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任何动词都不足于完整表达2006年中国军营的姿态与表情.我们只能试着从情绪的角度,简单地扫描中国军营普通军人表象的一些姿态与表情.它们,也许能折射出2006年中国军营年轮的些许印迹.  相似文献   

“三十六计”中的“瞒天过海”,原文为“备周则意怠,常见则不疑.阴在阳之内,不在阳之对.太阳,太阴”.其意思是:自认为防备十分周到的,就容易松懈斗志,麻痹轻敌;平时看惯了的现象,就不再怀疑它了.秘计隐藏在公开的表象里,而不是与公开的形式相排斥.表面看来非常公开的事物,往往蕴含着非常神秘的玄机.  相似文献   

文章分析了武器装备采购中存在的环境不确定因素风险、信息风险、道德风险的成因、表象及影响,并提出了防范风险的措施。  相似文献   

团队建设发展处于平台期具有阶段性共同特征,分析找准这些表象背后的因素,积极采取对策办法,使团队走出平台期、进入上升状态,必须把核心军事能力建设突出出来,发挥好党委班子的领导核心作用,珍视和宣扬自身特有的精神,夯实上台阶的基础,实现上升、平台,再上升、再平台的台阶式发展.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,受社会各种思潮、意识形态、价值观以及各种社会心理的影响,军官的思想相应地发生了巨大的变化,在角色认知上,表现出了多样式的认知心理,有主动认知、被动认知和模糊认知三种表象。通过对军官角色认知三种表象的分析,让军官从自身所扮演的角色上把握自己的时空位置,批准自己当前所处的角色坐标,从而强化军官角色认知意识,充分认知军官角色的特殊性,使军官更好地把个人价值与社会价值辩证地统一起来。  相似文献   

<正>给李光武写评论是一件极为痛苦的事情.尽管我早就打算给光武写一篇象样的,由诗及人,由表象深入其骨髓的全面而深邃的评论,尽管这打算已经很久很久了,可一直不知瞎忙些什么,总是难以静下心来,一直没有认真地去了解他,理解他,阅读他艰难的人生历程和诗歌创作之路.这次新疆人民广播电台邀我写一纸评  相似文献   

在解放战争研究领域内,关于渡江战役的阶段归属问题曾经产生过十分激烈的争论,时至今日,仍然存在两种完全无法兼容的观点.一种观点认为“渡江战役是具有战略决战性质的一次大的战役”,另一种观点则认为“渡江战役是解放战争期间我军转入战略追击的第一个大战役.”之所以会出现这种情况,是因为渡江战役的许多表面现象极具迷惑性,误导了部分同志.如果能够透过表象把握历史的本质,自然就能够对渡江战役的阶段归属问题有一个清晰的认识.  相似文献   

从外围场所、人为破坏痕迹、血迹、指纹、尸体等五方面阐述了亡人火灾现场的勘验,着重对尸体的表象特征进行归纳总结,强调了尸体勘验在亡人火灾现场勘验中的重要作用。  相似文献   

五十年不遇的特大雨雪冰冻气候,带给中国南方的是一场罕见的灾害。作为个体的老百姓,这场灾难带给他们的,不仅仅是一般的缺水少电之类的表象生活不便。道路堵塞.电力中断,机场封闭,这样的抽象当具体分担到每一个当事的老百姓的家庭或个人身上的时候,难以承受的生活干扰甚至是生命打击是我们不  相似文献   

论美国卷入朝鲜战争的根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1950年 6月 25日朝鲜内战爆发。这一天,在朝鲜是星期日,在美国是星期六,美国总统杜鲁门正在他的故乡密苏里州独立城与家人共度周末,国务卿艾奇逊也在同一天飞回老家马里兰州哈伍德农场小憩。自认为“生性不善于突然地或轻易地作出决定”的杜鲁门等不及向国会打招呼,于 6月 26日(美国时间)晚果断命令麦克阿瑟以海、空军部队增援李承晚,美国由此卷入长达三年之久的朝鲜战争而不能自拔。杜鲁门政府如此匆忙地把美国带入一场大规模战争在美国历史上是极其罕见的,但匆忙决策只是一种表象,追根溯源就不难发现掩藏在表象下面的深层动因。…  相似文献   

This article details the history and philosophy behind major changes in police tradition and organisation in Nigeria in 1955. Women in the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), influenced by their background as enforcers of societal norms, developed a type of social-work-oriented policing. Using primary and secondary sources of historical information, this article discusses the origin of women in the NPF, the specialised role of women in police work, and the changes that have been effected in the roles and functions of women in policing in Nigeria. Situated within the conceptual frameworks of patriarchy and gender, this article argues that gender biases impeded the incorporation of women into the police and, when eventually introduced, gender limitations constrained their roles, operations and activities.  相似文献   

汉维语数字作为各自语言文字的一部分,其主要功能是计数,表实指,是数概念在语言系统中的反映。但在文学作品和日常生活中,由于汉、维两种语言表达习惯上的差异很大,各有其独特的称数方式,而且使用方法也各不相同,因此给人们的理解和使用带来一定的困难,本文主要从汉、维语数词方面的差别入手,对汉、维语数词进行对比性探讨,并对汉、维语数词的差别做了归纳。  相似文献   

