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军队科研机构推进国防知识产权转化运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队科研机构作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,承担了大量科技创新任务,产生了许多具有自主知识产权的高水平科技成果,推动军队科研机构国防知识产权转化运用,是贯彻军民融合发展战略的必要途径。分析了军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的现状及制约转化的现实障碍,并结合实际探讨了推进军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的建议举措。  相似文献   
The literature on how European states have adapted to the post-cold war security environment ffocuses invariably on different understandings of military transformation, a process which is seen as inherently different from other forms of organizational change. However, as this paper argues, new management practices, going back to the introduction of so-called New Public Management (NPM) reforms throughout Europe in the 1980s, have eventually penetrated also the last bastion of the old state – the defense sector. Taking a critical approach to the idea of military transformation and existing theories of military change, the paper demonstrates how other international developments have pushed towards what may be seen as a “normalization” of Europe’s defense sectors. This has important implications for how we approach and understand change in contemporary defense organizations.  相似文献   
Since the 2003 war in Iraq, private military and security companies (PMSCs) have become increasingly legitimate actors in modern conflicts. Despite this normative shift, rumours in March 2015 regarding the use of South African mercenaries in Nigeria to combat Boko Haram insurgents caused an international outrage, while the Nigerian government remained nonchalantly silent on the matter. This article investigates the impact of mercenaries on the conflict in the last six months of the Jonathan government. Using primary and secondary qualitative research, it assesses the role that PMSCs played in Nigeria’s counterinsurgency strategy, along with the ensuing reaction of international and local media to the outsourcing of violence to foreign companies. The article concludes that – notwithstanding the improved image of PMSCs in the world, and the actual impact of the contractors on the Nigerian counterinsurgency effort – the stigma of mercenaries continues to plague the industry, particularly on the African continent.  相似文献   
军用软件测试现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我军信息化建设深入发展,军用软件的规模和数量空前增长,军用软件的质量建设成为极端重要而紧迫的任务。软件测试是保证软件质量、提高软件可靠性的重要途径和必备手段,但当前无论是在软件测试的认识层面,还是对软件测试的管理和技术支撑等方面,仍然存在着许多问题,软件测试工作形势依然严峻,急需得到改进和加强。在深入分析军用软件测试现状、存在的问题和原因的基础上,综合设计体系结构,研究提出对策措施,为整体推进软件测试工作提供了可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
装备保障能力生成与黏性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为军队战斗力的重要组成部分,动态环境下装备保障能力生成研究成为关注的焦点。针对新军事变革条件下装备保障能力生成问题,采用黏性思想,分析了新军事变革对装备保障能力生成的需求,从要素维、结构维和运行维3方面对装备保障能力生成系统黏性现状进行了剖析,并从哲学的角度对黏性成因进行了研究,最后针对黏性对未来一体化联合作战条件下装备保障能力生成的发展对策进行了探讨,为系统认识和指导装备保障能力生成实践提供思路和新视角。  相似文献   
Hybrid warfare is the latest of the terms/concepts that have been used within the defence community in the last three decades to label contemporary warfare. It has been officially adopted in the core strategic documents of NATO, EU and national governments and has already inspired many articles, policy papers and books; however, this paper is unique in the sense that it analysis the hybrid warfare concept through the lens of strategic theory. It is argued that hybrid warfare does not merit the adoption as a doctrinal concept. Strategic theory instead, which lies at the nexus of all dimensions of warfare, provides a better viewpoint to approach contemporary warfare. It concludes that efforts should be directed towards exploring warfare under the light of eternal principles instead of proving the emergence of new types of warfare.  相似文献   
动物机器人由于具有出色的隐蔽性和环境适应性,可能在未来战争或局部冲突中会扮演重要角色,成为决定战场胜负的杀手锏。针对动物机器人及其潜在的军事应用价值,本文介绍了动物机器人的原理,根据动物生存环境的差异综述了陆地动物机器人、飞行动物机器人和水下动物机器人等三种类型机器人的研究现状;在此基础上,分析了动物机器人在抵近侦察、目标引导、对象识别和直接打击等方面的潜在军事应用价值,并讨论了动物机器人走向实用过程中存在的刺激靶点、刺激方式、生物相容性、操控器件、无线通讯以及能源供给等方面存在的工程问题以及未来研究方向。动物机器人优势十分明显,但对技术的要求也非常高,目前仅仅处于起步阶段,未来的路还任重道远。  相似文献   
随着我军信息化建设的不断发展,军事计量在装备全系统、全寿命、全过程监管中发挥着越来越重要的作用。武器装备信息化程度越高,越需要严苛的计量保障体系,而计量人员是军事计量保障工作的主体,所以,加强我军军事计量人员的培训工作,具有非常重要的意义。本文通过对地方计量人员培训体系进行分析,利用军地融合方式,研究我军军事计量培训工作在新时期新阶段的发展思路。  相似文献   
俄罗斯军事教育注重培养学员的国家意识,强调教员必须具有很强的综合能力,教学方法灵活、实用,考试方法突出能力素质的考核。俄罗斯军事人才培养形成了注重实战演练、坚持岗位轮换、引进竞争机制、重视鉴定考核的良性机制,保证了人才培养的质量。武警部队初级指挥院校提高任职教育质量应借鉴俄罗斯军事人才培养方法,在培训内容、教员选拔、授课方法、考试形式等方面进行改革。  相似文献   
智能化武器装备体系是军事智能化的基础和前提。智能化武器装备体系的集约高效发展,首先需做到找准定位,精准聚焦。本文针对美军的智能化武器装备体系,梳理了其发展,总结了其在各作战领域的典型作战运用,并分析了其下一步的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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