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It seems paradoxical that powerful Western states are at their most vulnerable when the disparity in military capabilities between them and their opponents is at its largest. Yet it is precisely in such ‘asymmetric conflicts’ that Western countries have failed to achieve their overall political objectives the most often. Focusing on the post-1945 world, this article will examine governmental, military, and societal reasons for Western failures in asymmetric conflicts. Politicians' lack of understanding regarding war's fundamental nature, militaries' tendency to dissociate operational goals from grand strategy objectives and citizens' moral aversion to warfare appear to be among the main obstacles to success.  相似文献   
提出了一种新的三粒子量子安全直接通信协议。通信过程利用decoy光子来检测窃听,保证信道安全。发送方将秘密消息编码在不同幺正操作上,通信双方通过Bell基和Z基测量可直接传递秘密消息。由于所有粒子都用于传输秘密消息,且传输一次可获得两比特信息,该协议具有较高的量子比特及量子密码协议效率;三粒子纠缠态的制备是已实现技术,该协议具有实际操作的意义。此外,该协议在量子信道中也是安全的。  相似文献   
Governments are increasingly recognizing the problem posed by internally weak nuclear-capable states. The problem, however, is under-theorized. This article brings together literature on sovereignty and international order, the nonproliferation regime, and weak states, and introduces new concepts to provide a more structured understanding of this problem. Insight comes from focusing attention on the function and governance of two nuclear estates (termed the production and operational estates), and on their resilience to decay and disorder occurring within the state and society. Drawing on empirical observation, the authors suggest a typology of weakness in nuclear states, involving state fragmentation typified by the former Soviet Union, the “hard weak state” typified by North Korea, and the internally conflicted state typified by Pakistan. Although these types give rise to distinctive difficulties, their alleviation depends heavily on the maintenance of internal authority within the state and estates, the presence or absence of cooperative relations, and the international regulatory framework's vitality.  相似文献   
管壁不连续对管路结构振动传递的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用传递矩阵法得出了管路中纯扭转波在通过管壁不连续处的波动形式的解,以此为基础分析了管壁材质以及厚度的差异对纯扭转波的透射系数的影响,并得出了管壁材料的密度与剪切模量的乘积相差越悬殊,隔离振动的效果越好,以及管壁几何结构不连续对隔振的贡献不大的结论.  相似文献   
经济全球化的趋势使民族文化传统遭遇到一种普遍的危机。目前,我国高等学校的古代文学研究与教学已经面临这种危机与挑战。本文认为转变古代文学研究中“纯学术”立场,关注精神价值,强化生命意识,多一些人间情怀,注重古典文学中的情感、心态等精神价值方面的研究,对传承文明,重塑华夏民族精神,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在视线旋转坐标系下建立拦截弹与目标的相对运动方程,分析采用纯比例导引律捕获高超声速目标的充分条件,并推导出在交接班处的最优拦截几何,即零控拦截流型。定性分析了拦截弹速度、高度、导引头特性以及末制导捕获条件等在中末制导交接班时所受到的限制,在此基础上定义了中末制导交接班窗口的概念,并介绍了交接班捕获窗口的影响因素、用途、特性以及计算步骤。以纯比例导引律拦截高速目标为例,定量描述了交接班捕获窗口和零控交接班区域,并通过数字仿真实验验证了交接班捕获窗口的合理性。  相似文献   
多级膜水净化装置通过膜的过滤作用产生净水,而净水流量稳定性是该装置的性能评价要素之一。建立单级膜净水流量稳定性数学模型并将模型推广至多级膜,在Simulink环境下对多级膜模型进行仿真。结果表明,原水浊度越大,浓水阀门开度变化率越大、膜污染指数越小,净水流量越不稳定。实际净水实验表明仿真结论与实验结果相一致。通过调节浓水阀门开度对净水流量稳定性进行了控制分析,结果表明,浓水阀门开度以阶梯信号方式输入,可控制流量稳定系数在[-1,1]变化,从而提高多级膜水净化装置的工作效率。  相似文献   
提出在建筑结构耐火设计及火灾后建筑物修复设计中进行可靠度理论应用的必要性、可行性与优越性 ,旨在为建筑结构在火灾过程中及灾后的安全性评估提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   
为解决飞机在低空突防过程中的雷达地形遮蔽盲区快速计算问题,提出了一种基于转盘爬虫对象的快速算法。首先介绍了雷达盲区产生的因素,分析了地形遮蔽和地球曲率盲区的计算模型,然后定义了转盘及爬虫对象,并设计了基于转盘爬虫对象的地形遮蔽盲区计算方法和流程。在此基础上,将雷达地形遮蔽盲区计算结果进行三维建模及可视化,通过典型算例对算法进行对比测试和实验,得到不同高度的雷达地形遮蔽盲区分布图及三维可视化模型,证明了算法的快速性和可行性。  相似文献   
Despite a generally valiant effort on the part of the United Nations (UN) since 1999 to bring peace and stability to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the country continues to be destabilised by rebel forces. These armed movements pose a constant threat to the fragile transition in the DRC, and security in the country is continuously undermined. This article examines rebel forces in the DRC from two perspectives. Firstly, it examines such movements as a manifestation of sub-national terrorism. Secondly, it examines armed movements from the perspective of so-called ‘ungoverned spaces’. The view taken in this article supports the scholarly insight and argument that in countries such as the DRC, armed movements and militias are filling power vacuums that are the result of the inability and lack of military capacity of weak states to fight these movements effectively. Specifically, the eastern and north-eastern parts of the DRC have been major conflict zones where sub-national terrorists employ terror as a strategy. In this context, the DRC is severely affected by terrorism – a phenomenon in the DRC that is intimately linked to the failure to effect sustained development and to consolidate accountable and effective governance.  相似文献   
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