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In contrast with a widespread perception of Russia as an expansionist power in the Arctic, this article argues that Moscow does not seek military superiority in the region. Rather, Moscow's military strategies in the Arctic pursue three major goals: first, to demonstrate and ascertain Russia's sovereignty over its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in the region; second, to protect its economic interests in the High North; and third, to demonstrate that Russia retains its great power status and still has world-class military capabilities. The Russian military modernization programs are quite modest and aim at upgrading the Russian armed forces in the High North rather than providing them with additional offensive capabilities or provoking a regional arms race. The Russian ambitions in the Arctic may be high, but they are not necessarily implying the intentions and proper capabilities to confront other regional players by military means. On the contrary, Moscow opts for soft rather than hard power strategy in the Arctic.  相似文献   
This critical comment examines the incentives, major priorities, difficulties and first results of the Russian military reform that is being implemented since 2008. The authors conclude that despite numerous drawbacks and barriers to the reformist efforts certain successes can be identified. Particularly, there is a clear shift from the old-fashioned, Soviet-type army to a more compact, mobile, better equipped and combat-ready armed forces that are capable to cope with today's challenges to Russian national security.  相似文献   
新形势下,必须大力加强思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设和反腐倡廉建设,不断提高部队党的建设科学化水平,有效防范精神懈怠、能力不足、脱离群众、消极腐败“四大危险”.  相似文献   
Some scholars would have us believe that the distinctions between military and policing roles, methods and objectives have become increasingly blurred by the security demands of a post-Cold War and post-11 September global and domestic order. This article explores the current state of the police–military divide through a conceptual and case study analysis. It concludes that, in this case, there is some conflation occurring at a macro-level as international and domestic affairs have become increasingly indistinct, but the article also demonstrates that the actual ethos and practice of these agencies still differs strongly. Most importantly, the article argues that this distinction is in fact a very useful one in planning for future peace support operations  相似文献   
根据反导预警雷达的预警任务和配置要求,建立带有可调参数的反导预警雷达优化配置模型.首先,给出雷达对弹道覆盖范围的计算方法,并建立X波段多功能相控阵雷达的优化配置模型.其次,考虑实战中对预警时间和重叠探测区的不同需求,在P波段远程预警相控阵雷达的优化配置模型中引入了可调参数,使输出的方案能同时满足对预警时间和重叠探测区的作战需求.最后,通过实例分析验证了模型的可行性,并且发现预警时间最大化与重叠探测区最大化不能同时实现,反导作战指挥人员应根据实际情况选择适当的可调参数,输出满足实战需求的雷达配置方案.  相似文献   
面向产品配置的模块求解策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对模块化设计的产品配置阶段,提出了基于模块族特征参数模型的模块配置集生成流程。详细阐述利用质量功能配置(QFD)将用户需求定量映射为模块特征参数的方法,描述了依据相似度计算模型按照映射关系从模块库中检索模块的过程,从而为构建产品模块配置集、确定产品配置方案提供了完整的途径。  相似文献   
随着新《中华人民共和国消防法》颁布实施,公安消防部队除了承担防火、灭火工作之外,还承担着重大灾害事故和其他以抢救人员生命为主的应急救援工作。我国边疆地域面积辽阔,一些县市面积很大,消防队伍力量薄弱,造成灭火救援力量不能及时的到达现场,不能最大限度的发挥公安消防部队的职能作用。结合解放军在作战时划分战区的考虑,从消防部队灭火救援工作的实际出发,对今后我国消防部队灭火救援工作提出了一些新思路、新方法。以期有效的利用我国目前的消防资源,最大限度减少火灾损失,发挥最大的能力,保障人民群众的生命安全。  相似文献   
规范的财务管理是后勤保障工作的核心,为加强消防部队财务规范化建设,要紧紧围绕“决策科学、运行规范、管理创新、控制严格、监督到位”这一目标,创新管财理念,加强制度建设,健全工作机制,严格监督检查。  相似文献   
在思想观念日益多样化的今天,充分运用红色资源是深化公安现役部队理想信念教育的新途径。通过对红色资源在部队理想信念教育中优势、问题及原因的分析,对如何有效运用红色资源开展公安现役部队的理想信念教育进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   
当前,我国正处于人民内部矛盾凸显期,各种社会矛盾和社会热点问题不断增多,由此引发的各类群体性械斗事件成为影响社会主义和谐社会建设的一个突出问题。因此,必须加强对群体性械斗事件特点、成因及处置方法研究,切实提高公安边防机关预防和处置能力。  相似文献   
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