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教师的成长关系着学生的成长、学校的成长。本文从教师专业成长的实践探索出发,从学生视角对教师角色进行再确认,从个体视角提出"做最好的自己"的专业成长目标,深入阐述了教师管理理念、打造教师成长空间及实现教师成长的途径。  相似文献   
着眼传统教育与思想品德修养的内在联系,从传统教育要增强激励效果,强化学员思想品德修养动力,传统教育要打牢理论根基,强化学员思想品德修养基础,传统教育要借助行为养成,强化学员思想品德修养效果三个方面,探讨了加强学员思想品德修养的实现途径。  相似文献   
职业教育集团化办学是四川省职业教育从粗放型规模发展向集约型内涵发展的有效形式。文章通过分析四川省职业教育集团化办学的背景,在对职业教育集团的现状进行梳理的基础上,提出四川加快职业教育集团化办学的发展态势,包括创建省级行业职业教育集团,完善职教集团利益链、产业链、教学链"三链融合"的运营模式,加大对区域职业教育集团化办学的制度创新力度,加大宣传力度,提高职业教团的社会认可度,积极探索职业教育集团化办学的四川模式。  相似文献   
合理的双语教师评价对于学校科学管理双语教师队伍,提升教师自身专业素养并最终提高双语教学质量具有重要价值和意义。新疆现有中小学双语教师评价内容存在思想偏差、依据不足、维度缺失、标准笼统等问题。本文以教师专业发展评价理论为基础,遵循整体性、适切性、公平性、开放性的评价原则,从双语教师专业理念、专业知识和专业能力三个维度出发,对新疆中小学双语教师评价的内容进行尝试构建。  相似文献   
分析国际与国内消防技术装备的发展历程,从中寻找规律性的内涵;展望我国消防技术装备发展的趋势,指导消防装备建设规划.  相似文献   
深入学习贯彻习主席视察武警部队时的重要指示,加快推进武警院校转型发展,培养高素质新型军事人才,必须提高党委把关定向能力,确保院校转型发展的正确方向;必须提高抓人才队伍建设能力,为转型发展提供强有力的人才支撑;必须提高创新发展解决难题的能力,营造转型发展的良好环境。  相似文献   
This paper models the determination of the defence industrial base – the number of different military systems a country decides to maintain. High R&D costs means that few countries can afford to produce major weapons systems and the producers also import systems. Non‐producers rely on imports and we assume their demand is driven by regional arms races. Military capability is determined by the number of systems and the quantity and quality of each. We examine how the defence industrial base is influenced by military expenditures, R&D costs, export controls, the nature of regional arms races and a variety of other factors.  相似文献   

This study seeks to estimate the causal effects of PKK separatist terrorism on economic development in Turkey using the synthetic control method. By creating a synthetic control group that reproduces the Turkish Gross Domestic Product (GDP) before PKK terrorism emerged in the late 1980s, we compare the GDP of the synthetic Turkey and the actual for the period 1955–2008. Our study finds that the Turkish per capita GDP would have been higher by about $2600 had it not been exposed to terrorism. This translates into an average of 21.4% higher per capita GDP over a period of 21 years.  相似文献   
A benefit‐cost framework and the associated evidence is used to evaluate UK arms exports. Two issues are examined in detail. First, trade externalities; and second, a case study of the problems and costs of maintaining the UK submarine industrial base without exports.  相似文献   
Countries in transition often experience increased levels of crime, making their citizens vulnerable to the exploits of criminals. The lack of reliable statistics hampers the development of sound crime reduction strategies. This essay considers the value of victim surveys as additional sources of information to augment official police data. It presents the findings of such a survey undertaken in Dar es Salaam and compares them with findings obtained in similar surveys of Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The information obtained in the survey conducted in Dar es Salaam provides valuable insights into crime rates and patterns. In comparing the results of the survey in Dar es Salaam, some interesting trends emerged around the theft of vehicle parts and vehicle theft, violent crimes, the levels of violence employed in burglaries and the use of weapons. The information gleaned from these surveys will go far in developing crime reduction strategies and measures that will be effective and appropriately targeted.  相似文献   
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