Based on a literature review, this article examines the dynamics in pastoral systems, natural resource conservation and conflict in the drylands of East Africa. It argues that, in the context of East Africa, pastoralism and biodiversity conservation in general are distinct forms of land use that are complementary rather than competitive. The present state of natural resource degradation in the drylands is explained in terms of factors related to ecological and demographic pressures, land use conflicts and inefficient land administration policies. When the customary pastoral institutions of land administration and resource management are threatened, the problem of degradation is further exacerbated and violent conflicts occur among multiple resource users, including pastoralists, farmers and the state. The article recommends the revitalisation, empowerment and recognition of pastoral institutions in a way that ensures effective synergy between the formal and customary structures of resource governance.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the inconsistent and wavering Soviet attitude towards national liberation movements in general and the Palestinian organizations in particular. Until the late 1960s, the Soviets viewed these organizations with suspicion, hesitating to engage in political dialogue with them. However, in the 1970s, political and military events in the region, as well as modifications in the Kremlin's Cold War strategies, led to a general shift towards the Middle East in Soviet foreign policy. Soviet leaders showed increased willingness to provide certain Palestinian organizations with arms with which to conduct terrorist activities against Israeli, pro-Israeli, Jewish and Western targets. The article explores the complex relations between Palestinian organizations and the USSR in the field of international terror. The study also exposes and analyzes the nature and content of Soviet–Palestinian arms dialogues and transactions. It provides clear evidence that Soviet policymakers and other luminaries were fully informed of, and sometimes directly involved in, these transactions and dialogues at the highest levels.  相似文献   

新疆兵团(以下简称"兵团")体育文化的形成植根于军队,发展于屯垦戍边事业,在我国民族体育文化中具有独树一帜的特征和价值;在60年的发展历程中,一直以兵团精神为精神支柱和发展动力,为促进兵团社会政治、经济、文化等事业发展,维护新疆社会稳定发挥了重要作用。近年来,兵团体育文化与城市化快速发展不相适应,仍然保留着"单位体制"、"行政运行"的局面,严重阻碍了兵团体育文化多元化、特色化、社会化的发展,因此,在兵团城市化背景下,体育文化体制、体育物质文化和体育文化内容必须走创新之路,才有发展的生机和活力。  相似文献   

The use of children in armed conflict has become a symbol of the apparent brutality of warfare in Africa. They have become a powerful tool for child rights advocates, who lobby for the protection of children through the provision of essential services such as health care, education and social services. But taking children and youth out of the broader security debate has turned the issue into a ‘soft’ humanitarian concern that rarely enters into discussions on African politics, militaries and economies. The danger in this lies in the fact that Africa is, demographically speaking, an extraordinarily young continent. The marginalisation of youth from the security debate is paralleled by their absence from political and economic agendas. In war-affected nations in particular, the priority of social sectors plummets while governments attend to the business of the war economy, leaving health and education in the hands of humanitarian agencies. At the same time, children and youth, being the majority, represent manpower for both governments and armed forces. Thousands of children involved in combat in Africa are in fact a symptom of instability deeply exaggerated by demographics.  相似文献   

Making extensive use of primary archival documents, this article seeks to explore whether airpower in three of Britain's most significant post-war colonial counterinsurgency campaigns, Malaya, Kenya and South Arabia, was an unnecessary part of British strategy, offering little useful military force due to the futility and strategic damage rendered by offensive bombardment, or whether airpower was indeed an unsung factor that provided operational flexibility through its effectiveness in a supply context, as well as its intelligence role in providing valuable aerial reconnaissance. In all three case studies the role played by the RAF in medical evacuations, in troop drops, in crop spraying during food-denial initiatives, and in providing ‘Voice Aircraft’ for the propaganda campaign, provide insights into an under-explored component of Britain's politico-military efforts in counterinsurgency in the 1950s and 1960s and suggests that the main strategic value of airpower in counterinsurgency, then and now, lies in its non-kinetic functions.  相似文献   

Although the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is seen as a novel manifestation of Islamic extremism, it is in fact the latest, albeit perhaps the most effective, of a long line of revivalist movements in the Islamic and the Arab worlds. Its motivations – hisba and jihad – differ little from its predecessors and its ambitions – to create a state organised in accordance with the precepts of the Islamic caliphate – reflect a long-standing Islamic ambition. It differs, of course, in terms of the sophistication of its political and military strategies, which mirror the contemporary complexities of the world in which it operates, but its objectives recall long-standing Islamic ideals, even if articulated in radically brutal and extremist ways. More importantly, perhaps, ISIS or Da’ish, to give it its Arabic sobriquet, reflects the enormous degree of resentment inside the Middle East at the ways in which Western powers have intervened in regional affairs over recent years, particularly their support for regimes and economic systems there that have betrayed, in the popular imaginary, the essential principles of social justice that lie at the root of Islamic vision of ideal social order. Indeed, in many respects, its analysis of the world in which it operates and of the objectives it seeks differ little in essence from those any other resistance and rejectionist movement, whether religious or sectarian. More specifically, it has been the sectarian conflict that resulted from the reversal of political order in Iraq as a result of the 2003 American-led invasion that has driven the success of the movement in capturing widespread Sunni support. Whether it can manage the complexities of the administration of a state remains open to question.  相似文献   

首先阐述和分析了赛博空间和电子战的概念和特点,给出了电子战在赛博空间中的定位。然后探讨了电子战在赛博空间中的应用,给出了电子战在赛博空间中可能应用的几大方面。最后总结了赛博空间电子战面临的关键技术与挑战。  相似文献   

Countries in transition often experience increased levels of crime, making their citizens vulnerable to the exploits of criminals. The lack of reliable statistics hampers the development of sound crime reduction strategies. This essay considers the value of victim surveys as additional sources of information to augment official police data. It presents the findings of such a survey undertaken in Dar es Salaam and compares them with findings obtained in similar surveys of Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The information obtained in the survey conducted in Dar es Salaam provides valuable insights into crime rates and patterns. In comparing the results of the survey in Dar es Salaam, some interesting trends emerged around the theft of vehicle parts and vehicle theft, violent crimes, the levels of violence employed in burglaries and the use of weapons. The information gleaned from these surveys will go far in developing crime reduction strategies and measures that will be effective and appropriately targeted.  相似文献   

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