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论我国治安调解及制度完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国具有深远历史的调解文化的影响下,中国的调解制度迅速发展,并开始逐渐形成以法院调解、民事调解、治安调解为主体的“大调解”机制。治安调解作为秉承中国调解制度渊源,符合当前社会治安形势的一种办案方式,发挥着行政处罚所无法替代的作用。但在现实的基层公安工作当中,受制于有关法律方面的欠缺以及执法人员的素质等实际情况,治安调解工作存在一些比较普遍的问题,需要进一步的研究与解决。  相似文献   

2004年8月,何某与李某因运费发生纠纷诉至法院,经法院调解,双方达成调解协议:1.被告李某在2004年底前付清拖欠的运费2.6万元;2.诉讼费由被告李某承担。李某在调解协议上签字后离开法院。当法院向李某传送民事调解书时,李某屡次不告知法院其准确的送达地址,造成民事调解书未向其送达,到了给付时间也不履行民事调解书应给付的义务。原告何某遂向法院申请强制执行,  相似文献   

知识产权纠纷商事调解制度是知识产权多元化纠纷解决机制的重要组成部分,在加速争端解决、促进商事贸易繁荣等方面发挥着重要作用。目前,我国的商事调解制度刚刚起步,应加强我国知识产权商事调解制度的顶层设计、进一步强化知识产权纠纷商事调解的法律效力、推动知识产权纠纷商事调解的国际化、规范化和专业性,并不断推动知识产权商事调解组织市场化运作。  相似文献   

随着装备采购制度改革的不断深入,建立于计划经济体制下的装备采购供应活动违约处理制度已与我军装备建设发展不相适应。改革并完善我军装备采购供应违约处理制度,可借鉴美军装备采购违约处理制度建设的做法和经验,建立起第三方介入的违约处理机制,通过协商、调解、仲裁、诉讼等方式解决争端。同时,加强违约处理机构建设,在大军区以上地区设立若干仲裁委员会,并明确管辖法院,设立装备采购供应裁决法庭,规范军方的费用补偿责任。  相似文献   

孟路  梁宗杰 《中国民兵》2007,(11):51-51
李某与妻子刘某因夫妻感情破裂诉至法院要求离婚。经调解,双方当事人自愿达成协议,双方自愿离婚,独生子李强(3周岁)随女方刘某共同生活,男方李某每月支付儿子抚养费100元至18周岁止。半年后,刘某将李强姓氏改为姓刘。李某发现后,与刘某协商,要求刘某将孩子姓氏恢复姓李。因协商未果,李某诉至法院处理。  相似文献   

浅谈企业调解劳动争议应遵循的原则桑美顺为使兵工企业在新时期下劳动争议处理制度得到逐步完善,保障企业和职工的合法权益,发展良好的劳动关系,笔者认为,有必要谈谈企业调解过程中应遵循的原则:1必须遵照法律、法规、政策进行调解的原则国务院颁发的《企业劳动争议...  相似文献   

张某与胡某协商离婚,子女、财产问题均已协商妥当,唯有两笔债务的清偿问题未能达成协议:一笔是胡某为资助伯父(系孤寡老人)改建房屋的贷款500元,另一笔是张某外出打工期间打架致人受伤,借支的医疗费1000元。对这两笔债务的清偿,双方各执己见,相持不下,遂到法院请求调解。法院认为:夫妻共同债务是指夫妻双方的共同生活的需要,如抚养子女、赡养老人、治病等所负的债务。张某与人打架虽然发生在他与胡某的婚姻关系存续期  相似文献   

韩曙光  钱方南  余昌成 《国防》2012,(12):56-56
2011年6月,枫桥镇率先在诸暨市建立了"民兵调解室",积极尝试便捷、高效的调解程序,在纠纷化解中注重发挥基干民兵作用,及时有效地把邻里纠纷解决在基层,切实深化了新形势下的"枫桥经验"。据统计,一年多来,枫桥镇27个"民兵调解室"共参与调解纠纷396件,调解成功336件,其中民间借贷纠纷133件,离婚纠纷83件,人身损害赔偿纠纷14件,机动车交通事故责任纠纷84件,买卖合同纠纷39件,其他纠纷56件。在诸暨,民兵已成为构建"和谐农村"的骨干力量之一。近年来,随着诸暨新农村建设的兴起和土地管理的日益完善,因违章搭建而引发邻里纠纷增多,通过各村民兵的耐心劝导,多数纠纷都得到妥善解决。  相似文献   

