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选择两种具有典型硫化物夹杂物的碳钢,通过显微腐蚀试验、浸泡试验及带有显微跟踪观察的极化试验考察了点蚀发生的初始过程,结合金相和扫描电镜电子探针分析,提出了碳钢中硫化物夹杂物诱发点蚀的机理。  相似文献   

低碳钢的点蚀诱发敏感性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
选择 3种冶金因素有代表性的低碳钢 ,通过极化试验比较了它们之间的点蚀诱发敏感性 ,同时利用电子探针分析了不同夹杂物在诱发点蚀过程中的腐蚀特征 ,并利用Flade电位比较了不同钢之间的钝化膜稳定性的差异 .结果表明 :沸腾钢的点蚀诱发敏感性显著低于镇静钢 ,稀土处理镇静钢则介于两者之间 ;夹杂物是钢中主要点蚀诱发源 ,钢基体与夹杂物交界处的钝化膜保护作用最弱 ,点蚀均从该处诱发 ;同类夹杂物在不同类型钢中的点蚀诱发敏感性差异较大 ,同一钢中的不同类型夹杂物的点蚀诱发敏感性差异很小 ,硫化物夹杂较其它夹杂物的点蚀诱发敏感性稍强 .  相似文献   

低合金船体钢点蚀敏感性的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过极化试验比较了4种含有不同合金元素的低合金钢的点蚀诱发敏感性,并用电子探针对钢中的主要夹杂物及点蚀诱发后的腐蚀形态作了鉴定.结果表明:镍-铬系钢比锰系钢具有更好的耐点蚀性能;点蚀总是从夹杂物与周围钢基体毗邻的界面处开始诱发;含有硫化物的复相夹杂对点蚀的敏感性更强.  相似文献   

碳钢中夹杂物诱发点蚀的规律和特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用5种低碳钢,通过浸泡试验、显微腐蚀试验和极化试验,考察了碳钢在3%NaCl(质量分数,下同)溶液中夹杂物诱发点蚀的规律和特点.结果表明:样品刚浸入溶液时其最初电位高于点蚀电位,钢中一些夹杂物活化,先诱发点蚀;局部活化使钢样的电位迅速下降,当降至点蚀电位之下,未发生点蚀或未充分诱发点蚀的夹杂物受到保护,不再活化;在阳极极化试验中,当钢样的电位极化到点蚀电位或点蚀电位以上,钢中的夹杂物几乎都会活化而诱发点蚀.  相似文献   

试验面选取对碳钢点蚀电位测量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用金相分析技术和准稳态极化试验研究了试样试验面选取对碳钢点蚀电位测量的影响.结果表明,当不同试验面的夹杂物形态有很大差异时,测得的点蚀电位有较明显的差异.  相似文献   

为研究TA2-B10合金管在不同电偶腐蚀防护方式下对B10管腐蚀特性的影响,在青岛小麦岛海水试验场设置TA2-B10管直接连接、电绝缘连接、电绝缘+涂层连接三组不同电偶腐蚀防护方式对照管道,依次进行1m/s、3m/s、4m/s流动海水与浸泡交替腐蚀试验。对试验后的三组B10管道线切割,通过管道内表面电位分布试验分析不同电偶腐蚀防护方式下B10管道的腐蚀类型;采用动电位极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱和微观表征,分析不同电偶腐蚀防护方式下距离法兰接头250mm处B10管试样的腐蚀特性。结果表明,直接连接TA2-B10管处于电偶腐蚀状态,B10端内电位正移腐蚀加速,电绝缘连接和绝缘+涂层连接TA2-B10管均处于自腐蚀状态,但电绝缘+涂层连接具有更好的绝缘效果;电绝缘+涂层连接防护下的B10试样,腐蚀电流密度最小,自腐蚀电位最负;三组B10试样阻抗谱均呈现单容抗弧特征,电绝缘+涂层连接防护下的B10试样具有更大的传递电阻和膜层电阻;电绝缘+涂层连接能有效减缓点蚀、坑蚀和晶间腐蚀三种腐蚀倾向。以上结果综合说明,绝缘+涂层防护方式具有更好的电偶腐蚀防护效果。  相似文献   

