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信息技术与课程整合是当前教育改革的重要内容,根据信息技术与课程整合的原则与要求,本文提出了信息技术与《电视摄像》课程整合的具体方法,从教学对象、学习目标、学习环境等方面进行了教学设计,以提高学生的学习兴趣,从而优化《电视摄像》课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合是一个长期的过程,在此过程中,需要根据外在条件和内在主体的不断变化,适时调整整合的内容和步骤以及相关的策略。在设计信息技术与课程整合时,应该重视诸多不确定性带来的复杂性,保证这一系统的开放性和动态性。踏踏实实地对待信息技术与课程整合这一长期任务。  相似文献   

当前我国基础教育领域正在进行一场意义深远的课程改革,促进信息技术与课程整合成为其中的重要内容之一。信息技术与中小学数学学科的整合,使得中小学数学教学中学习内容和学习形式、教学观念和教学方式都产生了一系列的变化,本文通过在初中数学教学中进行的信息技术与课程整合实践尝试,总结了将信息技术有效地与中学数学课程整合,可以培养学生学习数学兴趣和实践能力。  相似文献   

目前,在各种教育杂志上都能看到"信息技术整合"几个大字.各个学科都开始了与信息技术整合的过程,作为信息技术教师,我们应该怎样让学生学好信息技术课呢?信息技术课程已被列为我国中小学的一门必修课,它具有基础性、操作性和实践性等特点.基于这些特点,在教学方法上就不能完全等同于其它学科.教师要确保信息技术教育在培养新型人才方面的应有作用,就必须探索出适合本学科教学的方法.良好的教学方法是学生能充分理解、牢固掌握知识的重要条件.  相似文献   

眼下,多媒体教学在公开课、说课比赛等大奖赛上非常时兴,特别是在信息时代里,多媒体教学已成为教育现代化的重要内容。同时恰当运用现代信息技术,注重信息技术与数学教学课程内容的有机整合是数学新课程标准给数学教师提出的新要求,数学教学引进信息技术的目的是改善学生的学习  相似文献   

在艺术类入校新生计算机应用能力水平偏低但存在差异的背景下,为提高计算机应用能力水平、信息素养和计算思维能力,进行《计算机与信息技术基础》课程分层教学模式研究,通过调查研究、课程建设等,建立教学目标分层,教学内容分层和教学评价分层,改变传统快慢班或讲授不同课程内容的分层方式,对教学内容进行整合,并进行分层递进教学。  相似文献   

二十一世纪,信息技术已运用到各个领域,它给多样化的语文教学注入了新的血液,增添了无限活力,从而也诱发了教师对语文教学模式的探索和创新.利用信息技术来改进教学,提高教学质量,是广大教师的愿望.应用信息技术与语文学科课程的整合,势必改革旧的教学结构,这对于培养创造型人才具有至关重要的意义.信息技术有形有声,不单有较强的直观性,而且能够引导学生直接揭开事物的本质和内在联系,并改变了某些教学原则.传统的教学强调由近及远,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,而运用信息技术可以改变这个顺序,它有利于学生思维能力的培养与发展.  相似文献   

新疆地区中小学教师信息素养状况的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2000年,国家教育部明确规定要把信息技术课程列入中小学生的必修课,同时也作出了对中小学教师进行信息技术培训的决定。本文采用问卷调查法,对新疆地区部分中小学教师的信息素养状况进行调查,旨在对西部地区中小学教师信息素养培养模式能提出一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

本文阐述混合式教学的内涵及特点,分析当前军事理论教学所存在的问题,提出有效的策略,对混合式教学模式进行深入探索。首先,要加强信息技术的普遍应用,借助新媒体来对资源进行整合,在网络课程学习的过程中,借助数据分析,了解学生学习的具体状况。其次,采用慕课、线上互动、课堂教学、社会实践活动相结合的模块进行教学,借助其他职业院校的军事理论课资源进行共享,使得课程教学具有一定的权威性;最后,加强不同资源的整合,使学生以小组的形式进行讨论,可以对军事理论有更深刻的认知,同时,组织学生开展红色革命教育,对红色基因进行传承,提升学生的精神素养,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