位于天山脚下的兵团五家渠垦区人民法院,有着这样一位女性,她凭着对审判工作的极大热忱,对老百姓的百倍关爱,对公正与高效的执着追求,凭着一股拼劲,一股挤劲,成为全兵团法院2008年审结案件最多的审判员,她审结的案件达516件,案案过硬,件件合格,调解结案率达79%,她就是民二庭副庭长陈娜。  相似文献   

4月21日,河南省舞阳县法院会议厅内热闹非凡,法院党组领导与军转干部欢聚一堂,举行了别开生面的座谈会。军转干部们以“回忆最有意义的事”为题,从部队生活到法院工作两个阶段,谈自己最难忘、最有意义的事情,许多军转干部在会上表示要继续发挥模范带头作用,为法院  相似文献   

In April 2012 a number of former rebels who had been integrated into the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) mutinied and formed the Movement of March 23, better know as the M23 rebel group. The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) has been mediating between Kinshasa and the M23 rebel group since 2012, without much success. In August 2013, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) issued a communiqué after its 33rd Summit of Heads of State and Government, stating that while it commends the ICGLR efforts, the talks have become protracted and a deadline needs to be set. The summit also called for an urgent joint ICGLR–SADC summit to address the crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In addition to this development, the chair of the ICGLR is to be rotated in December 2013, when President José Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola replaces President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda. To date, the mediation has been headed by Uganda and this has raised concerns over the credibility of the ICGLR-led process, since Uganda has been accused of supporting the M23 rebellion in a report released in November 2012 by the United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC. One could question whether the Angolan leadership will bring anything new that could have an impact on the crisis. Many expect that the perceived neutrality that Dos Santos could bring to the negotiations may be a positive step towards reviving the talks that have all but stalled at this point. Another issue of interest is whether the joint ICGLR–SADC summit could instil new life into the mediation process.  相似文献   

Contemporary international mediation is often multiparty and involves a number of states and multilateral organisations. What are the conditions that account for successful multiparty mediation in conflict resolution? To address this question, I use qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and focus on individual dimensions of mediation, namely internal cohesion of the mediating coalition, the use of reward and coercive power, and the presence of a ‘mutually hurting stalemate’ (MHS). I posit that the presence of a cohesive mediating coalition is a necessary condition for conflict resolution, whereas the provision of security guarantees, the imposition of sanctions and the presence of an MHS play a causal role in conflict resolution only in conjunction with other conditions. I test these conditions using a fuzzy-set approach and data from 20 mediated agreements over separatist conflicts in the post-cold war era. Empirical findings provide support for some of these propositions and challenge relevant theories of international mediation. More specifically, this research shows that a high convergence of interests among mediators is the only necessary – albeit not sufficient condition – for conflict resolution. Second, the analysis highlights the presence of two main sufficient paths for mediation success.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of the field of conflict resolution can only be attained if practice is used to generate theory, rather than a reliance on the current situation where theory attempts to direct practice. Some conflict resolution practitioners believe that theory and practice cannot be separated. This article evaluates the art of mediation using Zimbabwe as a case study, where the strategy was used in an attempt to resolve the Zimbabwean conflict that began in 1999. Employing primary and secondary sources, the article delineates the major characteristics of mediation and clarifies principles of the strategy. It further establishes the affinity and dissonance between practice and theory. In addition, it asserts that in the Zimbabwean case, the achievements of insider-partial mediation as a strategy were limited. In the long term the mediation strategy failed because the Government of National Unity did not fulfil all the outstanding issues enunciated by the global political agreement as a precursor to free and fair, credible and legitimate elections. In opposition to the mediation targets towards sustainable peace, Zimbabwe witnessed rushed elections before the accomplishment of the issues at stake, leading to the overall failure of the insider-partial mediation.  相似文献   