第1期(总第78期)低碳钢中硫化物夹杂物诱发点蚀的机理……·,…………·陈学群孔小东常万顺等离散滑模变结构控制稳定性分析………………………··…·吴汉松如B琼菩黄继起用薄船理论计算方尾军舰兴波阻力的一种修正方法…………………钱成卢晓平三相整流系统的故障分析………………………………………………袁立军马伟明1贴故障诊断的概念体系……………………………………许江宁李安汪人定焊条药皮组成对焊接过程中硫、磷分配的影响—…………·熊征李晓荤童康明等有外中子源时点堆中子动力学方程组的精确解…………………………………  相似文献   

采用超声冲击处理工艺对22SiMn2TiB装甲钢试样进行了表面冲击强化,采用四点弯曲加载装置将处理和未处理的试样在3.5%NaCl溶液中进行了150 d的应力腐蚀试验。用X射线应力测定仪测定了应力腐蚀试验前试样表面的残余应力,用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了处理后试样的断面组织。分析了超声冲击处理引起的残余应力和断面组织变化对改善装甲钢抗应力腐蚀性能的作用。结果表明,超声冲击处理引入的残余压应力和表层晶粒细化可以大大提高22SiMn2TiB装甲钢的抗应力腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

为研究HDR双相不锈钢轴向和径向组织差异性对耐蚀性的影响,基于HDR双相不锈钢管材同时具有铁素体相和奥氏体相的特点,利用金相观察和能谱分析技术,研究了模拟海水浸泡和电化学试验后轴向和径向试样组织耐蚀性差异。研究发现:轴向组织晶粒大于径向组织晶粒、夹杂物均在铁素体相及其边界处,轴向组织比径向组织先发生腐蚀,径向组织耐蚀性比轴向好;轴向自腐蚀电位、钝化膜击破电位均小于径向,且轴向蚀坑深度大于径向;轴向严重腐蚀区域生成两层富Cl贫Cr腐蚀产物膜,且外层腐蚀产物膜氧含量比内层膜高。  相似文献   

采用准稳态的极化方法研究了两种碳钢在不同pH值的3%NaCl溶液中的极化行为,发现:碳钢在3%NaCl溶液中发生钝化的临界pH值约为8.0;当pH>8.0时,随着pH值的增大,致钝及维钝电流逐渐变小,点蚀电位逐渐变正.同时发现NH+4对碳钢的极化行为有影响.  相似文献   

根据7B04铝合金材料试件模拟加速点蚀试验检测结果,并结合铝合金材料点蚀行为机制、微观结构特征与随机性过程本质,构建由多个微观椭球体合成的楔入型与合围型两种典型复杂形貌点蚀损伤模型。采用ANSYS有限元方法建模并基于线弹性断裂力学,对上述两种点蚀损伤模型的应力集中效应进行计算与分析。研究发现:两种复杂形貌特征的点蚀损伤模型产生的应力集中系数数值基本相当,各个微观椭球体蚀坑分别对应力分布产生影响并相互干涉与叠加,造成复杂形貌点蚀损伤模型的应力集中系数数值增大;两种复杂形貌点蚀损伤模型的应力主要集中在各个微观椭球体蚀坑交会的位置,大都位于宏观点蚀损伤的侧边;两种复杂形貌点蚀损伤模型的应力集中效应作用区域的尺寸与铝合金材料微观晶粒尺寸、点蚀萌生的短裂纹初期尺寸基本相当。  相似文献   

Friction stir welding(FSW) of high strength aluminum alloys has been emerged as an alternative joining technique to avoid the problems during fusion welding.In recent times FSW is being used for armor grade AA7075 aluminum alloy in defense,aerospace and marine applications where it has to serve in non uniform loading and corrosive environments.Even though friction stir welds of AA7075 alloy possess better mechanical properties but suffer from poor corrosion resistance.The present work involves use of retrogression and reaging(RRA) post weld heat treatment to improve the corrosion resistance of welded joints of aluminum alloys.An attempt also has been made to change the chemical composition of the weld nugget by adding B4C nano particles with the aid of the FSW on a specially prepared base metal plate in butt position.The effects of peak aged condition(T6),RRA and addition of B4C nano particles on microstructure,hardness and pitting corrosion of nugget zone of the friction stir welds of AA7075 alloy have been studied.Even though RRA improved the pitting corrosion resistance,its hardness was slightly lost.Significant improvement in pitting corrosion resistance was achieved with addition of boron carbide powder and post weld heat treatment of RRA.  相似文献   