阐述课程思政的时代背景、内涵、应用意义,深入分析了特种车辆构造与维修类课程融入思政元素存在的问题。为推动高职特种车辆构造与维修类课程思政的教学改革,从提高教师的课程思政素养,整合课程内容、构建思政内容体系,注重思政元素评价3个方面,提出高职特种车辆构造与维修类课程思政的教学改革路径。  相似文献   

“慎战”是孙子军事思想中层次最高的战争决策思想,其理论主要包括不战思想、重战思想、善战思想和善后思想。在以和平与发展为主题的时代,孙子的“慎战”思想启示我们:要牢固树立“兵者,国之大事”的观念,加强部队现代化建设步伐,制定正确决策,“先为不可胜”;要以“非危不战”为原则,遏制犯罪,维护稳定,努力创造和平稳定的社会环境;要依据“胜于无形”,认真处理国内民族及其他矛盾,保持和谐稳定的社会环境。  相似文献   

The article presents problems related to mechanical protection of vehicles with different add-on armours against chemical,biological and radiological contamination.This applies to vehicles with additional passive,reactive and hybrid protection in the form of cassettes against piercing with anti-tank pro-jectiles,piercing with their kinetic energy of impact,and as a result of chemical energy of shaped charges as well as explosively formed projectiles.It has been shown how increased ballistic protection of these vehicles at the same time reduces their decontaminability in various places of the vehicle due to the increased additional surface of the vehicle with cassettes.Prevention of contamination of these cassettes has been presented as a way of reducing hard to reach surface for decontamination and a method of insulating construction elements(stands),fixing these cassettes to the vehicle,from the environment to prevent contact with contaminated liquids and dusts.The selection of appropriate materials is shown,which may affect the improvement of the decontamination efficiency of the vehicle with such cassettes.This applies to the use of materials with low absorption of chemical warfare agents,which prevent the accumulation of large amounts of these agents on contaminated surfaces and improve the effectiveness of decontamination.It also shows how to ensure better access of the disinfectant to as much of the vehicle surface as possible,covered with cassettes that have been contaminated.It shows how a vehicle,in particular with such cassettes,can provide protection against radar detection when Radar Absorbent Material is used on vehicle cassettes.  相似文献   

方永刚精神给我们公安教育工作者的最大启示就是:要"真学、真信、真讲,做党的创新理论的坚定信仰者和模范践行者"。真学,就是要以高度的政治责任感和强烈的事业心学习党的创新理论,用党的创新理论铸造师魂。真信,就是要用党的创新理论武装头脑,不仅要真懂,而且要对党的创新理论无比的忠诚,具有坚定的信仰。真讲,就是要用党的创新理论点燃真理之光,满怀深情、牢记使命、带着信仰去宣传马克思主义,在三尺讲台上理直气壮地宣传党的创新理论,要联系实际解决学员的思想问题,让理论深入学生心田。真做,就是要成为党的创新理论的模范践行者,做到理论和实践的结合,知与行的统一,言行一致、表里如一,在改造客观世界的同时不断改造自己的主观世界,要把学习方永刚精神转化为实际行动。  相似文献   

在当前武警院校“深化教学改革,实施特色办学”的大趋势下,院校教务部门应充分发挥谋划作用,认真研究特色办学的总体思路;充分发挥指导作用,科学探索特色办学的实现途径;充分发挥管控作用,积极创造特色办学的有利条件;充分发挥协调作用,科学统筹特色办学的各种关系。  相似文献   

