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本文依据一些史料 ,对我国古代奴隶制社会的刑法所具有的基本原则进行了一些分析和探讨 ,试图通过对奴隶制的刑法原则的研究来窥探奴隶社会刑法的实质及演变规律。  相似文献   
词汇教学是英语教学的一个重要方面。教师应总结教学实践,针对词汇教学中存在的问题,积极探讨如何改进教学,突出在词汇教学中应贯彻的教学原则以及使用的各种教学方法,研究指导词汇教学的理论,帮助学生取得最佳学习效果。  相似文献   
张铁良  邢启明  张洁 《国防科技》2018,39(2):124-127
近年来,定向越野因其强参与性、强挑战性在国内发展迅速,相比之下高水平的制图员和运动员的成长却十分缓慢。想要国内定向人才尽快成长,每一次的训练、每一次比赛的路线设计就显得十分重要。好的路线设计充分展现定向运动的特征,让所有参与人员受益匪浅。鉴于国内对路线设计理论的研究还不充分、不系统,本文就路线设计的原则与技巧进行了系统的探讨,旨在丰富路线设计的理论知识体系。  相似文献   
构建以突出实战能力为核心的公安院校实践教学体系,培养符合公安实战需要的合格人才,对推进我国公安教育事业的发展和公安实战队伍建设具有重要意义。我院在长期的办学实践中,逐步摸索形成了充分体现公安特色,以突出公安实战能力为核心,以“四大模块为与六性融合”为主要内容的实践教学体系。该体系的深入推广和完善,推动了我院实践教学水平和人才培养质量的不断提高。  相似文献   
本文通过对教练员的谋略过程、谋略原则和谋略的艺术等几个方面的分析 ,为教练员在竞赛和临场指挥中正确使用谋略提供理论依据与方法  相似文献   
政治学原理课程在授课过程中存在着教材内容的确定性和稳定性,而无论从国际国内形势还是从政治学研究而言,政治学所关注的范围和内容又都处于动态的不断发展变化的。笔者以为,只有在授课中具体运用动态教学法,通过联系学生自身、联系社会现实、联系国家大事、联系国际政治等实际,才能使政治学原理课程在马克思主义基本原则的指导下,更富有时代特征和生活气息,使学生真正学有所获。  相似文献   
关于军事立法原则的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军事立法原则是军事立法中的重要理论问题。目前,我国军事法学著作对这一问题存在着理论上的分歧。我国军事立法原则应当包括:维护国家军事利益原则;保障高度集中统一原则;军事法制统一原则。  相似文献   
教学原则是教学规律的具体体现 ,语文教学原则是语文教学的思想行动指南。目前对语文教学原则的认识仍很不深入 ,作者认为“活”应成为语文教学的一条基本原则。本文分别从方法灵活、思维活跃、气氛活泼、活用教案几个方面对活的内涵做了阐述  相似文献   
The Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU) provides for the right of the continental body to intervene in the face of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. According to its formulation, Article 4(h) intervention entails military force, which is triggered when a target state fails to discharge its duty to protect its population from mass atrocities. Although Article 4(h) is an ambitious statutory commitment to intervene in a member state by the AU, the Libyan crisis in 2011 showed the ambivalence of the continental institution to act in a decisive and timely manner. The AU's failure to invoke Article 4(h) exposed the need for building the capacity and political will to intervene and to interpret Article 4(h). Therefore, the primary focus of this article is on how Article 4(h) should be interpreted. Flowing from the Pretoria Principles, which seek to provide clarity on the implementation of the AU's right of intervention, Article 4(h) should be viewed as a duty rather than a right to prevent or stop mass atrocities. The duty dimension of Article 4(h) derives from the international instruments that AU member states have ratified to prevent mass atrocities. Rather than being a paper tiger, Article 4(h) should be used in a proactive and timely manner as a military option available to the AU to persuade member states to prevent or halt atrocities. As a last resort, military force pursuant to Article 4(h) should aim at protecting the population at risk and pursuing the perpetrators in order to avoid contravening Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations (UN). Although military intervention can save lives in the short term, it cannot necessarily address the underlying, structural causes of atrocities, such as ethnic rivalries, economic inequalities and scramble for natural resources, among others. Therefore, the prevention of mass atrocities should not be equated with, or be seen through the prism of, Article 4(h) intervention alone. The focus should instead be on the entire spectrum of preventive strategies at the disposal of the AU in the face of mass atrocities, including the African human rights system and the African Peer Review Mechanism.  相似文献   
数据挖掘技术在炮阵地选择中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据炮兵阵地地形选取的要求,从地理信息系统出发,运用人工智能、数据挖掘、多媒体等技术,提出了炮兵阵地选取的空间数据挖掘模型,为炮兵阵地选取的计算机实现提供了一种有效的解决方案,使指挥员能快速从复杂的地域信息中找到适用于炮阵地所需的地形信息,为炮兵自动化指挥系统提供了决策与支持。  相似文献   
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