be to forge new forms of relationships between composite and diverse actors across complex lines of division and convergence. Scholars and policy-makers should note that the coming multi-order world will be radically different, requiring new thinking and new institutions and the acceptance of diversity in both power and principle.  相似文献   

A striking difference between the EU’s 2016 Global Strategy and its 2003 predecessor is the ubiquity of resilience as a new leitmotif, understood as the ability of states and societies to reform, thus withstanding and recovering from internal and external crisis. Resilience provides a middle ground between over-ambitious liberal peace-building and under-ambitious stability, (re)directs attention to local resources and practices, and is ambiguous enough to be acceptable to everyone. The Global Strategy’s leitmotif is an example of the rise and spread of resilience in international discourses about crisis management and humanitarian emergencies. Although there are risks inherent to the way in which resilience reframes risks and crises, its added value lies in its power as convening concept, opening up international organizations to new ways of thinking and working, and providing a common ground for engagement.  相似文献   

公安院校边防管理专业培养的人才必须对边境地区突发事件具有综合处置能力,突发事件应急演练则是培养学员突发事件处置能力的有效途径。从突发事件应急演练的几个方面进行实践探索,以期对人才培养提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

Many have suggested that the true purpose behind Japan’s development of a closed nuclear-fuel cycle is to maintain the technical potential to develop nuclear weapons. However, closer examination of the development of Japan’s nuclear industry shows that, although Japan possesses advanced nuclear technologies, there has been no deliberate strategy to create a nuclear-weapon option. There is no “nuclear hedge.” To illustrate this point, this article presents a framework called “dynamic institutionalization” to explain the origins of Japan’s nuclear policies and the different sets of institutionalized pressures and constraints that have perpetuated these policies over time. Japan’s continued development of closed fuel-cycle technologies is primarily driven by domestic politics and the lack of a permanent spent-fuel management solution. On the other hand, Japan’s institutionalized nuclear forbearance is driven by the calculation that, as long as US extended deterrence remains credible, Japan’s security is best guaranteed through reliance on the US nuclear umbrella. By analytically untangling the policy of closed fuel-cycle development from the rationale for nuclear forbearance, this article provides a more nuanced view of the relationships between the domestic and international variables shaping Japan’s nuclear policies.  相似文献   

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