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警卫情报工作既属于警卫部门经常性的基础工作范畴,又是贯穿于警卫指挥全过程的不可缺少的重要内容.它是警卫指挥中制定警卫方案、随机决策、挫败暗杀阴谋活动的依据,必须提高对情报信息工作重要意义和作用的认识.  相似文献   

在新形势下,警卫工作面临着许多新情况、新问题、新挑战,威胁警卫安全的因素增多,警卫工作的难度增大。做好新形势下的警卫工作,应树立根据岗位素质需求招募警卫人员的理念,确保忠诚可靠的思想政治工作理念。完全贴近实际与实战的训练理念,情报信息主导警卫勤务的理念,无缝衔接、零差错率的工作标准理念,科技制胜、不惜重金的装备保障理念。  相似文献   

在众多安全保卫工作中,无线通信联络是确保警卫指挥有条不紊的重要环节。结合上海警卫部队特点及警卫工作实际。对世博安保警卫工作无线通信指挥平台的构建与应用,进行了回顾和总结。同时,也对警卫工作信息化建设进一步发展的具体思路,提出一些新的观点和理念。  相似文献   

社会的发展给警卫工作带来了新的课题.如何在确保警卫对象安全的前提下树立社会化理念,整合资源,降低警卫成本,创新社会化大警卫的新模式是警卫改革的主流和趋势.  相似文献   

特种部队(special forces)是担负破袭敌方重要的政治、经济、军事目标和遂行其他特殊任务的部队。一般由最高军事指挥机关直接指挥和领导,少数国家由国防部或军种领导。具有编制灵活、人员精干、装备精良、机动快速、训练有素、战斗力强等特点。其主要任务是:袭扰破坏、暗杀绑架、敌后侦察、窃取情报、心战宣传、特种警卫,以及反颠覆、反特工、反偷袭和反劫持等。特种部队始见于第二次世界大战期间。当时,英、美、法等旧从作战部队临时挑选或招募优秀官兵组成小规模的突击部队,对德军实施侦察、破坏、袭扰、绑架和暗杀等活动。第二次世界大战后,美国陆军于1950年、西班牙陆军于1956年、英国于1959年……相继组建特种部队。为适应未来高技术条件下中、小规模战争的需要,各国重视特种部队的建设,其编成呈加强和扩大趋势,武器装备也日趋先进,并向专业化方向发展。以下对特种部队的武器装备分类加以介绍。  相似文献   

要人安全是世界各国国家安全的重要组成部分。中以要人安全警卫差异主要表现在工作理念、权力地位、后勤保障、选拔训练、情报运行和危险评估等方面。中以要人警卫差异源于不同的文化传统、政治制度和国内外环境,各有优缺点,我们要立足本国,积极改革创新使我国要人警卫工作机制更加完善。  相似文献   

中央八项规定的出台给警卫工作带来了前所未有的挑战,即:减少“硬性”控制措施,能否经得起严峻安全形势的考验,确保警卫安全;接受公众和舆论的监督,能否提交合格“答卷”,展示警卫部队的良好形象。同时,中央八项规定也为推动警卫工作模式创新、警卫战斗力建设、警卫工作立法、警卫工作理念和作风转变提供了难得的机遇。  相似文献   

道路交通安全是整个警卫工作的重要组成部分。从我省多年来的警卫工作实践看,每次警卫任务中,警卫对象几乎都要乘坐汽车进行视察、参访等活动。因此,公路路线警卫工作在整个安全警卫工作中占有较大比重,公安警卫部门在道路交通安全上所投入的警力和精力  相似文献   

黑社会性质犯罪是目前我国最危险的一种犯罪方式,对我国社会稳定和公众安全构成极大威胁,给警卫工作埋下严重隐患,亟待引起各级公安警卫部门的高度重视.探讨黑社会性质犯罪对警卫工作的影响及其防范措施.  相似文献   

如果说警卫是一种社会事物,那么警卫勤务就是这种事物的具体形态,又是实现这种事物的措施和手段。因此,警卫勤务是警卫部队为保卫警卫对象、警卫目标、重要会议和重大活动的安全而采取的一系列措施的实施过程,是对警卫部队担负的安全警卫工作的各种业务工作的统称。其业务工作包括:随身警卫工作、住地警卫工作、路线警卫工作、现场警卫工作和处置突发事件的工作。警卫业务工作既有服务性和保障性,又具有专门知识性。因此,警卫勤务是警卫部队实施安全警卫的一项专门业务。 勤务,在广义上是指事务性工作.亦指公安分派的一些事务工作…  相似文献   

