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为研究Bang-Bang控制式鸭舵对旋转导弹气动特性的影响,在CFD软件中采用嵌套网格方法模拟导弹的旋转和鸭舵的偏转,对Bang-Bang控制式旋转导弹在不同攻角、马赫数和转速下的气动特性进行了数值模拟,得到了气动特性变化规律。研究表明,因鸭舵洗流方向的改变,耦合导弹自旋会导致弹体和尾翼的侧向力发生突变。通过与不控鸭舵的旋转导弹进行对比,采用Bang-Bang控制式鸭舵的旋转导弹的周期平均侧向力系数变小,周期平均法向力系数变大。由于侧向力的存在,导弹在一个周期内的合力会偏离竖直方向,合力偏离竖直方向的角度随着马赫数、自旋速率和攻角的增大而减小。  相似文献   

针对电磁发射弹丸飞行弹道进行仿真研究,在建立刚体六自由度飞行弹道模型的基础上,采用时频分析和涡流分析方法,建立电磁-动力学耦合模型分析弹丸出膛时由于膛内振动带来的炮口扰动,采用动网格技术建立电磁-气动耦合模型分析弹托分离产生的气动扰动,从而得到了电磁发射弹丸的飞行弹道模型。以得克萨斯大学先进技术研究所设计的IAT-HVP为例,仿真分析了弹丸以1117 m/s初速、0°射角出膛时弹丸出口扰动对弹体速度和气动特性的影响,并得到其飞行200 m的弹道曲线。仿真结果表明,受电磁发射一体化弹丸出口扰动的影响,弹体落点相比理想弹道产生了24%的偏差,其中炮口扰动引起的偏差最大,其次是弹托分离。  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified analytical model to evaluate the trajectories of various lift separation sabot configurations. The aerodynamic forces acting on the sabot surfaces during a supersonic flight are modeled in the present analytical model by incorporating the pressures on the windward side of the sabot due to the detached/attached shock and its reflections and then integrated using the 3-DoF dynamical equations. The trajectory and the aerodynamic coefficients were obtained for these config-urations at a projectile Mach number of 3. The sabot configurations, which include two new designs, are compared with each other and with the conventional free flight trajectory data of the conventional sabots. The mechanical interaction between the sabot and projectile is also addressed in the present work. The comparison shows that the new designs with the aerodynamic surfaces close to the center of gravity, lift-off from the projectile with minimal mechanical interaction compared to a conventional sabot.  相似文献   

一维弹道修正弹是近年来兵器领域新研制的一种低成本信息化弹药,目前对其校射方法尚未有成熟的标准。为此,在分析一维弹道修正弹对岸射击工作原理、计算有无控弹试射的基础上,提出舰炮武器系统使用有控一维弹道修正弹的校射新方法,并确定了校射的组数和发数。分别对使用新方法前后的射击效能进行了数值仿真,结果表明本方法能极大地提高舰炮武器系统的射击效能。所提方法对舰炮武器作战效能的提高具有较强的理论价值和一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Φ200高超声速风洞调试和流场校测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了新近建成的马赫数为2.5~7.0的Φ200mm 高超声速风洞(Φ200 Hypersonic Wind Tunnel,HWT-200)调试情况及空风洞流场校测结果.调试校测结果表明,风洞的总温、总压、运行时间等参数完全达到了设计要求,顺利实现了宽马赫数范围下的超声速/高超声速运行;本风洞有较大的实验段流场均匀区,各流场的马赫数均方根偏差全部达到GJB(1179-91)的合格指标,一部分达到了先进指标.风洞运行时间不少于20s,是一座参数范围较宽、运行成本较低、维护方便、可用于空气动力学教学试验和基础性科学研究的设备.  相似文献   

根据滑翔增程炮弹的空气动力特性和飞行弹道特性,通过对滑翔弹道的理论分析,采用控制鸭舵技术,实现炮弹的增程。经过仿真优化可以得到最佳初始射角、助推发动机的最佳点火时间及作用时间、鸭舵的最佳展开时间以及控制系统进行飞行姿态控制所需的最佳摆动角曲线,理想情况下最优滑翔控制模型可使射程达到不进行滑翔控制时射程的1.5-2倍,所得结果对滑翔弹丸的气动力设计及控制系统设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