喷气燃料中硫化物对银片腐蚀的量化表征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
银片腐蚀主要受喷气燃料中硫化物的影响,不同种类、结构的硫化物对银片腐蚀的影响不同,从喷气燃料中硫化物系统角度来研究对银片腐蚀影响是很有意义的。采用量化自组织神经网络从定性、定量两个方面研究喷气燃料中硫化物对银片腐蚀的影响,研究结果表明,能够从喷气燃料硫化物的存在情况来预测银片腐蚀结果。  相似文献   

High strength aluminium alloy AA7075(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) is a precipitate hardenable alloy widely used in the aerospace,defense,marine and automobile industries.Use of the heat treatable aluminium alloys in all these sectors is ever-increasing owing to their excellent strength-toweight ratio and reasonably good corrosion resistance.The shortage in corrosion resistance,however,usually poses negative concern about their reliability and lifetime when they service in the variable marine environments.These alloys also exhibit low weldability due to poor solidification microstructure,porosity in fusion zone and lose their mechanical properties when they are welded by fusion welding techniques.Friction stir welding(FSW) is a reliable technique to retain the properties of the alloy as the joining takes place in the solid state.The welds are susceptible to corrosion due to the microstructural changes in the weld nugget during FSW.In this work,the effect of post weld treatments,viz.,peak aging(T6) and retrogression reaging(RRA),on the microstructure,mechanical properties and pitting corrosion has been studied.Friction stir welding of 8 mm-thick AA7075 alloy was carried out.The microstructural changes of base metal and nugget zone of friction stir welds were studied using optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.Tensile and hardness test of base metal and welds has been carried out.Pitting corrosion resistance was determined through dynamic polarization test.It was observed that the hardness and strength of weld were observed to be comparatively high in peak aged(T6) condition but the welds showed poor corrosion resistance.The resistance to pitting corrosion was improved and the mechanical properties were maintained by RRA treatment.The resistance to pitting corrosion was improved in RRA condition with the minimum loss of weld strength.  相似文献   

为降低充水圆柱壳受内部点声源激励时的水下辐射噪声,在其外壳上敷设气囊,形成气囊圆柱壳。为指导气囊圆柱壳的设计,将充水裸圆柱壳和充水气囊圆柱壳分别简化为单、双层无限长隔板。比较隔板、气体与水的波阻抗,分析了气体声速与层厚对双层无限长隔板在平面声波入射时低频声辐射的影响机理。分析表明,声速小的气体和适当的气层厚度可以降低双层障板的辐射噪声。采用声无限元法计算了气囊圆柱壳的水下声辐射,结论与对隔板的机理分析吻合。优化设计出的充水CO2气囊圆柱壳的水下辐射声功率与远场辐射声压明显低于充水裸圆柱壳。  相似文献   

Surface modification is essential for improving the service properties of components. Cladding is one of the most widely employed methods of surface modification. Friction surfacing is a candidate process for depositing the corrosion resistant coatings. Being a solid state process, it offers several advantages over conventional fusion based surfacing process. The aim of this work is to identify the relationship between the input variables and the process response and develop the predictive models that can be used in the design of new friction surfacing applications. In the current work, austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 was friction surfaced on high strength low alloy steel substrate. Friction surfacing parameters,such as mechtrode rotational speed, feed rate of substrate and axial force on mechtrode, play a major role in determining the pitting corrosion resistance and bond strength of friction surfaced coatings. Friction surfaced coating and base metal were tested for pitting corrosion by potentiodynamic polarization technique. Coating microstructure was characterized using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Coatings in the as deposited condition exhibited strain-induced martensite in austenitic matrix. Pitting resistance of surfaced coatings was found to be much lower than that of mechtrode material and superior to that of substrate. A central composite design with three factors(mechtrode rotational speed, substrate traverse speed, axial load on mechtrode) and five levels was chosen to minimize the number of experimental conditions. Response surface methodology was used to develop the model. In the present work, an attempt has been made to develop a mathematical model to predict the pitting corrosion resistance and bond strength by incorporating the friction surfacing process parameters.  相似文献   

本文用恒电量微扰法研究了Ce3+对铝合金在0.1mol·L-1NaCl介质中的缓蚀机理及抗孔蚀性。结果表明:铝合金孔蚀诱导过程及其表面形成林转化膜过程具有相同的电化学模式,电化学腐蚀速度控制步骤取决于钝化膜(转化膜)/溶液界面过程。Ce3+对铝合金孔蚀的诱导期和发展期均有抑制作用,形成铈转化膜后,铝基表面阻抗大大提高,耐孔蚀性增强。  相似文献   

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