India’s Afghanistan policy in the 1990s is termed a zero-sum game of influence with Pakistan. New Delhi’s aversion to the pro-Pakistan Taliban regime is considered a marker of this rivalry. This paper revisits India’s approach towards Afghanistan and examines if New Delhi was necessarily averse to engaging with pro-Pakistan political factions during 1990s. Based on fresh primary interviews with former Indian policymakers, media archives, and official reports, the paper shows that India engaged with and accommodated pro-Pakistan factions after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 until 1996. The Taliban’s rise to power in Kabul in September 1996 challenged India’s engage-with-all approach. Nonetheless, the decision to sever ties with the Taliban and to bolster anti-Taliban factions was highly debated in New Delhi. Many in India saw the Taliban as a militant Islamist force sponsored by Pakistan. For others, however, it was an ethno-nationalist movement representing Pashtun interests, and not necessarily under Islamabad’s control.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the convergence between countries in relation to the catch-up hypothesis concerning the level of total productivity. The catch-up hypothesis claims that poor countries tend to grow faster than rich countries through the international diffusion of knowledge and technology. We test this hypothesis for the Balkan countries and investigate the effect of military expenditure in the region on productivity growth. The aim is to investigate empirically whether productivity growth has been greater in countries with lower military expenditure, in line with theory. The results obtained show that, overall, improvements in technological change co-exist with deteriorating technical efficiency change and that there is a negative correlation between military expenditure and either total productivity growth and technological change, and a positive, but statistically insignificant, relationship with technical efficiency change. We conclude that economic growth is the key to regional development and that too great a diversion of resources to military commitments can lead to overstretch.  相似文献   


The current field study used unique data collected in Israel in July 2014, during a military operation that the Israel Defence Forces (I.D.F.) conducted in the Gaza Strip, in reaction to the thousands of missiles launched from there into Israel. During this operation, the new Iron Dome anti-missile defence system was used to protect Israelis exposed to missile attacks. The study examined factors that correlate with decisions to comply with I.D.F. defence instructions regarding behaviour during missile attacks. In addition, the study examined the relationship between attitudes towards the Iron Dome technology and emotions, risk perceptions, and the decision to comply with I.D.F. defence instructions. The results indicate that stronger positive opinions towards Iron Dome were correlated with lower levels of fear and anger, and beliefs that participant’s chances of being injured by a missile were lower than they had been during previous military operation. In addition, better compliance with I.D.F. defence instructions correlated with being more fearful, angrier at Hamas, living closer to Gaza Strip, and having more positive opinions about Iron Dome. The findings also indicate gender differences with respect to factors correlated with risk perceptions, opinions regarding Iron Dome, and precautionary actions during attacks.  相似文献   

高校翻译课程的设置是为了让学生掌握翻译相关的知识和技能,发展翻译能力,除了传统的教学方法外,将双语语料库的辅助方法引入翻译课堂,利用其对齐和检索功能为学生提供大量真实的翻译对照文本,无疑对学生会有很大的启发和帮助。文章通过对语料库重要性的研究,阐述其对翻译课程的"教"与"学"所起到的作用及其重要性,真正实现student-centered的教学模式和task-based的课堂实践。  相似文献   

为解决多架救援直升机的起飞时序规划问题,以最小化最后一架救援直升机的起飞时间为优化目标,建立多直升机多起降点的数学规划模型。设计了基于任务优先级的快速启发式算法,提出航线交叉点的处理方案,给出起飞时间求解算法。以云南鲁甸6.8级地震的灾后救援为背景,设计了包含24架直升机和12个起飞点的起飞时序规划案例,对模型和算法进行了仿真验证,并对航线交叉的影响与处理措施进行了深入讨论。实验结果表明该模型和方法能有效解决多架救援直升机的起飞时序规划问题。  相似文献   

舰载导弹瞄准方法精度分析及其估值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矢量比较瞄准方法是近期国内提出的一种全新的瞄准方法.针对这种瞄准方法进行了可行性分析;该方法提出了在进行导弹方位瞄准时,需要将制导平台的框架角作为间接测量值,对间接测量值进行了精度分析;最后根据国内惯性器件测量精度、机械安装精度给出了这种瞄准方法的精度估值.  相似文献   

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