利用乘波构形具有升阻比大的特点,将其作为滑翔跳跃式跨大气层飞行器的基准外形进行研究,提出了乘波构形的设计方法,详细分析了各设计参数对乘波构形的影响,研究了不同马赫数、不同优化目标下得到的乘波体的性能,得到了升阻比大、容积效率高的跨大气层飞行器气动布局,所得结论对跨大气层飞行器气动布局和乘波体外形的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Based on fuzzy adaptive and dynamic surface (FADS), an integrated guidance and control (IGC) approach was proposed for large caliber naval gun guided projectile, which was robust to target maneuver, canard dynamic characteristics, and multiple constraints, such as impact angle, limited measurement of line of sight (LOS) angle rate and nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. Initially, a strict feedback cascade model of IGC in longitudinal plane was established, and extended state observer (ESO) was designed to estimate LOS angle rate and uncertain disturbances with unknown boundary inside and outside of system, including aerodynamic parameters perturbation, target maneuver and model errors. Secondly, aiming at zeroing LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate in finite time, a nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) was designed with adaptive exponential reaching law. Furthermore, combining with dynamic surface, which prevented the complex differential of virtual control laws, the fuzzy adaptive systems were designed to approximate observation errors of uncertain disturbances and to reduce chatter of control law. Finally, the adaptive Nussbaum gain function was introduced to compensate nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. The LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate were convergent in finite time and whole system states were uniform ultimately bounded, rigorously proven by Lyapunov stability theory. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) and digital simulation experiments both showed FADS provided guided projectile with good guidance performance while striking targets with different maneuvering forms.  相似文献   

高超声速变形飞行器翼面变形模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为提高高超声速翼身组合式飞行器的射程,研究了采用不同翼面变形模式时,飞行器在马赫数3~8内的气动特性和翼面效率。针对典型的轴对称翼身组合式外形,采用Navier-Stokes方程进行数值模拟,对伸缩、变后掠和二维折叠三种变形模式下的外形在超声速及高超声速来流条件下进行模拟,并对升阻比、翼面单位面积升阻比和操稳特性进行分析。结果表明:在超声速及高超声速范围内,变后掠变形模式在宽速域内升阻比提高明显,同时具备优良的翼面效率及操稳特性,其在马赫数3~8范围内具有最优的综合性能。研究成果能对高超声速翼身组合式变形飞行器布局设计提供参考,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An increase in the use of the gun barrel will cause wear of the inner wall, which reduces the muzzle velocity and the spin rate of the projectile. The off-bore flight attitude and trajectory of the projectile also change, affecting the shooting power and the accuracy. Exterior ballistic data of a high-speed spinning projectile are required to study the performance change. Therefore, based on the barrel's accelerated life test, the whole process of projectile shooting is reproduced using numerical simulation technology, and key information on the ballistic performance change at each shooting stage are acquired. Studies have shown that in the later stages of barrel shooting, the accuracy of shooting has not decreased significantly. However, it is found that the angle of attack of the projectile increases as the wear of the barrel increases. The maximum angle of attack reaches 0.106 rad when the number of shots reaches 4300. Meanwhile, elliptical bullet hole has appeared on the target at this shooting stage. Through combining external ballistic theory with simulation results, the primary reason of this phenomenon is found to be a significant decrease in the muzzle spin rate of the projectile. At the end of the barrel life, the projectile muzzle spin rate is 57.5% lower than that of a barrel without wear.  相似文献   

为准确预测火炮身管寿命终止时火炮射弹数,根据射击过程中火炮身管磨损量与身管寿命特性,分析了身管膛线起始部磨损量与身管射弹数之间的关系,提出了支持向量回归机算法,并采用遗传算法进行模型优化改进,得到火炮身管寿命预测最优模型。结合两种类型火炮的身管数据,利用该模型对身管寿命进行预测,并与原始支持向量回归机进行对比,通过分析可知改进的支持向量回归机预测效果好、精度高,为火炮在实际应用中身管的寿命预测提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

和传统火药发射弹丸相比,电磁发射弹丸具有初速高、射程远等优势,但尾部的电枢臂槽会使弹丸部流场不再轴对称,产生独特的气动力特性。基于三维非定常Navier-Stokers方程,采用滑移网格技术,分析电磁发射弹丸的气动力特性。研究表明,对于高速旋转的电磁发射弹丸,马格努斯效应来源于激波层内流场畸变和电枢臂的迎风面积变化的共同作用;电枢臂迎风面积的周期性变化是导致气动力和力矩周期性变化的原因,马格努斯力矩在滚转角45°和135°时分别达到最小值和最大值;电枢臂槽的存在既加剧了马格努斯效应(135°时增加50%以上),又使得压心周期性前移(绝对前移量达5%),并且随着转速的增加,马格努斯力矩增加和压心前移效果越来越显著,不利于弹丸的动稳定。  相似文献   