This article investigates mediation efforts in Syria from the outbreak of the civil war in 2011 through the spring of 2016. It describes the principal initiatives, analyses differences and similarities across mediators, and identifies strategic obstacles that prevented substantive progress. Focusing on mediation initiatives undertaken by the Arab League and the United Nations, it finds that there is considerable path dependence across efforts and that most of the limited achievements, notably ceasefires in 2012 and 2016, resulted from the application of external leverage. Settlement in Syria was conditioned on overcoming significant commitment problems, aggravated by sectarian mistrust, the fractured nature of the opposition, and international disunity. The article contributes the first review of mediation in Syria that comprehends the conflict in its entirety, systematizes data for research on conflict management, and evaluates existing mediation policy in Syria with an eye to the future.  相似文献   

By way of an evolutionary game model we show that mediation in international conflicts might be harmful to the conflicting parties. In fact, under anarchy both parties can be better off than under an international regime if mediation reduces the parties’ reactive capacities (i.e. their abilites to respond to an aggression). This result is applied to issues currently discussed in the literature on international relations such as the role of the United Nations as a mediator of international conflicts.  相似文献   

研究基于中国综合社会调查2010年及2017年的微观数据,运用中介模型对七个多民族地区劳动者国家通用语言能力在受教育程度对其收入影响中的中介效应进行分析。得出在受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响中,国家通用语言能力起到部分中介作用,对劳动者收入有明显促进作用,且随着多民族地区经济发展以及推普工作的开展,国家通用语言能力对个体收入的正向影响力有所减弱,受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响力有所增强。因此应注重通过提升劳动者国家通用语言能力促进多民族地区经济发展,持续重视国家通用语言能力在多民族地区劳动者就业能力中的基础性作用以及为其带来的经济收益。  相似文献   

The post-civil war agreement phase is vulnerable to credible commitment problems, a lack of government capacity to implement, and/or mutual vulnerability to retribution from violating the agreement. This study’s main contribution is to demonstrate the combined utility of mediation and UN peacekeeping. Mediation builds trust and confidence and works with the parties to design an efficacious agreement conducive to, among other features, tamping down post-agreement violence. Peacekeeping stems violence and facilitates the implementation of the agreement. Agreements that are mediated and followed by UN peacekeeping are expected to be more robust in terms of staving off violence. We report the effects of the mediation–peacekeeping interaction using a method correcting for a common misinterpretation of interaction terms. We test logit and hazard models using a sample of full and partial civil war peace agreements signed between 1975 and 2011. Controlling for agreement design, democracy, and income per capita, the results indicate mediation and its interaction with peacekeeping reduce the probability of renewed/continuing violence and have a positive impact on agreement duration. We also report brief case study evidence from the 1990s peace process in Guatemala.  相似文献   

This article puts forward a theory of smart pressure, which emphasises that third-party pressure only works if the conflict parties under pressure can agree with the endpoint of this pressure. Hence, a potential mutually acceptable agreement needs to be formulated before a mediator starts to apply pressure. To this argument, this article employs two case studies: the mediation efforts leading up to the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement concluded in 2005 and the Darfur Peace Agreement concluded in 2006. These cases support the smart pressure theory and suggest that mediators need to be modest about what they can accomplish using pressure.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explain the basic dynamics of the development of the German military approach in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2010 by looking at the impact of the Bundeswehr’s established uses of historical experience. First, the German military approach in Afghanistan has slowly evolved from a peacebuilding and mediation mission towards a full-fledged combat deployment. Second, the Bundeswehr’s exclusive focus on the World War II experience has contributed to the emergence of the Balkans experience as a formative experience that shaped initial operational thinking in Afghanistan. Third, because a thorough debate on the historical foundation of counterinsurgency remained absent, the operational shift in 2009 was perceived as a return to ‘classical’ military tasks and thus led to an almost exclusive focus on training for combat.  相似文献   

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