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将卷积结构引入循环神经网络,从而构建卷积循环神经网络。以此为基础,研究构建了面向中文分词与实体识别联合学习的序列标注模型。该模型依托卷积循环神经网络构建特征编码层,实现中文字序列局部空间特征和长距离时序依赖特征的联合提取;依托改进的循环神经网络构建标签解码层,实现标签序列长距离时序依赖的有效建模;依托统一的分词与实体识别序列标注模式实现分词信息与实体信息的联合学习,避免传统流水线法的误差传播问题。在人民日报语料和微软标注语料上的实验结果显示,该框架较传统统计模型和神经网络模型有显著的性能提升,尤其是在识别字数较多的命名实体时,其效果明显优于其他方法。  相似文献   
Ian G.Crouch 《防务技术》2021,17(6):1887-1894
The ballistic performance, and behaviour, of an armour system is governed by two major sets of variables, geometrical and material. Of these, the consistency of performance, especially against small arms ammunition, will depend upon the consistency of the properties of the constituent materials. In a body armour system for example, fibre diameter, areal density of woven fabric, and bulk density of ceramic are examples of critical parameters and monitoring such parameters will form the backbone of associated quality control procedures. What is often overlooked, because it can fall into the User’s domain, are the interfaces that exist between the various products; the carrier, the Soft Armour Insert (SAI), and the one or two hard armour plates (HAP1 and HAP2). This is especially true if the various products are sourced from different suppliers.There are between 30 and 150 individual layers within a typical body armour system, and each of the interfaces between each of those layers will, in some way or another, contribute to the ballistic performance of the system. For example, consider the following interfaces/interlayers: (i) the frictional, sliding, inter-ply surfaces within a soft armour pack, and also between the pack and the carrier, (ii) the air-gaps that may develop within the soft armour pack, (iii) the interconnecting space between the soft armour pack and the hard armour plate, (iv) the nature of the interfaces between adjacent plies of a multiplied backing laminate, even in a highly compressed Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) variant, (v) the interlayer between the ceramic and its substrate, within a HAP, and (vi) the geometrical fit between two hard armour plates within a stacked body armour system. This paper will provide a User-friendly overview of all such interfaces and provide unique guidance as to their criticality and influence.  相似文献   
退伍命令一宣布,八个老兵的身份转眼间发生质的变化,当兵的岁月已是从前。离别的愁绪,在兵们心头滋长。杨队长终于经历完这悲壮的时刻,他的声音自始至终都有些颤抖,眼里生出湿湿的花儿。偶尔,队列里有抽泣声,但更多的时候是沉默.一种让人透不过气来的沉默。  相似文献   
书记本姓文,人们却叫他“武书记”。同行们这样叫,士兵们这样叫,就连将军也这样叫。  相似文献   
一忌照本宣科 ,理论学习不深入。学好理论是实践“三个代表”重要思想的前提和基础。但个别单位仅满足于传达指示精神 ,宣读教育提纲 ,学习参考文章 ,甚至把去年基层“三讲”正面教育的部分内容再重复一遍 ,照本宣科 ,上下一般粗 ,造成党员学不进 ,弄不懂 ,用不上的局面。因此 ,在理论学习中 ,要紧密结合当前理论研究的最新成果 ,把“三个代表”的丰富内涵讲全面 ;结合国际国内形势 ,把“三个代表”的时代特征讲清楚 ;结合本单位的工作生活实际 ,把“三个代表”的现实意义讲具体 ,根据党员不同的工作岗位和文化层次 ,充实完善相应的教育内容…  相似文献   
进入知识经济时代,企业之间的竞争,很大程度上取决于技术的竞争。谁具有持续的技术创新能力,谁就能够在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,否则就会陷于被挤压的地位。企业如何搞好技术创新,是摆在每一个企业面前值得探讨的一个问题。 一、研发是企业技术创新成功的先导 和世界上其他事物一样,企业也有其产生、发展、衰退、消亡的生命周期,但不同企业的生命周期却有很  相似文献   
3233蒙古“雪豹”突击队@G·尼埃姆多杰!(蒙)中校  相似文献   
提出了一种AUV(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)自主控制的分布式体系结构与使命管理方法.将自主控制系统分为若干采用慎思/反应混合模式的智能体.每个智能体不仅可以独立地处理事件和进行决策,还可以与其他智能体进行合作来完成复杂的AUV任务.基于该体系结构,研究了AUV使命管理的动态协作机制.利...  相似文献   
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