空域窗射击方式是近程防御舰炮武器提高对高速复杂机动反舰导弹射击效力的有效途径,研究论证舰炮射击区域内射弹分布方法是实现舰炮空域窗射击的关键。运用射击效力分析方法,从“软”、“硬”两个途径,研究了射击诸元分布法和炮管预置角法两种空域窗射击火力分布方法,对其火力分布方式、范围及火力密度进行了研究,可为舰炮研制及使用提供参考。  相似文献   

火炮身管寿命分析与计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了射击时弹丸挤进过程 ,建立了弹丸初速下降量与炮膛内膛磨损量计算模型 ,并以某火炮为实例计算了该炮弹丸初速下降量与炮膛内膛磨损量之间变化关系 ,分析了弹道峰现象 ,为身管寿命预测提供理论依据  相似文献   

非线性气动力对弹箭运动特性具有重要影响,而其复杂性和有效分析工具的缺乏往往制约了弹箭非线性运动理论的发展.为探索正规形方法在弹箭非线性运动分析中的应用,构造了考虑二次非线性阻尼和七次非线性静力矩下攻角方程的正规形,进而求得攻角的通用解析解,通过数值积分验证了其在较大攻角范围内的有效性,该解析解也同样适用于无阻尼角运动和...  相似文献   

研究了轨道-线圈复合型电磁炮的驱动力、轨道-线圈交叉作用及其对系统性能的影响,提出了改进型的四轨复合炮.理论分析与数值计算表明:在普通的双轨复合炮中,交叉作用会使弹丸与炮管间存在较大的横向压力,导致弹丸运动不稳定及产生摩擦阻力,而四轨复合炮基本消除了交叉作用的不利影响,系统性能显著优于双轨复合炮.  相似文献   

针对某型105 mm钨合金超速脱壳穿甲弹在射击试验时出现的弹体强度失效现象,使用有限元分析软件对其强度进行了分析计算。计算分两种工况:正常状态下的弹体应力应变分布和磨损身管条件下的弹体应力应变分布。根据计算结果,证实了弹体强度失效是由于火炮身管过度磨损的原因所致。  相似文献   

大气层高层作战的动能拦截器多采用侧窗探测的结构布局,侧窗定向方位对其拦截效果有重要的影响,但定向方位的选择却受诸多因素制约.在一定理想化假设的基础上,研究了末段交战过程中视线转率的变化规律,从理论上分析了由侧窗定向产生的攻角对拦截结果的影响,得到了只考虑气动力影响下的最佳定向方位;然后综合考虑气动力、轨控系统、姿控系统的影响,给出了不同作战高度下侧窗定向方位的选择方法.数字仿真结果表明,此种方法能够满足侧窗探测的要求,且在大多数情况下只需一次定向即可完成拦截.  相似文献   

Machine gun barrels differ from their rifle counterparts in terms of profile. To support high rates of sustained fire, machine gun barrels are made thicker in order to dissipate more heat and maintain their flexural rigidity and thus accuracy, but on other hand they also contribute in weight addition to weapon. This investigation deals with comparison between a conventional machine gun barrel and an improved innovative design having T-fins, both having same weight and chambered in 5.56 × 45 NATO ammunition, to compare their structural and harmonic characteristics which were parameterized by factors such as modal spectrum, directional deformation at muzzle ends during a single shot fire and harmonic behaviour at corresponding range of exciting frequencies. The solid models of both the barrels having same weight, were created using Solidworks. The continuous input data functions were generated by MATLAB using the field tested discreet data points. The generated velocity-distance functions were converted into time dependent functions using integration algorithms to calculate transient parameters such as time steps, excitation frequency range, angle of rotation of projectile and its angular velocity. The dynamic condition simulated the varying nature of forces due to eccentricity in projectile and this data was fed to a time step study using ANSYS transient structural work bench followed by modal and harmonic analysis. The results showed a significant reduction in muzzle end deformation which thus proved that the T-finned barrel, although had same weight as that of the conventional one, but had better structural and harmonic characteristics, and hence it would inherit better firing accuracy.  相似文献   

针对国外基于GPS定位系统的弹道修正弹及相关火控技术的发展情况,分析和研究了弹道修正弹的控制特点和火控原理,提出了在基于卫星定位的弹道修正弹中应用舰炮火控成熟技术,完成弹道参数计算、弹道外推预测和弹道修正控制等功能的设想,可为舰炮火控技术在基于卫星定位的弹道修正弹中的应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

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