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海上编队协同作战中的冲突消解顺序问题能影响编队作战效能。为了确定冲突消解的顺序问题,采用基于综合集成权重的竞赛图方法来表示多种冲突的有序关系,定量化给出了各冲突严重程度的排序结论,不仅为指挥员的决策提供了依据,而且提出了一种有序替代具体数值的定量化分析方法。结果证明,该方法简单、有效。  相似文献   
基于排队论的维修资源需求分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以装备维修过程为基础,应用排队论分析维修过程中各维修活动的基本关系,考虑多维修活动对维修资源需求的冲突问题,建立了维修过程的排队模型。以损伤装备平均修复时间不大于给定值为约束条件,以投入的维修资源总成本最少为目标,求解出维修资源需求。  相似文献   
语言是交流的工具,也是文化的载体。在"中华民族多元一体"视域下,各民族文化具有平等性,不同民族文化也各有其优秀成分。民族间文化沟通才是民族间深层沟通,对于民族间文化冲突的防患、民族文化整合及民族关系维系意义重大。新疆少数民族双语教育只有实现各民族文化中优秀成分的集聚,从而提升到中华民族文化认同高度才能减少民族文化冲突,促进民族文化整合,进而推动双语教育的发展。本文探讨了新疆双语教育中的民族文化冲突与整合,同时提出了民族文化整合观下新疆双语教育实施的阶段性文化目标以及双语教育实施的一些建设性思考。  相似文献   
分析了装备一体化设计过程中维修性约束及维修性冲突的特点。在此基础上,结合并行设计、协同设计领域内的相关研究,提出了基于约束和实例的维修性冲突解决方法,该方法发扬了约束法和实例法解决冲突的优势,弥补了单一解决方案存在的不足。最后以某型飞机电动机设计为例对该方法进行了说明。  相似文献   
并行产品开发模式下,由于设计者知识的局限性、系统资源的有限性等多种因素的限制,冲突的产生是不可避免的。为减少冲突,提高产品开发效率,文章以坦克火控系统的研制为背景,用面向对象的程序设计语言Visual Basic 6.0编写源程序,通过VB6.0附带的工具程序“可视化数据管理器”建立数据库,开发了一种并行工程冲突管理原型系统。该系统界面友好,功能强大,不仅有效地检测和解决了产品开发、过程中可能出现的冲突,而且它对面向数据库的数据处理系统的开发,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
We examine how armed conflict effects financial development in a cross-country setting using dynamic panel data analysis in a panel of 66 developing countries for the period 1985–2010. Financial development is measured by M2 as a share of GDP, and credit allocated to private sector by banks as a share of GDP. Our findings suggest that armed conflict has a significant adverse effect on financial development. Simultaneously, the quality of governance is always highly significant and conducive to the financial development. The quality of governance is more salient in determining financial development compared to low- and medium-intensity armed conflict; however, the quality of governance cannot entirely offset the adverse impact of high-intensity armed conflict on financial development.  相似文献   
This article examines the role of the Macedonian Question in the 1944 December Uprising (Dekemvriana) in Greece. While the Dekemvriana is commonly portrayed in right–left terminology in the historiography, this article argues that part of the reason for the left’s failure was their inability to manage the Macedonian ethnic component of the struggle, either within their armed forces or in their relationship with Yugoslavia. As such, this article integrates the early phases of the Greek Civil War into the broader literature on minorities in civil conflict, while simultaneously exposing some of the myths about Macedonian involvement that result from its contemporary political ramifications.  相似文献   
基于遗传算法的协同多目标攻击空战决策方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
多机协同多目标攻击是未来空对空作战的一种重要形式。首先建立了多机协同空战的自主优势矩阵 ,并依据多人冲突决策理论构造了空战的总体优化指标向量 ,然后针对其他优化算法的不足 ,提出用遗传算法优化该指标向量 ,实现多机协同多目标攻击空战决策 ,最后对 2∶ 2空战进行了仿真。仿真结果证明了上述思想的正确性。  相似文献   
为了更好地量化表达水面舰艇所具备的防空作战能力,提出了一种基于元活动的能力需求生成方法。建立了能力需求生成框架,在此框架下进行元活动库的提取,能力指标的分解,元活动-能力指标映射规则的分析得到中近程拦截能力的能力指标并进行了冲突消解,验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Judging by recent media reporting and pronouncements by senior US military and security officials, the use of drones by militant groups is both reshaping conflict between armed non-state actors and state parties and now presents a grave and direct threat to nations in the West and elsewhere. But does this threat warrant the attention it is currently receiving? To answer this question, this article surveys how various militant groups have used drones both tactically on the battlefield and for wider strategic purposes. Closely examining how drones have been employed and by whom provides a basis for understanding variation in adoption. The article shows how drone usage or non-usage is highly contingent on the setting of the conflict, the aims of different groups, and the capacity of groups to adopt the technology. Though advances in drone technology could make the use-case more appealing for militant groups, drones will be subject to the same back-and-forth, techno-tactical adaptation dynamic between adversaries that have accompanied prior military innovations.  相似文献   
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