德国要人防护局招募警卫人员的理念是“把一名警察变为一名警卫”,而且要求应招者必须经过三到五年的警察培训,并且具备射击、法律、搏击等方面的基础。中国警卫人员招募途径多元,强调严把“入口关”。德国警卫部门在教育训练方面强调“完全贴近实战”。中国警卫部门则采取多种教育训练模式,强调“战训合一”。通过比较研究发现,德国警卫部门在人员招募与教育训练方面有很多先进的理念和做法值得中国警卫部门学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

关于公安执法理念的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公安机关领导和民警的执法理念 ,直接影响和决定了公安队伍执法工作和队伍建设。在剖析执法理念含义的基础上 ,客观分析了执法实践中存在的理念偏差和不足 ,并结合“三个代表”重要思想的学习贯彻 ,阐述了现代执法理念应包含的内容  相似文献   

Much is made in the security sector reform literature of the role of civil society as an overseer and monitor of the security sector, contributing to improved accountability and governance. This paper looks at how the notion of ‘civil society capacity’ needs to be disaggregated in order to develop meaningful strategies to assist civil society organisations to impact security sector reforms in complex, post-conflict contexts like the Democratic Republic of Congo. It draws on fieldwork conducted with 200 Congolese civil society groups that are attempting to engage in current security sector reform processes, and looks at which capacities are required to improve oversight by civil society groups.  相似文献   

陈娟  马涛  王勇 《火力与指挥控制》2012,37(3):177-179,183
无线网络的飞速发展使得网络安全的量化评估日益重要。结合网络安全属性和攻击属性两方面建立了无线网络安全评估指标体系,在此基础上,提出了基于灰色模糊的安全评估模型,并给出了量化评估的方法和步骤。最后通过实例进行了验证。  相似文献   

The rise of private military and security companies (PMSCs) challenges our notion of military professionals. PMSCs bring new claims to professional status and legitimacy outside military institutions and represent an increasing diffusion of - and competition over - military and security expertise. In light of this development, understanding the formation of professional identities in military and private security organisations is as an important undertaking. This paper contributes to this endeavour by analysing professional self-images in the Swedish Armed Forces and how these relate to PMSCs. The study is based on data collected from official documents, semi-structured interviews and a small-scale survey among senior military officers. Focusing on military understandings of PMSCs and contractors, the analysis provides much-needed insight into relational aspects of professional identity formation outside the US context. Furthermore, it points to discrepancies in organisational and group levels in understandings of commercial security actors, and paves the way for future research.  相似文献   

This article begins with a discussion of sovereignty and goes on to discuss the idea of national security threats with reference to two different levels of analysis. First, the traditional-legal versus a more realistic contemporary level of analysis. Second, the operational, strategic, and political levels of analysis. The traditional concept tends to focus attention on the tactical-operational levels of activity, and the more contemporary notion broadens analysis to more strategic-political concerns. The article concludes with the argument that a broadened concept of threat to national security and sovereignty is meaningful and important. This is particularly important for those governments in the Western Hemisphere – and elsewhere – that do not discern any serious security issues, or proverbial clouds, on their peaceful horizons. Ample evidence indicates that non-traditional security problems can lead nation-states to failing or failed state status. That is to say, as examples, dysfunctional states, criminal states, narco-states, rogue states, and new ‘people's democracies'.  相似文献   

当前,公安现役部队专业技术干部人才队伍竞争激励机制建设还存在评审机制需要完善、奖惩机制不健全、制度建设针对性不强等突出问题,所以,必须创新管理理念,建立和完善专业技术干部人才队伍建设机制。重点是完善专业技术干部人才队伍选拔使用机制,建立具有公安现役部队特色的专业技术干部评价机制,构建公安现役部队专业技术干部成长的长效激励机制。  相似文献   

Political violence, at times perceived as terrorism, remains a major security challenge in Swaziland. The common view is that this violence is perpetrated by those who feel marginalised from the political process. Central to the hypothesis advanced in this paper is that any effective solution to the menace of political violence and the security challenges it poses begins with an awareness of the symbiotic relation between security, human rights and democracy. It has been empirically proven that abuse of human rights can lead to violence, which negates peace and security in any society. In terms of content the paper looks at the shape of political violence in Swaziland. Next, it discusses the strategies and ideas behind efforts by the Swazi state to combat political violence and the counter-arguments. The final section shows the inextricable link between security, human rights and democracy; and argues that recognising this linkage can provide the key to unlocking the security puzzle in Swaziland.  相似文献   

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